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Perma 12x buyable off the Cartel Market


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Unfortunately I missed the event (my own fault but after not playing in roughly 2 years I didn't pay much attention to the emails as most were Cartel Market related).

Anyway, as someone with a 50 on each side (sorcerer and shadow) I really don't feel like having to level all the other classes from start to finish as I don't have a ton of time to commit.


WoW is trying to bring people back by selling max level of previous expansion, which I am not saying SWTOR should do. However, 12x boost for class story, which this game has made a point of highlighting as why it is great (and I agree) will let people like me enjoy the game for the story and not break it for others who want the grind. I would be willing to pay for a boost for my toons so I could do this.


Cartel Market is there and already sells boosts. Why not sell the 12x class story too? If you want it, buy it. If you don't, then don't buy it. Seems like a no brainer to get a lot of people playing again

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Cartel Market is there and already sells boosts. Why not sell the 12x class story too? If you want it, buy it. If you don't, then don't buy it. Seems like a no brainer to get a lot of people playing again


Id gladly trade in my stacks of 97 minor space, 86 minor social, 74 minor exploration boosts that I can't sell to a vendor for 1 12xp boost :p

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I never understand why people oppose things like this. If you don't like it, don't use it. There.


Also, the common refrain that this will result in a bunch of bad undergeared people is just nonsense. Bad players are gonna be bad players, whether it takes 1 day to level up a character or 10 days. Making it take longer to level won't make them better. And the undergeared thing is just nonsense - the difference between a standard leveled 55 and an XP-boosted leveled 55 is negligible, and any gap would be closed within a few hours of hitting 55.


Just do it already. Make it available to anyone that already has a level 55. If people want to rapidly level up a character to PvP on it, who cares? It's got nothing to do with you and no effect on you. "Dumbing down" the game is just the most ridiculous comment ever. After you've leveled up a character once or twice and seen all these quests, I don't see how your experience is bettered or enriched by doing the exact same quests over again on the next class. Some people may not mind it, and that's fine for them. But most find it tedious and boring and will lose interest and stop playing.

Edited by Mavajo
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After you've leveled up a character once or twice and seen all these quests, I don't see how your experience is bettered or enriched by doing the exact same quests over again on the next class. Some people may not mind it, and that's fine for them. But most find it tedious and boring and will lose interest and stop playing.


Players will be bad regardless of whether they level "normally" or via 12x. The problem is people using 12x EXP as a powerleveling tool, and not learning the basics of life in SWTOR before jumping into end game content. Many people are geared badly because they have no clue of how to gear properly. Because they don't understand the importance of augmenting, or lack the crafting skills to produce the gear needed at higher levels. The people that "wing it" and have no way to earn credits to feed their characters. I feel that it's vitally important that people understand the basics before hitting the level cap, which is one of the main reasons I so vehemently oppose this being a cartel market item. I want KNOWLEDGEABLE players, not morons who got to 60 without interacting with others in the game. This needs to be gated by legacy level to prevent problems, not openly sold to anyone who saved their lunch money to play Star Wars.

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I used to love leveling in MMOs but I've done it for 9 years in WoW and off and on in SWTOR for 3. I'm of the mind that I'm kind of done leveling the long way. I would love a way to buy from the cartel market the 12x XP class story boost. Leveling the long way is ruining the game for me by a lot. Every day I am so frustrated as I level up slowly. I have so many characters I want to finish, to see the story of, but because it takes SO long to do it, I'm just not going to. I have been pushing a gunslinger for a few weeks now; thankfully, I had a lvl 55 bounty hunter to do the early release with, which was insanely fun. I actually leveled that BH by utilizing the 12x XP boost. I had changed servers and didn't want to move a toon. I do have time each day to level up, but I find myself venting to my friends about how long it's taking and that i LOVE the game and the class mechanics and the look and feel of it, but I HATE the leveling process. Yes, the story quests are a PART of what makes this game so great, but at the same time, we don't need to see everything 20 times over. Once or twice is enough for me. I don't belong to any guilds so my plan was to make pretty much 1 of everything and gear them up and fill in where ppl need it. To do that, I have to level a lot. But at this point, I can't bring myself to do it. My GS is lvl 47 now, half way thru Corellia (I've been 1-2 levels behind since just before Hoth, no idea how), and I'm so close to just giving up due to the frustration.


I really think it's a great idea to make that 12x XP an unlock via the cartel market. This isn't the only forum begging for this to happen, either. I truly hope BW/EA doesn't ignore us on this because as a lot of people in several threads have stated: it is a game ruiner to have to lvl the long way, and they would rather stop playing at this point, than lvl up the long way anymore. I'm in the same spot. There's so much I want to do at lvl cap but I feel like I will never get there. I have no idea how I'm going to make up the 2 lvls I'm behind. ugh.

