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DNA Canister rewards reduced?!


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So it used to be that the daily quests would give you at least one DNA Canister per quest, with the H4 giving you two. Now... the only quest that gives you DNA Canisters is the H4?! I call shenanigans. The only other way to get any canisters is to infect 3 people or run the Operation.


Why was there suddenly a decision to cut back on the canisters? Were we all getting too many and enjoying the fact that we could buy shiny, fun things and that's just not allowed? Too easy to enjoy getting the stuff that we have to wait months and months to get from the Jawa vendor?

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I'd like it if we could get a dev post in here explaining why this has happened and whether it was intended or not.


Personally, I agree with OP. They probably won't admit it, but chances are they reduced the canisters so players couldn't the rewards as fast, therefore making them participate (grind) the event longer.

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I'd like it if we could get a dev post in here explaining why this has happened and whether it was intended or not.


Personally, I agree with OP. They probably won't admit it, but chances are they reduced the canisters so players couldn't the rewards as fast, therefore making them participate (grind) the event longer.


I think the greatest issue is that the event will only last a week or so.


If you managed to stockpile enough DNA canisters -- my case -- from the previous events, you'll be fine. If this is the first time, unless you have a plethora of alts, you are screwed. :p

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I think the greatest issue is that the event will only last a week or so.


If you managed to stockpile enough DNA canisters -- my case -- from the previous events, you'll be fine. If this is the first time, unless you have a plethora of alts, you are screwed. :p


i manage to stack close to 300 canister :p:p

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You still get gear much quicker than gear from the Gree event. 1 Helix from the Gree heroic, 2 canisters from the Rakghoul heroic. T.H.O.R.N. gear is also much cheaper, generally 1-4 canisters per piece, while Gree equipment is 8(12?) for offhands, 18 for 1-handed mainhand weapons, and 24 for 2-handed mainhand weapons.


Yes, it sucks that they nerfed the rewards, but it could be far worse. I'm just glad that the gear was cheap to begin with.

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You still get gear much quicker than gear from the Gree event. 1 Helix from the Gree heroic, 2 canisters from the Rakghoul heroic. T.H.O.R.N. gear is also much cheaper, generally 1-4 canisters per piece, while Gree equipment is 8(12?) for offhands, 18 for 1-handed mainhand weapons, and 24 for 2-handed mainhand weapons.


Yes, it sucks that they nerfed the rewards, but it could be far worse. I'm just glad that the gear was cheap to begin with.


yeah the gear is cheap, but they look like crap man..:mad:

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I'm pretty sure only a couple of quests gave canisters last time. Blowing up on people, finding Jeelvic & the H4. All of the others only gave rep and credits. I'd have had waaay more canisters if it were otherwise :rak_03:


Yep. The options for canisters are and always have been:

* the heroic (2 per character per day)

* the one mission that has you scanning the beacons in the ceiling (1 per character per day)

* finding Jeelvic the first time (just 1 per character per event week)

* Eyeless SM and HM (not sure of the numbers offhand but these would be 1 per character per week because of lockouts)

* the hidden daily for infection (haven't done this since the event was on Alderaan so I forget, but I think it was 1 per character per day)


The other dailies (curing infected in the streets, herding raklings from first section of tunnels, getting samples from infected in first section of tunnels, killing rakghouls in second section of tunnels) have always been for reputation only.

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The mission to scan the beacons in the tunnels still awards a canister as well.


That is correct.


I'm pretty sure the OP is mistaken.


The only quests that gave canisters (or at least from the last time this event came around) was the scanning quest, the H4 and the infection quest for dailies.


Jeelvic being just once per toon for one canister.


Only those 3 really. Thats why after I made max rep, I didn't need to do any of the others (besides The Eyeless which gives them as well on both SM and HM - So run both)


Now that I think about it, the OP is mistaken.

Edited by Quraswren
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The rewards look as though they are the same as the last even (Tatooine). 2 for heroic, 1 for scaning tunnels. 1 for finding jeevic, and 4 or more for ops. I got a ton of them last even (70 or more with 7 alts) With Gree I only managed about 40 and the gear was way more expensive. So I have no complaints about this event. If anything gear is too easy to get. I have like 4 of every weapon and like 10 blaster rifles and still have like 30 canisters left over.
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I have about 150-200 canisters, but what it is for? I bought my offhands that I use to transfer mods... what else I need?


I just dont know how to get this mounts... where the other mats drop? I also have the eyeless thing 2-3 times but...not the others. I got the highest rep rank with raghul in the prev one... this one is just for credits.


About 14 charas = 1.5m per day


I was hopping for more decor choices, but only 2 pots?

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So it used to be that the daily quests would give you at least one DNA Canister per quest, with the H4 giving you two. Now... the only quest that gives you DNA Canisters is the H4?! I call shenanigans. The only other way to get any canisters is to infect 3 people or run the Operation.


Why was there suddenly a decision to cut back on the canisters? Were we all getting too many and enjoying the fact that we could buy shiny, fun things and that's just not allowed? Too easy to enjoy getting the stuff that we have to wait months and months to get from the Jawa vendor?

they were not reduced they are same and every time you get the missions done you get 4 DNA canisters

it is worth it ok

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As others have said the rewards are exactly the same as last time and no I won't be looking at the bloody roof of the cave on 16 characters. I won't even be looking at the roof on one character. I will however get a good bunch of basic comms on my low geared 55's for use in 3.0.





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So it used to be that the daily quests would give you at least one DNA Canister per quest, with the H4 giving you two. Now... the only quest that gives you DNA Canisters is the H4?! I call shenanigans. The only other way to get any canisters is to infect 3 people or run the Operation.


Why was there suddenly a decision to cut back on the canisters? Were we all getting too many and enjoying the fact that we could buy shiny, fun things and that's just not allowed? Too easy to enjoy getting the stuff that we have to wait months and months to get from the Jawa vendor?


MY answer is that the event now will be on every 3 months than 1 per year that was before

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