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Things Veteran Players Wish Newbs Knew


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Yup. Then I could use a tech staff then out level it and "gift" it to Torian on my PT.


And maybe the range sage/sorcerer class could just have an item called "amplifier" or something to clearly state that they are to stay back and shoot rocks/lightning.


Or BW could have a helpful Learn Your Class type tutorial/mission to help people learn. Coruscant/Kaas would be great worlds to place such a mission.


The Bounty Hunter has a an off-screen "training session" with a couple of grizzled Mando vets when doing their AC choice... maybe every class should have an actual on-screen version of this that takes them through the basics of both AC choices, BEFORE they make the actual decision.

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Before this game came out, I saw some of the preview information and saw that vanguards and powertechs were supposed to be able to tank. Naturally, I assumed they would be melee (cause ranged tanks just dont work...). I was hoping they would be able to use vibroblades like many of the regular soldiers did in KotOR. I wasnt too happy about it when I discovered the truth.
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The Bounty Hunter has a an off-screen "training session" with a couple of grizzled Mando vets when doing their AC choice... maybe every class should have an actual on-screen version of this that takes them through the basics of both AC choices, BEFORE they make the actual decision.


Won't the new discipline interface be offering the advanced class choice on its own automatically at level 10, bypassing those fleet conversations completely?

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Won't the new discipline interface be offering the advanced class choice on its own automatically at level 10, bypassing those fleet conversations completely?


Unless youve been doing some heavy reading of XML files and seen something there, I dont know why you would think that. I havent seen anything that suggests they are going to try and force the upgrade from base class to AC. Id imagine the system will stay exactly as it is. You run through the starter planet, get to fleet, get sent to the AC trainer, pick your AC, and then instead of getting your first skill point at level 10, you pick a discipline and get an ability.

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Unless youve been doing some heavy reading of XML files and seen something there, I dont know why you would think that. I havent seen anything that suggests they are going to try and force the upgrade from base class to AC. Id imagine the system will stay exactly as it is. You run through the starter planet, get to fleet, get sent to the AC trainer, pick your AC, and then instead of getting your first skill point at level 10, you pick a discipline and get an ability.


I actually am inclined to agree with the other poster based on the livestream they did a few weeks back. It looked like once you hit level 10 you unlocked the Disciplines window; starting first with a comparison of the AC choice.

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Ooo. Nifty. Did it look like they were forcing the issue?


IE, no more *insertsomethingderogatorythatgetscensoredhere* at max level with only the basic class trolling ranked and stuff?


Hopefully. Hopefully newbies can learn their roles this way. So hopefully yes to your question.

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I actually am inclined to agree with the other poster based on the livestream they did a few weeks back. It looked like once you hit level 10 you unlocked the Disciplines window; starting first with a comparison of the AC choice.


Actually they said it. Once you get level 10, the window pop up. The quests will still be around tho.

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Something I know I wish newbies knew more often:


When asking for help, telling us what mission you need help with, your level, your class, would really help you get the help you need.


Ex. On Hutta, if I need help with Man With the Metal Voice (or whatever that missions is called, can't recall offhand), on my level 9 Bounty Hunter, I would say "Lv. 9 Bounty Hunter, need help with Man With the Metal Voice."

And Shift+RClick* should post the mission name for people to examine and see if they are in level range.


*Might be Shift+LClick, using phone right now so I don't remember the shortcuts when I'm not actually using them.

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Just want to mention that I appreciate this post. I'm still pretty new to this game honestly and while I'm getting the hang of my current class (Jedi Sentinel) well I'm still picking up the mechanics and stuff. I've done a lot of flashpoints and a lot of this is really helpful for that, mainly the note on DPS target order. That's something I almost always do wrong, I've been slowly backing off it and going after the lower ones but it's good to know that it's definitely what I should be doing. xD
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I actually am inclined to agree with the other poster based on the livestream they did a few weeks back. It looked like once you hit level 10 you unlocked the Disciplines window; starting first with a comparison of the AC choice.


Yeah, I was referring to the livestream. Before they cheated the character's level to 30 (and then 60) to show the discipline path partially (and then fully) filled in, they started by setting it to 10 and showing the selection of advanced class through that window.


I don't think it was in any way forced to be done right then, and they did mention that the quest givers on fleet will still be around for those who want that bit of conversation leading up to the choice. But all those people that miss those quest givers for one reason or another and end up on Dromund Kaas / Coruscant asking how to choose their advanced class will now be able to receive a much simpler answer. Instead of being told to return to fleet or to find wherever the capital planet's copies of those quest givers are hiding, they'll just be told which icon or button to press to open up the disciplines window.

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Guard the DPS is for DPS who can't select targets and can't manage threat.
noobtank alarm!


it seems easy to blame dps, but im sorry unless you have similar gear and are really good, im pulling agro off you. the alternative to you sucking it up and using guard intelligently is me toning down my dps.


id like to see how that raid discussion goes. hey guys instead of me clicking a button to guard people id rather do this fight more slowly high5

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Guard the DPS is for DPS who can't select targets and can't manage threat.


Try to hold aggro against a Carnage Mara unloading >7k DPS in the first 8 seconds of the fight if stars align. Or a Pyro having consistent 10k Railshot every 6 seconds. Or a Lightning Sorc with TB (double proc) > CL (double proc under Reck) for over 20k back to back. Tanking with competent DPS pulling high number can become quite hrd at the start of a fight IF you're a good tank. If you're a bad one, any DPS will pull off you easily.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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I'd like to add a few things:


That set of 180s used in PVP is about as useful as using a set of 162s in NiM Raptus.


A full Brutalizer Carnage Mara hitting a full Dread Master Balance Sage is a lot like "Driving Thrust" hitting a healer.


Every level you get a skill tree point. Please use it.


Advanced classes are not optional.


That 15/15/16 hybrid may look cool to your drug addled mind, but it's abhorrent.


Keybinds are wonderful. If you aren't a clicker god (Most of us aren't) please keybind.


Focus Target exists.


Premades are not hacking, you need to humble down and realize that just because you killed the


doesn't mean those 3 Madness Sorcs can't mow you down like a blade of grass.


Random AFK breaks suck. Don't do them.


Don't ninja, please.


Noxxic is Toxic






NOXXIC CAN DIE IN A *********** HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



*********** NOXXIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by GrandLordMenace
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