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PVP needs level brackets NOW


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people have said this before, but this last warzone was just rediculous.


my team (empire) was only level 20-30 with a level 40 also

the republic was literally all level 50s


I don't need to tell you how that went. We need to be grouped with an enemy team with a similar average level, instead of being staked against the "forever alone" brigade

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people have said this before, but this last warzone was just rediculous.


my team (empire) was only level 20-30 with a level 40 also

the republic was literally all level 50s


I don't need to tell you how that went. We need to be grouped with an enemy team with a similar average level, instead of being staked against the "forever alone" brigade




Sounds like you were out-played, not out-powered. P.S. people with 40-50 toons are not "forever alone", they simply play better than you. 50 in this time span is not hard to have done, you're just going slowly. Random insults against people like that don't help your argument.

Edited by Ancen
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There are no level brackets, and the availability of skills, feats and gear means that brackets really should be implemented.


A level 50 character has more skills availabel than level 10, obviously, and that makes the difference.

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Honestly they're in a dilemma. If they implemented brackets now, we'll and esp. the Empire will be looking at HUGE queue times.


But at the same time I agree the side with the most 40-50 or comparative advantage will nearly almost always win.

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I don't think we need level brackets, although I will agree that level 50s are unbalancing. It isn't impossible to kill a level 50, but you need to be substantially more skilled than that level 50 if you want to beat them 1v1 or you need to isolate them and double/triple team them. An equally skilled level 50 will always beat an equally skilled level 30 in a pure 1v1, I don't think you can deny that.


Fortunately, in the next couple weeks we'll be seeing a lot more level 50s and 40s, which means that the Warzones should start having enough players to place 40+ against 40+ consistently. If you can wait it out a little longer, I think we'll be beyond the point of actually needing brackets.

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Hmm funny logic here.. Not sure how it's not a PVP game when there's well you know PVP in it.

LOTRO has PVP... -smirk- Would I tell a PVPer to play Rift? Personally nope.

Contextually I'd tell them to avoid that game because the designed direction isn't centered around PVP.


It comes down to the grassroots advertising that we players do. I'd never tell my PVP friends to come try this game. I'll tell my friends that like PVE to come play it for sure. Those casuals that love story and take forever to level and will probably do the heroic dailies on every planet three to 5 times over and find every datacron before they left the planet and made sure every lore box was filled on their codex on the planet. Those people I'd tell to come play the game.


The rest of my friends that just want to fight people. We're still looking for a game and waiting to see if this one delivers :p

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LOTRO has PVP... -smirk- Would I tell a PVPer to play Rift? Personally nope.

Contextually I'd tell them to avoid that game because the designed direction isn't centered around PVP.


It comes down to the grassroots advertising that we players do. I'd never tell my PVP friends to come try this game. I'll tell my friends that like PVE to come play it for sure. Those casuals that love story and take forever to level and will probably do the heroic dailies on every planet three to 5 times over and find every datacron before they left the planet and made sure every lore box was filled on their codex on the planet. Those people I'd tell to come play the game.


The rest of my friends that just want to fight people. We're still looking for a game and waiting to see if this one delivers :p


Then by your logic there are no real pvp games are there. Wo has PvP, Rift has PVP, WAR has PvP, LOTR has pvp.. But really all their pvp suck (according to your logic). ESP. WAR and it was BUILT BASED ON PVP. the only game I can conclude that's a pvp game that's doing well is EvE but even that game players spend more time crafting, building ships, missions, money etc than actual pvp.


Sorry but this game is pvp essentric, and while yes it is story driven as well but if it wasn't also focused on PVP then there wouldn't be any option for pvp and much less pvp content and gear.

Edited by Aricus
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you think that theres anything an army of level 30s can do against pure level 50s?


I am a mid level PvPer as far a skill level goes. Pawn some, get pawned some, and fair pretty well against other average players. Yes, there is a palpable difference when I am fighting a level 50 on my level 20. , but I have taken down a few. I have left a few with 1k health before I died and watched them get taken out by others and I dont cry about kill steals either. I have never been one shot by any player or class. But this is all one vs one and PvP shouldnt be that way except in a gladiator style arena. PvP is a team sport. There are objectives. How many times you die, how much healing you do or how much damage you do is meaning less if you dont accomplish the oblectives, and win.


I am not saying that brackets are bad, just that everything should be blamed on the current system. Its actually pretty good.

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Brackets mean the exact same problems you just gave and introduce a host of others.


Bolstering needs improvements and that's about it. If you had a team full of 20-30s you were OUTPLAYED because by now you've got a solid array of abilities and talents. The only thing I'd want to see is an option for level 50s to queue up with only other 50s. Bolster is an excellent system that solves many problems and makes solving others easier. Brackets promote unfair twinking and result in the exact same problems that Bolster has now, being disparity in gear/abilities/talents. Bolster's advantage is that they can simply alter how much contribution lower levels get from gear and even provide DISadvantage to max levels that lack Expertise gear.

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The problem I have with level brackets is that queue times in the lower lvl brackets will slow down. Tier 2 (lvl 12-21 originally) and Tier 3 (lvl 22-31 originally) scenario (warzone) queues in Warhammer died out really fast. I enjoyed leveling through scenarios in Warhammer and would like to do that in this game with warzones. As scenario pops slowed down in Warhammer's tier 2 and tier 3, I simply stopped leveling alts. They would need a way to keep warzone pops happening at lower levels in order for me to support level brackets. Other than that, I fully support adding level brackets for pvp. I'm glad they have bolster, but still, a range of 40 lvls in the same warzone seems pretty ridiculous.
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