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Which Class Has The Best Companions?


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I was looking over what class to run through their storyline again (as I've run them all before) and really, the class storylines I enjoyed where Inquisitor and Consular, and I finally have the option to give them a chest piece just like Aspiring Knight Vest! :D


But I couldn't quite decide and I happened to think, "Well who has the better team of companions out of all the classes period?"


My pick was Bounty Hunter. Except for Skadge, I liked them all, and even Skadge I can somewhat think of as some terrible Jane knockoff. :p


Almost made me want to run the BH storyline again, but I want a force user storyline. It's been tough to decide who to pick for sure!


But the question is, what do you all think is the class with the best all together group?

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Hunter, followed by Inquisitor (Ashara! Squee!) Since you've done Inquisitor and Consular already, between the Knight and the Warrior I'd say the Warrior (DS and LS). Knights get only one companion who is really remarkable, IMO.


I've actually ran them all to at least the end of the class story and intro into Makeb.


I don't know, Rusk is terrible. Kira is awesome. I don't mind Scourge, but why he stays is beyond me, unless it's a matter of him having no where else to go, but then could the team even trust him after their goal was met. Doc I didn't find /that/ bad. Typical smug smuggler :p Droid is typical R2D2.

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Honestly, I hated just about everything to do with the knight story. Everyone said it was THE story to play in the game but none of it appealed to me. when

master orgus died

I didn't feel sad at all. He's just some guy i talked to a few times on tython. I used 12x XP to get a knight all the way to 44 before i just couldn't take it anymore. It was the most cliche story I have watched played or read in a very long time, and the companions were stiff, just static in personality. T7 just annoyed me, I was more pragmatic than light or dark, so getting affection with him was impossible. Kira is so boring, she's just like every other strong female character. I actually liked doc, he made me laugh. Rusk scared me. And playing a jedi that pretty much sold his soul to get as far as he did and hates the empire and the sith immensely, he would have killed scourge the second he walked up to him.


Now, i started a consular and I already like it more. Knight never felt like a real jedi for me, but consular does. Qyzen brings some nice diversity, and theran is like doc but better. haven't gotten any more companions but zenith seems pretty bland, though if i can fix Felix iresso's face his whole amnesia subplot could be cool. And Nadia seems like someone I'd actually get along with as a padawan, unlike kira.


I played a warrior awhile back and it seemed like after chapter one they got tired of writing companions. Vette was fun, you can play her story like 3 different ways. Malavai at the very least, evokes some form of strong emotion from me


and turning jaesa was satisfying. But pierce is a brick wall of muscle that just runs crew skill missions, and i don't even know what to say about broonmark because i just don't care.


Agent companions are nothing to write home about. They aren't good or bad.


Though, of all the stories i have played (knight consular inquisitor warrior agent) Inquisitor has some of the best companion interactions in my opinion. Khem val gets much more interesting in chapter 2 onwards, and all the companions have pretty defined personalities. I have no trouble picturing andronikos and my inquisitor robbing a bank for fun. While i was angry I couldn't turn ashara fully dark, I appreciated they added a character that didn't just bend to all your wishes. Talos was entertaining, I'd bring him along for his commentary. And while xalek isn't overly interesting overseeing the trials on korriban to get him was fun, you felt like a sith lord.


That's my take on companions, It does seem that bounty hunter's are also very good, but dat skadge...

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Agree with most of what you say. Knight is pretty dull, only way I made it through was by being the most sadistic psychopath you could imagine.


What I like about the agent's crew is that they fit together very well and actually have quite a bit of interaction between them. Mostly focused around Dr Lokin, of course -- he seems to have dirt on everyone on the ship -- but the other companions also occasionally refer to each other. Also, I appreciate that the only companion who is not lying to you in some way is SCORPIO (who wants to murder you, and openly admits it), while your relationship with everyone else is cordial, friendly, but never trusting. Just fits the agent story very well, imo.

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I like Consular's the most (with Zenith topping the charts so high nobody can come close, so I forgive Nadia's annoyfest), but I am starting to get to like the Trooper's crew as well. Warrior's is neat too for the most part (Jaesa is one huge let down), and BH not bad. I like a couple of Knight's and Smuggler' companions. I did not play Inquisitor or IA far enough to judge. Edited by DomiSotto
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My pick is the Warrior, by far (I played LS). A sweet and sassy Twi'lek, a handsome Imperial officer that heals, a beautiful apprentice that can be either light or dark, an enthusiastic soldier that makes an impressive meat shield, and a big fluffy pet monster . . . what's not to love? ;) Okay, so Broonmark is kind of boring, but at least he makes a nice Stronghold decoration.


I've found that my appreciation for a class' companions depends greatly on what kind of character I'm playing, though -- both their personality/alignment and combat role. For example, it doesn't matter how awesome I think Lord Scourge is as a character; if I was playing as a tank, I'd find him a disappointing companion.

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Bounty Hunters have some of the most entertaining companions in the game.


Of course, so much awesome in one place would be.... unfair, or something. Break the curve for the other classes. So, to even things out, they're also saddled with an enormous waste of space; the hands-down winner of the "first to be thrown out an airlock (had we the option)" award.