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I would like a purchasable 12x boost but without any restrictions as posted by the OP. The boost should only be on the story missions, as per the 3.0 prerelease. I should be able to get achivements (many start at lvl 1, i dont want to go back and grind them!), do any pvp, any ops, fps and what not.


This should be on a per-character basis, not global legacy. Additionally, it would be nice to switch it off again.

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Let me put it this way. I am 35. My time is rather limited. I have a Sorc at 60, which is and has always been my main and only toon at 55(before 3.0 hit), and which i enjoy it immensely. During the 12x, i managed to see the storyline up to 55 of a Bount Hunter, Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior and Jedi Sage. Once the 12x dropped, i simply stopped doing more storylines and or generally levelling anything except my Sorc.

As it stands i would be willing to pay for a toggle 12x mode, no strings attached. I've been reading conditions left and right in this thread, and while they're all decent as ideas, i really think it should be completely free of all condiitons. I have faith that people eventually learn how to play. If not, they simply will not go very far. For the rest of us, guild grouping is the way to maintain our sanity against pug's

Edited by DeaMX
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I would definitely like this and use it with every alt I have.

I try to skip leveling content anyway, only leveling through pvp and flashpoints then doing lower level class quests. This would make it so much more fun to level and experience different classes and storylines. I dont see the backdraws of it, only that I would miss sleeping, because I would just level all of the classes this way. Currently I cant really stand leveling, but this would change it from "necessary struggle" to "quality entertainment".

I wouldnt even mind if I had to pay a few bucks for it in the store.

Big upvote from me!

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I too would like to see a return of the 12x xp.

Possibly only if you have reached level 50 or 60 with the specific faction you want to create your new character on. Therefore you will have experienced the side missions once before and then on the next playthrough when levelling a new class you need only play the story.

I pre-ordered the expansion straight away, however I was unable to use the 12x xp to its full potential due to irl stuff getting in the way. I am not saying I am entitled to it, just that I missed it and would love the chance to finish levelling up some of my other characters without having to drag myself through the 40 - 50 stretch, as I am not an end-game person, more preferring the class stories.

Just my two cents :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't quite understand the arguments against this feature since (as the arguments go) it's not much different from the "Bonus-XP Weekends" that turns up from time to time where you can "burn through" to end-game in a day. And the suggestion of only being able to purchase the feature on a class you already finished Act 3 with fixes the issue of "entering end-game before learning the game", since you have already finished the "normal" way. It's simply a life-improvement for all us Altoholics and RP:ers out there.

And from Biowares side it's an extra source of income which if implemented correctly has negligible impact on the overall game-experience.


I'm all for this and will save my next run of the class-storys for when this is implemented (which it no doubt will be). /Signed and /DoubleSigned

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I would absolutely love this!! I am currently leveling my second smuggler and Imperial Agent. The class stories are still just as fun for me, but the planet stories no so much. It would be absolutely wonderful to have 12x, so I could enjoy my class story and ignore the planet ones.


If we can't get this from the CM, I suggest having it be part of the legacy system. Let's say, if you have already played a class to max level, 12x opens up so you can do it again.

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Well, to be perfectly honest, this would most likely be the only way I'll play the game for much longer. I didn't have too much time to play and take advantage of the pre-expansion 12x exp bonus and am still stuck with a ton of classes/stories to play. But leveling the old-fashioned way is just painful beyond belief and the few max level characters I do have are getting kinda stale from being constantly played.


The only thing I'm interested in is the story and PvP while leveling. Both of which give very little experience even with cartel market exp pots and legacy unlocks. Having already seen all the bog-standard filler quests and planet stories, it's basically one big borefest and pretty much kills any joy I have leveling characters.


If I were able to enjoy the leveling proces through story quests again, I'd have a helluva lot more fun at end-game as well, due to having more advanced classes to play. Variety is the spice of life. If not, I fear I may move onto greener pastures in the form of other games.


And don't mistake me saying I'd leave as a threat or anything, because I've thoroughly enjoyed SWToR up till now. It's just that I just know I'll burn out in no time if I try and force myself to level a new character.


tl;dr: I support this feature and/or product completely.

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  • 2 months later...

Also another player who couldn't be happier if this system were implemented! I've leveled numerous toons in different games, 6 characters 50+ in this game. At this point, the side missions on each planet have completely lost their luster. I support the "Have at least 1 max level character/ unlock through cartel or legacy perk' as well. Couldn't excite me more to have this added. Consider me a supporter!



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