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Perma 12x buyable off the Cartel Market


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I'd like some way to purchase 12x class mission XP, too. Personally, I'd prefer it to be a character perk -- so you can use CC to unlock it, or a large amount of credits -- rather than a consumable like the regular XP boost items. I like to use a generic XP boost with 12x class XP anyway, as I'm not in a guild and I find being slightly overleveled helps make leveling a lot smoother for certain characters (squishy dps w/dps companion, I'm looking at you!), especially since I am not quite as strict about gear when I need to gear up every hour or two. xD


Maybe it could even tie it into Legacy a little bit? For example, Legacy level 10 lets you buy 3x XP, 20 lets you buy 6x XP, 30 lets you buy 9x XP, and 40 lets you buy 12x XP.

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that is a horrible idea. As it stands now, flashpoints are rendered useless, for the most part, side missions are being ignored and ppl are leveling so quickly they do not know how to effectively play their class or gear it, thus flooding the 55 ranks. While 12x was a good promotion tool for the expac, it does need to end. The reason that it takes so long to lvl under normal xp rules is it gives you ample time to effectively learn your class and its abilities. you are basically asking BW to make it ez mode due to you not willing to put in the work.
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that is a horrible idea. As it stands now, flashpoints are rendered useless, for the most part, side missions are being ignored and ppl are leveling so quickly they do not know how to effectively play their class or gear it, thus flooding the 55 ranks. While 12x was a good promotion tool for the expac, it does need to end. The reason that it takes so long to lvl under normal xp rules is it gives you ample time to effectively learn your class and its abilities. you are basically asking BW to make it ez mode due to you not willing to put in the work.


It isn't a horrible idea just because you disagree with it. If it were made a cartel item or reputation perk that you didn't agree with; you simply wouldn't use it.

My guild has progression raid groups every day of the week. Sometimes someone brings one toon one raid or week, and another the next.

I only had 3 toons on the Pub side and 1 on the Imp side prior to 12x XP. One of which I participated in DF/DP 8/16M HM raids. Now I'll be able to offer any role on a number of toons.


To learn the advanced class, I can easily read Dulfy's guides, practice on my Ops dummy, talk to a guild mate on TeamSpeak, watch YouTube videos, raid and progress.


I understand that not everyone would do this but that alone does not make 12x XP after 3.0 a horrible idea.

For those that do, it's a welcome convenience.

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I wholeheartedly agree and would pay for something like this. This boost is a great thing that happened to the mmo world, really great idea by BioWare and it really allowed the amazing class stories, what the game is known for, to really shine. I will show my support for this also :)
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I would only agree with this if 12x was only used for the very first character in your legacy and for those who are subscribed and only if it is a hefty price. After the first character it can never be used again unless the person starts a new legacy account and new subscription. This will satisfy the long term players who have actually spent them time leveling their legacy characters and EARNING OUR PERKS and the story hunters and the first time players who may feel daunted by the prospect of leveling their character 60 levels (...and biowares pockets). Otherwise 12x should not be used to circumvent the legacy system players who have long played the game earned the rights to. Edited by chosonman
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  • 2 weeks later...
that is a horrible idea. As it stands now, flashpoints are rendered useless, for the most part, side missions are being ignored and ppl are leveling so quickly they do not know how to effectively play their class or gear it, thus flooding the 55 ranks. While 12x was a good promotion tool for the expac, it does need to end. The reason that it takes so long to lvl under normal xp rules is it gives you ample time to effectively learn your class and its abilities. you are basically asking BW to make it ez mode due to you not willing to put in the work.

Ah, the good old strawman argument about "learning your class". You don't need 55 levels to learn your class. Once you understand the basics you're good to go.



I would only agree with this if 12x was only used for the very first character in your legacy and for those who are subscribed and only if it is a hefty price. After the first character it can never be used again unless the person starts a new legacy account and new subscription. This will satisfy the long term players who have actually spent them time leveling their legacy characters and EARNING OUR PERKS and the story hunters and the first time players who may feel daunted by the prospect of leveling their character 60 levels (...and biowares pockets). Otherwise 12x should not be used to circumvent the legacy system players who have long played the game earned the rights to.

