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10 Good
  1. Welcome to MMOs! Where beaking LoS is the counter to ranged classes and is a valid tactic. Honestly, the range is fine and if youre getting rushed because "youre too close them at max range" then you arent playing correctly.
  2. I think Marksman is easily the worst spec for PvP. It provides barely any survivability and the burst damage is a bad thing to rely on when youre trying to manage your Energy level. To be able to use the Marks tree effectively you would have to burst your targets down before they are able to reach you. The issue with this is that you would have to use about 80% of your energy. Making you useless until you can regen Energy which would take at least a minute + to regain 100% energy again. I would never use this tree because its essential to stay above 60% energy or else your regen rate is horrible = your DPS is bad = your survival chance drops. Engineering and Lethality both seem like great PvP specs mainly because of their DPS and survivability. I hate to make the comparison but Sniper is similar to WoWs Warlock. Marksman = Destro and Lethality = Afflic. Destro is typically better in BGs but in TOR, a majority of the melee classes have some way to close the gap, so i feel it would be better to have good survivability. IF anything, Lethality is the best PvP spec IMO, but im going to stick with Marksman until level 30ish mainly for leveling and because the burst damage is amazing on targets with 0 Expertise rating.
  3. So you can que for 4 days to PvP at level 11 where you are then demolished by level 19 twinks? **** that ****. Its something that has spoiled pre-Endgame PvP for all MMOs except for SWTOR. This system is fine and youre just getting outplayed.
  4. She meant that stealth classes can easily kill Snipers. And i agree. Too many times have i, as Sniper, been bursted to half HP and when i can finally attack, they have already popped a speed buff + CC immunity so theres no chance in you kiting them or even surviving.
  5. A majority of these complaints are because of low level PvP being unbalanced. Obviously there are going to be classes that are better than others at lower levels, but save this class imbalance issues until you hit end-game. But, there are some real issues such as: -Sorcerers being able to sprint-to-win in Huttball -Players disappearing through the floor in Void Star -Party Frames not accurately displaying HP, therefore rendering healing an impossible task -Chain-CC entirely disabling someone -World PVP Just to list a few The following are not issues: -Level 10s being matched with 25s. This is so you always have someone to que with. Sure, the level 10s most likely wont kill someone 10+levels above them but then can make a good impact -Inability to chose Warzone. Would you rather everyone que for the same Warzone constantly and you see little variety? It also helps to reduce que times. -Insert class here could burst me so easily. Lower levels of PvP arent balanced and would be nearly impossible to balance every level of all classes. Wait until you are level 50 to complain about broken class mechanics.
  6. - The healing is somewhat balanced and can definitely be the difference in a fight. I played a Merc healer and i successfully healed through a 3v4, keeping my 2 teammates alive. Keep in mind this was at level 15, so healing is most likely more useful at level 50 -I really do hate this, but you need to adapt. Yea, i think its very lazy for them to give every class a knockback + CC + CC-breaker but there isnt much you can do about it. Just adapt. In Huttball if you someone is nearing you, get in a better position or pass the damn ball. Ive seen it too many times where people are open for a pass but feel they can take it all the way only to get knocked off/ -Agree -Agree -Not that huge of an issue, but definitely needs to be fixed -The fact that every class has a CC and Resolve is ridiculous. In 1v1 it completely eliminates both abilities, making them a waste of a keybind. And not to mention the chain stuns in Huttball. When you are on the last burner to cap but you just seem to receive 5 stuns in a row so you die from fire. Stuns need to be removed and/or shortened for certain classes and Resolve needs to be banished. -There is simply nothing you can do about this. This is pretty common in all MMOs since everyone wants to play the stealth classes. Dont worry, a majority of the SI/JS i see are pretty bad and easily countered.
  7. Then it turns into WoW and certain Warzones would become unused and que times would be ****ed. Just suffer through it for the sake of better que times.
  8. Sniper is indisputably the top ranged burst.
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