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Bounty Hunters have some of the most entertaining companions in the game.


Of course, so much awesome in one place would be.... unfair, or something. Break the curve for the other classes. So, to even things out, they're also saddled with an enormous waste of space; the hands-down winner of the "first to be thrown out an airlock (had we the option)" award.


I prefer Skadge to Tharan any day of the week. :cool:

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Is Scage really that bad? Seems to be one universally despised companion. What exactly wrong with him?


For me, it's really in how he becomes a part of your crew. Not that I would've made him part of the crew to begin with, but it's really in how he became a part of your crew.


You, the galaxy's most feared Bounty Hunter is told by Skadge "I'm joining your crew and you're going to take it and like it." and you just take it.

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For me, it's really in how he becomes a part of your crew. Not that I would've made him part of the crew to begin with, but it's really in how he became a part of your crew.


You, the galaxy's most feared Bounty Hunter is told by Skadge "I'm joining your crew and you're going to take it and like it." and you just take it.


That happens, one time or the other, with EVERY SINGLE class in this game.

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That happens, one time or the other, with EVERY SINGLE class in this game.


I don't know about that. The others may give more half hearted reasons. Skadge's was literally that. Most of the others felt like "Makes sense to take you on, even if I don't want too, on some sort of level." Though I don't recall Boon's acceptance onto the ship at this moment.


Maybe Skadge just really hit me over the head with it.

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Is Scage really that bad? Seems to be one universally despised companion. What exactly wrong with him?
He doesn't have a character really, it's just "kill kill kill" brute companion slot filled. Almost every class has one like this, Broonmark ain't much better, nor Xalek Edited by Pietrastor
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I don't know about that. The others may give more half hearted reasons. Skadge's was literally that. Most of the others felt like "Makes sense to take you on, even if I don't want too, on some sort of level." Though I don't recall Boon's acceptance onto the ship at this moment.


Maybe Skadge just really hit me over the head with it.


Rusk is pretty much dumped on your lap; Same with Iresso and Broonmark.


There are others less obvious but the examples above are on par with Skadge. :D

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I can understand. I do dislike the companions I am given the option to refuse to accept or voice sever objections to accepting, and then they join anyway - really, which companion doesn't join forcibly under the game's mechanic? There is no coming across a companion, talking to him/her and deciding to take on or not/keep or dismiss as it was the case in the older games. I was just now saddled with Vic Tanno did wonders for bonding with Aric though). But, I guess, the personality is more important. If I really really want them to join the party, I'll take any excuse happily. If it grates on me, no amount of 'we need you, really, really, really!' helps. Like Jaesa. She is supposed to be so super incredibly important, but it amounts to nothing after she joins. I am kindda happy Skage is not worse, tbh. :) Edited by DomiSotto
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I wanna drown Tharan and bring him back to life, over and over again. :p


Funny. That's my exact feeling toward Skadge. :)


I send him into a fight and I don't want to join in, because I WANT HIM TO DIE.


On the upside, I feel positively well disposed toward the likes of Broonmark, Xalek, and Vik now. They've got their bad qualities, sure, but at least they aren't Skadge.

Edited by Phenixmirage
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish i could shut off Tharan's "I'm a pacifist" comment, that one really annoys me.


Personally I think it depends on what your intent is. I play male characters, so having female companions work best for me, so Bounty hunter or Imp agent are my fav's when looking for relationships.

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Part of the overall problem with the way the disliked companions join your crew is that in beta, there was the option to refuse and even kill potential companions. The problem was that there was no way to undo that "damage" and so players who did refuse/kill companions and then regretted it complained. The end result was that all companions become part of your crew no matter what. In some cases this transition was simply done poorly. Skadge, Rusk, and Zenith are good examples. Skadge's, "I'm joining your crew whether you like it or not," attitude is one of the more glaring examples.


the funny thing is that my "LS, but do not get on my bad side" BH actually got along well with Skadge once we talked and had whole crew conversations. But I SOOOOOOO wanted to shove a blaster in his face when we met.


I think an example of a companion being "forced upon you" done well was Gault. When I was playing the BH, I did not realize at the time that Gault was Gault. So, when I finally caught up to him, he had gotten on my bad side and I sooo wanted to kill him, but every time I went to pull the trigger he would sweet talk me and eventually convinced me that he would be an asset.

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Part of the overall problem with the way the disliked companions join your crew is that in beta, there was the option to refuse and even kill potential companions. The problem was that there was no way to undo that "damage" and so players who did refuse/kill companions and then regretted it complained. The end result was that all companions become part of your crew no matter what. In some cases this transition was simply done poorly. Skadge, Rusk, and Zenith are good examples. Skadge's, "I'm joining your crew whether you like it or not," attitude is one of the more glaring examples.


Let's be honest, this is all Quinn's fault. If he wasn't so damn useful and people weren't idiots, the options would still be in the game.

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Dr. Lokin essentially blackmails you into taking him on board, though I would have taken him with me anyway to be honest: I need a doctor, and Vector needs someone civilized to get along with. Kaliyo was annoying for some time at the start, though I warmed to her eventually, though she annoys me here and there. I ended up maxing Lokin, Vector and Temple way before her.
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