None of us has earned any rights.


I'm a long term player since beta, on 50 legacy, and doing the same planetary missions is BORING on your 10th alt, so spare me the over-entitlement and pseudo-elitism about "earning" something.

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Ah, the good old strawman argument about "learning your class". You don't need 55 levels to learn your class. Once you understand the basics you're good to go.


I'm a long term player since beta, on 50 legacy, and doing the same planetary missions is BORING on your 10th alt, so spare me the over-entitlement and pseudo-elitism about "earning" something.


This is the correct answer.


If people here are all upset over this idea, there is a very simple answer - don't buy it. My purchasing this boost would have no effect on your life, in-game or out. You think your concern over how well or how poorly I play my character is reason enough for me not to be able to buy this buff? Get over yourself.


I don't need to do anymore planetary quests on my 16th - yes, my 16th - alt.

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I have to say I'm split on this issue.

On one hand, I have been pretty much a one character player for the last 2 years (I did have many toons on the first year of the game) and the 12XP got me another 3 toons at max level.

On the other hand, I still struggle with the rotations for my new characters and I feel if I had had spent more time leveling them I'd know them better (So now I will read guides and practice on dummies).


I believe the 12xp boost has indeed made the class stories shine and that can only be a good thing. But I feel having it as a CM item available to all can have negative effects. For a new player rolling her first toon the long grind is not only be enjoyable but necessary to learn how the game works (not just her chosen class). The lowbie FPs are the place to learn how to behave in group content, how to use your class to the greatest benefit of the group. A new player who bypasses all that would reach endgame extremelly raw and (when grouped through GF) could be a burden on more experienced players. Or be put on a group with others like them and get allienated from the game due to the frustration of repeated failures.

I don't mean this would happen to everyone, but I believe it could become an issue.

I have more than once run into a SI wearing Str gear because "he is a melee class" (and variations there of). There are people who simply don't care for learning the game and with such a boost on CM, they'd reach end game real fast.


Due to that, I believe an XP boost of this magnitude (if it is implemented as a permanent feature) should be a character or legacy perk and come with a toggle. Even better if it comes in 2 different perks, one for each faction, like HK. As for requirements: having finished act 3 with on character of that faction I feel is a must. Some legacy level requirement could be put in as well. Someone who posted before me sugested a progressive boost based on legacy level, and I believe it a good idea.

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What a lot of the "Nononononononononono!!!!!!!!!" players don't seem to be understanding is, the majority of us asking to keep this as a -choseable- legacy perk/purchase et cetera, is that yes we understand you enjoy slogging through every swamp, and spelunking every cave, and can't understand why we don't, let me try to spell it out for you:


The first time was fun.

The second time was "ok, didn't notice that last time"

Third time was "ugh when did that guy get that lump of spinach in his teeth"

Fourth time was "sigh there are even more leeches stuck to me this time around."


Do I need to explain fifth and up?


People play this game for fun. Much like reading books, you read a story, enjoy it, and generally go and get another book to read (start a new character and class to see their story) would you enjoy your next book so much if they copy pasted half of the -last- book you read into it as timefiller? As well as copy pasted into -every single book you ever read afterwards-?


Now I reread books all the time, but only ones I enjoyed reading in the first place, and usually after I have read other books with different content.


Yes we get you don't want noobs zerging to end game and showing up in your flaspoints/ops/wzs drooling, picking their noses, and herpaderping into fire/mobs/et cetera. But let's be honest, stupid will be stupid, and we had this long before 12x xp.


"But no one will group with me for FP/Heroics WHAAAAA!" Ummm, I didn't do it before 12x xp, what difference does it make with it? A lot of this is "This will make people not do what -I- want, so no they can't have it and -I- get things to go the way -I- want them to."


