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SWTOR Drinking Game


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Take a shot if someone refers to Baras as Darth Lardass. 2 if they post "his version of the Sith Code"

Take a shot if someone asks you to invite them to your group, and they're beyond underleveled/undergeared. 2 shots if you were looking for Ops roles.

Take a shot if you see mention of Okiko or Gfunk on Imp Fleet Chat on Beregen Colony (you'll be dead quick

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Take a shot if someone refers to Baras as Darth Lardass. 2 if they post "his version of the Sith Code"

Take a shot if someone asks you to invite them to your group, and they're beyond underleveled/undergeared. 2 shots if you were looking for Ops roles.

Take a shot if you see mention of Okiko or Gfunk on Imp Fleet Chat on Beregen Colony (you'll be dead quick


That one about the Baras code?


That's me. Can't help it. Baras begs to be made fun of, by being such a self-important blowhard and temperamental git.

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Everytime someone asks how to refund talent points, take a shot.

Everytime someone asks how to get his advanced class, take a shot.

Everytime you see someone in Dromund Kaas/Coruscant without an advanced class, take a shot.

Everytime you need to craft X items and you got only one crit on item X-1, take a shot.

Everytime a champion in the Oricon's H2+ stun you, take a shot.

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Take a shot if someone refers to Baras as Darth Lardass. 2 if they post "his version of the Sith Code"

Take a shot if someone asks you to invite them to your group, and they're beyond underleveled/undergeared. 2 shots if you were looking for Ops roles.

Take a shot if you see mention of Okiko or Gfunk on Imp Fleet Chat on Beregen Colony (you'll be dead quick


Sorry. That was me last night with the Baras Code, and then I was commenting on that scream with THE BEST conversation in the game. Unless you were talking about someone not a Marauder named Besul on Begeren who was playing last night...



"The Cake is a lie, there is only Pie. Through Pie, I gain carbs. Through carbs, I gain weight. My weight will crush my foes and set me free." Or at least that's the Baras Code I like. Here, have the bottle.


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Sorry. That was me last night with the Baras Code, and then I was commenting on that scream with THE BEST conversation in the game. Unless you were talking about someone not a Marauder named Besul on Begeren who was playing last night...



"The Cake is a lie, there is only Pie. Through Pie, I gain carbs. Through carbs, I gain weight. My weight will crush my foes and set me free." Or at least that's the Baras Code I like. Here, have the bottle.




"Peace is a lie, there is only hunger.

Through hunger, I gain cake.

Through cake, I gain fat.

Through fat, I gain girth.

Through girth, my chains are broken."



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"Peace is a lie, there is only hunger.

Through hunger, I gain cake.

Through cake, I gain fat.

Through fat, I gain girth.

Through girth, my chains are broken."



Just how many different versions are there?


Edit: *chug*

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Every time a Sub calls f2p player a burden drink up :D


In the words of Seymour Guado, "Death awaits you!"


Every time you force leap something and get instantly knocked back, take a shot.

Every time you want to do a Homer Simpson choke on Treek, take a shot.

Every time someone complains about something not currently in the game, take a shot. Calling 911 may be in your best interest.

Every time you have to have a face to face chat instead of a holo call, take a shot. Take 2 if this requires you to go to a location you just left within the last 10 minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Every time someone makes a new "ZOMG I HATEZ THIS NEW SKILL TREE ROLL BACK 3.0 PL0X" thread, take a shot, I cannot be held accountable for any cases of alcohol poisoning that may result! Edited by izeil
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I love that this thread is still here and still going on.




I do advertise it each time I post by including my signature. ;)


Every time someone asks where to pick up the SoR, one shot. Answer: Your ship's new little computer thing, or you can pick up the prologue from a droid out by the elevator that takes you to many FP decks.


If someone asks if they should do side quests for exp points in SoR, one shot. The answer is: Unless you want to PvP or do 50-55 FPs until you out level them.


If someone complains about how expensive the new Revan set is, two shots and turn off GenChat to avoid death.

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Gotta wonder how many of these would actually result in death if someone tried them.


Considering that none of these mentioned are very rare, I would say "All of them."


Luckily, these are just varying conditions, the individual can modify them to suit how s/he plays (ex. Only the PvP/WZ ones, or RP ones, or Group ones, or regular Solo ones, or NPCs, or Forums Edition, or Players in Chat ones...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Every time someone does WTS a list in general chat, take a shot.

Every time someone asks where to get those snowballs, take 2 shots.

Every time someone asks "What class should I choose?" take a shot.

Every time someone says, "I was here in beta and just came back, what do I do?" umm, u know.

Every time someone says, "This game is {too easy/too hard}(pick one), take a shot.

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Every time your Op takes out his side arm and kills someone in a cut scene instead of using the rifle or better yet the knife take a shot.


Every time your Op romance Kaliyo instead of the ensign stop taking shots from this drinking game your alcohol induced comma is eminent!!

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