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Can we have Darth malgus back, Redeemed?


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Seriously, I want this guy again.


He is the very foundation of what it means to be sith, he is one of the most ****** sith to ever live (I'm giving it to asajj ventress.), He destroyed satele shan 2 times in one versus one. He was powerful enough to proclaim himself as an emperor and more. If you ask me, he could very well be the strongest sith (after the emperor) to be alive in the cold war. The only reason we beat him back in the Flashpoint was because Bioware thought it was cool to fight him, which it's not. Why would you want to remove such an epic character who IS sith itself. He'd probably destroy revan too in One Vs. One combat. Bring this character back!

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It would be interesting if Malgus was brought back as some kind of martyr. After all he does go on about how whether he wins or loses the Empire will be changed forever, and it was. I think it would be cool if it was revealed he someone survived to protect the Empire from one final threat before dying - perhaps more heroically - for reals.
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The fact you gave the top slot as what it means to be sith to ventress of all people makes it impossible for me to take this seriously. And anyone can say they're emperor, it's when you can back it up that you prove power, and he got swatted away easily. Compared to say, the dread masters, or even the revanites, his empire was an annoyance.
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The fact you gave the top slot as what it means to be sith to ventress of all people makes it impossible for me to take this seriously. And anyone can say they're emperor, it's when you can back it up that you prove power, and he got swatted away easily. Compared to say, the dread masters, or even the revanites, his empire was an annoyance.
Well, Ventress is pretty awesome.


And out of all of those threats, Malgus was the only one to have a lasting, positive impact.

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Well, Ventress is pretty awesome.


And out of all of those threats, Malgus was the only one to have a lasting, positive impact.


True, he was a martyr for a cause that strengthened the empire, and I could give you a whole page about how Malgus was the biggest tactical idiot to ever live, but suffice to say he grasped far, far beyond his reach.

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True, he was a martyr for a cause that strengthened the empire, and I could give you a whole page about how Malgus was the biggest tactical idiot to ever live, but suffice to say he grasped far, far beyond his reach.
Well that's just it, if this was all a literal act of self-sacrifice, the sheer lack of risk-management would make much more sense, and make Malgus a much more interesting character than "Me want power! Me take it!"
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Please no. Resurrecting characters is one of worst plot twists you can come up with.


Think about it different way. He forced you in Xanatos gambit (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit), and, when it turned wrong way, willingly sacrificed himself for the good of the Empire. That's part of what makes him cool. No other sith would do this. And if it turns out he had some cunning plan to survive all this, IMHO it will significantly diminish his awesomness.

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Plot twist: Darth Marr is secretly Kephess.

Damn it Bioware fund this. :D




Please no. Resurrecting characters is one of worst plot twists you can come up with.


Think about it different way. He forced you in Xanatos gambit (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit), and, when it turned wrong way, willingly sacrificed himself for the good of the Empire. That's part of what makes him cool. No other sith would do this. And if it turns out he had some cunning plan to survive all this, IMHO it will significantly diminish his awesomness.


I agree with this completely. I can not stand resurrection plots. When a character dies they need to stay dead. Im only making an exception for Revan because he had a ****** death. (a level 37 flashpoint that occurs like days after he is freed from prison? They should never had put him in the game, much less make his death so early after they introduce him)

Edited by Galdos
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Plot Twist:Kephess Is Actually Son Of Bestia And One Of Her Pets.


Plot twist: can you stop typing like that? It eliminates any thought into your actual words and refocuses all thoughts to how horrendously painful it is to read that.

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Please no. Resurrecting characters is one of worst plot twists you can come up with.


Think about it different way. He forced you in Xanatos gambit (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit), and, when it turned wrong way, willingly sacrificed himself for the good of the Empire. That's part of what makes him cool. No other sith would do this. And if it turns out he had some cunning plan to survive all this, IMHO it will significantly diminish his awesomness.

Perhaps, but I simply feel the fact that there was no way his plan could have really succeeded has already done that.
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