You want endless time sinks, go play Dragon Age; Inquisition, and see how much time you spend picking flowers and ore compared to actually questing ^_~

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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If Bioware has any interest in bringing in new subscribers AND making some extra revenue off the Cartel Market, they'll find a way to keep the 12x boost going. The OP said it best, and while there are those who loathe the 12x thing, there are far more who appreciate it and will succumb to the power of the resub because of it. The story building of SWTOR is what sets it apart from other MMO's and it's amazing just how well the game plays when you can move at a quicker pace through the main story missions (especially after grinding side missions etc with other toons). There's far more for Bioware to gain by making 12x permanent in some fashion. I'd be surprised if they didn't. Edited by GRIDBUG
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What a lot of the "Nononononononononono!!!!!!!!!" players don't seem to be understanding is, the majority of us asking to keep this as a -choseable- legacy perk/purchase et cetera, is that yes we understand you enjoy slogging through every swamp, and spelunking every cave, and can't understand why we don't, let me try to spell it out for you:


The first time was fun.

The second time was "ok, didn't notice that last time"

Third time was "ugh when did that guy get that lump of spinach in his teeth"

Fourth time was "sigh there are even more leeches stuck to me this time around."


Do I need to explain fifth and up?


People play this game for fun. Much like reading books, you read a story, enjoy it, and generally go and get another book to read (start a new character and class to see their story) would you enjoy your next book so much if they copy pasted half of the -last- book you read into it as timefiller? As well as copy pasted into -every single book you ever read afterwards-?


Now I reread books all the time, but only ones I enjoyed reading in the first place, and usually after I have read other books with different content.


Yes we get you don't want noobs zerging to end game and showing up in your flaspoints/ops/wzs drooling, picking their noses, and herpaderping into fire/mobs/et cetera. But let's be honest, stupid will be stupid, and we had this long before 12x xp.


"But no one will group with me for FP/Heroics WHAAAAA!" Ummm, I didn't do it before 12x xp, what difference does it make with it? A lot of this is "This will make people not do what -I- want, so no they can't have it and -I- get things to go the way -I- want them to."


You want endless time sinks, go play Dragon Age; Inquisition, and see how much time you spend picking flowers and ore compared to actually questing ^_~


Beautiful post. Sums it up perfectly.

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Same as thread starter for me due to real life commitments - its the story line - and guildies that keep me ingame. After a while, all the planet missions gets boring.


Keep it a ub thing, and that we can turn it off if we want to - like in wow with its ingame character.

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I have read in a couple of places that the dev's might be considering something like this, but it would be done through Legacy and will go up in increments of level 55's so you need one of each type of class (ie smuggler or Imperial agent etc) so you would need a total of 4 55's to be eligable of 12x xp (it would go up 3x, 6x, 9x and 12x).


This would be OK for me as I have 4 complete republic classes done now (3 levelled during the event).


Though truth be told I would much rather have a consumable or a toggle available so that I don't permanently level with 12x xp as there are some things I want to take my time with the game sometimes and not grey out all other quests as I found myself completely under geared the whole game as I did not do any other quests that give me gear.


I was actually level 52 in level 35 blue rated gear when I faced the Emperor (T7 was geared in 50 greens that I obtained from a broken droid on my way to the Emperor.

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I would LOVE to see the 12x XP boost as a Cartel Market item, with the following restrictions:


1. It should only be available for 1 character. You can purchase additional boosts for the full price for another character.

2. It should be gated by a previous character. I'm thinking either a Legacy Level requirement, or at least one character of maximum level.

3. These should NOT be tradeable on the Galactic Trade Network. This should be the equivalent of a paid service.



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I would LOVE to see the 12x XP boost as a Cartel Market item, with the following restrictions:


1. It should only be available for 1 character. You can purchase additional boosts for the full price for another character.

2. It should be gated by a previous character. I'm thinking either a Legacy Level requirement, or at least one character of maximum level.

3. These should NOT be tradeable on the Galactic Trade Network. This should be the equivalent of a paid service.




I love this, actually.


Of course, I have two 55s, with a third on the way.

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I would LOVE to see the 12x XP boost as a Cartel Market item, with the following restrictions:


1. It should only be available for 1 character. You can purchase additional boosts for the full price for another character.

2. It should be gated by a previous character. I'm thinking either a Legacy Level requirement, or at least one character of maximum level.

