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Who's your worst enemy?


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In warzones who is your rival. Is there a toon that when you see you just have to gun for? Is there any that when you fight you enjoy a good battle or is there any you fear or when you see there face you say "oh crap" (this is a fun thread plz no negative comments) thank you Edited by Darth__Reaver
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luls @ BW. well played. gonna try to play this one straight:


a good carnage mara. the one whose name starts with a Kh- in <reign> comes to mind, but there are a couple others. HK in <vicious> is another name seared into me brain. (honestly, I think he just opened up a hole in my head with gore and then planted the saber there permanently). I also like it when rivik is on my team, cuz he won't be porting away when I think I'm about to finally kill him and then show up with a double-bladed saber in my back from this sin at full health. :(

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Server BC

Elite pvp Marauders = Wrecks and Defiance


When my premade faces Wrecks or Defiance in a reg wz our healer Dawt yells, "GET WRECKS OFF OF ME" lol


Thanks for making the game fun and challenging!!

Zaen Jedi Sentinel

Edited by cjwestlake
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I thought about asking this question before as well so cheers to you.


I would have to say that it honestly depends on what toon I am on and what spec I am playing on that toon.



Madness/balance sorcs/sages slaughter my jugg when I am running rage. However, Vengeance makes em pay. The immunity is godmode on that front.


If I am on my sorc/sage I am mostly worried about Melee but only to an extent... depends on who the melee player is.


On my VG/PT a Carnage mara can cause me grief but I am a hellion on snipers/GS.


The advantage of having one of everything is you know what procs to look out for and the playstyles being used against you.


So basically, I hunt whoever is standing back trying to freecast. If there is a healer I focus them.


Also... If I notice that my smash crit hit for 12k on someone... Ill be back for seconds. :rak_01:

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