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Stock Afternoon on The Bastion, November 8th


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With the rousing success of the previous Stock Night I'm putting together another one, 3 hours seemed like the perfect amount of time for one. ^^


I'm changing the day and time to help get different people that want to show up a chance too.


This one will be Saturday November 8th from 4pm - 7pm est or 1pm-4pm pst, I'm pretty sure this equates to about 9pm-midnight for our european friends give or take a time zone. If I'm wrong or anyone else wants a different time I'm sure you'll let me know in the posts below.


Just for reference I'll throw up the rules and examples again for anyone knew to these.


Rules for Stock Night are pretty easy, you can play any ship as long as you use the default components with no upgrades. You use the default crew as well, however you may change the copilot to alter your active ability.


If you're making a new character for Stock night try to -Stock at the end of your name just so everyone knows your participating. Last time we filled almost an entire game with characters with -Stock at the end it was pretty awesome.


Example Stock name: Drakolich-Stock , Verain-Stock , Nemarus-Stock



Example Stock ship


Heavy Laser Cannon

Rapid-fire Laser Cannon

Concussion Missiles

Quick-Charge Shield

Koiogran Turn

Turbo Reactor

Power Thrusters

Range Capacitor

Regeneration Extender


All with no upgrades of course


Your crew would be


Offensive: MZ-12

Defensive: Writch Hurley

Tactical: Salana Rok

Engineering: Aven Geth

Copilot: Any of the above



Offensive: B-3G9

Defensive: Oro Wogawa

Tactical: Kendra Novar

Engineering: Ashy

Copilot: Any of the above



If you have any questions please let me know. When you join the server to come play please join /cjoin GSF so that we can all chat. ^^

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Just a reminder that this is tomorrow for anyone interested I might be late because the Hearthstone championship finals start at the exact time this does, I had no idea when I set this up. So I'll be showing up after thats done, if I don't see you guys have a good stock afternoon. :)
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It seems bastion is unplayable for me... my latency was jumping between 200-750 while waiting for a pop.. got one game and it seemed pretty balanced with quite many "-stock" players, but I disconnected after few mins so decided not to bother with it.. good luck and have fun all.
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Maybe next time we should use worst GSF server ((with low GSF community) on East Coast (because this will be best for players from EU and US) as a battleground?...


Edit: anyway, I am off. Looks like it should be named 'easy stock ship kills farming afternoon'.

Would cope with it but with 250+ latency it is really a pain.

Thanks for the event though.

have fun :)

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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