3. These should NOT be tradeable on the Galactic Trade Network. This should be the equivalent of a paid service.




totally agree. I think the requirements should be legacy 50 and at least one character at social 10. only change I would make is to half the boost. 6 times class mission xp, with a 25% xp booster running (you get several freebies along the way remember) is still a bunch of xp. also, if you want to put a credit price on it, it would have to be really high. some room unlocks in strongholds are 2-3 million. so a per character boost of this nature would have to be at the high range of that. maybe 4-5 million credits, or a few thousand cc's. I work 12+ hour days with an hour commute each way to work, so I know about not having much game time. but at that price it's still totally doable every now and then for subs. just doing dailies for 4-5 hours a couple times a week will net you that much in a couple months easy. manage to hit all the weeklies on just one toon for a month and you should be able to save up that much. count me in on that :rak_03:

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Would love to see this. Cost should be high but not unreasonable. Do not support legacy or social restrictions. The people who are asking for the buff do not have sufficient time to play the game to get to legacy level 50...at least before retirement...but do have disposable income they are willing to commit to the CM. Allowing (working) players to acquire the buff through the CM would prevent a lot of subscription lapses, I think.
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Simply put:


The base leveling speed of Swtor is simply to slow, the game is a tedium of you doing fed ex or kill quests for people who are absolutely inept in their jobs.


It is surprising that any of the warring sides gets anything done, considering the utter incompetence at display.

I bet the sacking of coruscant wasa fluke, brought on by an incompetent imperial navigator and a dozed off republic defense dude not noticing it.



I bought Swtor at launch and the HORRIBLE pace of advancement killed the game for me. Sufficient to say i left and only came back this november, when a friend told me about the new XP and the 12x bonus.



Dear EA and bioware: I will even pay a sub again if you let me keep this leveing speed. It allowed to skip all the tedious missions (except the heroics which i did with great gusto with friends in order to gear up) and proceed through the storyline at a comfortable speed.


I finished 3 characters in my time with the 12x boost (only caught the last weeks of it) and i had great fun. I would like to finish more characters and have more fun, but i already notice this utter feeling of "WHY CANT YOU DIMWITTED COWS NOT DO YOUR FREAKING JOBS!!!!!" again when i look at a new location and see loads of triangles of peoples heads. And thinking about leading several more chars through this hell you created is killing the game for me.



So, 12x boost please.

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I'm totally with the OP.


I levelled a couple of alts to cap or near cap in early release then, between real life demands and the 90% repetitive nature of levelling new alts I lost interest altogether. Every few months I’d come back, get bored again, unsub and go play something else.


The 12x Class XP was perfect to get me back, level up some more alts and experimenting with different AC’s to find the play styles I liked best. No more boring grind with just low-level powers, I got to actually build up and explore the play style of full power set rotations before boredom killed my interest.


As a habitual altaholic I’ll happily pay cartel coins to unlock this for some more alts, but I suggest two modes, a higher cartel coin pricing that has no legacy level requirement, and a lower cartel coin or in-game-creds unlock with a modest legacy level requirement (around level 20, or whatever the average level is for getting one republic and one imperial character through to the end of their respective Chapter 3 story lines).


Work leaves me time poor but I have a gaming budget I’d happily spend and I’m convinced the more I, and people like me, spend on SWTOR the better the game will thrive.


There will need to be better group finder functionality though or the FTP/time-rich-cash-poor crowd will lose out as there will be fewer people grinding through lower levels and the heroics/flashpoints that go with those levels.


I’ve yet to find a team for a heroic on any planet through the group finder but I’d happily run any heroic or flashpoint for commendations and I’m sure if there was a GSI-booster style sytem that reset stats to mission-appropriate levels (so the lower level team mates didn’t lose all xp) and a flash-point style travel-to/from-mission-start option, those leveling the old fashion way would find it a lot easier to group up with the fast-trackers looking for extra commendations to buy equipment with.


City of Heroes had it down pat, with toons of all levels able to group together regularly, all gaining from every mission, and it was brilliant for bringing together friends and strangers keen to play their favorite character of the moment regardless of level. I'm sure a similar system could be implemented for SWTOR so that everyone wins.

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