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When is it acceptable to Q solo ranked


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2018 experience I think is the requirement. No matter which tier of pvp gear you have you'll have fun. In the end its the players ability that wins matches, not necessarily gear.


outdated gear also has 2018 exp, and some bolstered newer gear is prolly better, but any complete current set and augments are good, imo. and stims. and adrenal. and medpac. cuz...srs bsns rated is

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Could always opt for the Microfilament implants and earpiece if you have more credits than you have time to grind comms.


Outside of that, full basic pvp gear is required. Minmaxing is not, but do yourself a favor and read the stats before you buy (i.e. don't buy the Stalker earpiece just because you have Stalker gear).


Augmenting is a must, but you can start with the blue 28s. You don't have to go for the purple if credits are an issue.


Stims are a plus, medpacs and adrenals a necessity.


Above all that... please don't queue until you feel comfortable with your class/spec. That is the largest determining factor.

Edited by maverickmatt
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I have a full set of obroan and I'm just wondering if its advisable to be fully ranked geared to enter RWZ


Tbh gear is important, but not that important. There are hundreds of fully-min-maxed *******s who can barely break 10k damage in a round.


You should start doing ranked when you start to dominate, and I do mean dominate, regs.


If you're dps, you should be top 2 dps almost every time before you start doing ranked. If you're doing 300k damage and see other people doing close to 700k, you are not ready for ranked. If you're getting out-healed consistently, you're not ready for ranked.


Gear is important, but if you don't feel like you're consistently, legitimately one of the top players (in terms of straight damage or healings, medals mean nothing in ranked) in regs, keep playing regs until you get there.

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Tbh gear is important, but not that important. There are hundreds of fully-min-maxed *******s who can barely break 10k damage in a round.


You should start doing ranked when you start to dominate, and I do mean dominate, regs.


If you're dps, you should be top 2 dps almost every time before you start doing ranked. If you're doing 300k damage and see other people doing close to 700k, you are not ready for ranked. If you're getting out-healed consistently, you're not ready for ranked.


Gear is important, but if you don't feel like you're consistently, legitimately one of the top players (in terms of straight damage or healings, medals mean nothing in ranked) in regs, keep playing regs until you get there.




That puts a direct emphasis on numbers, which is not the kind of player you want on your team in any form of warzone or arena.


Know your class and know how to use all your tools (i.e. Guardian Leap...), be comfortable and familiar with it, and if you change specs... start over until you are comfortable again. Queue ranked when ready. Do not seek numbers or use numbers as a barometer. That would make you a bad player.

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I have a full set of obroan and I'm just wondering if its advisable to be fully ranked geared to enter RWZ


Stims and augs are a must (TBH in any game mode at lvl 55). Around fully optimized Obroan will be greatly helpful. If not, at least have PvP relics, have more than 30K and 1,900 expertise.

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Full obroan that is correctly optimized. Be sure to have an excellent understanding of your own class and every single other class before you even think to queue and make sure you can actually play the game at an above standard level at what ever role your queuing on.
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Stims and augs are a must (TBH in any game mode at lvl 55). Around fully optimized Obroan will be greatly helpful. If not, at least have PvP relics, have more than 30K and 1,900 expertise.


hell no. I'm not wasting money/resources on stims just to tryhard a reg. if I wanna test something, sure. but lol @ that man. you can't even BUY reflex stims on my server's gtn half the time.

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That puts a direct emphasis on numbers, which is not the kind of player you want on your team in any form of warzone or arena.


Know your class and know how to use all your tools (i.e. Guardian Leap...), be comfortable and familiar with it, and if you change specs... start over until you are comfortable again. Queue ranked when ready. Do not seek numbers or use numbers as a barometer. That would make you a bad player.


I don't know if you actually stopped to think about what you're saying, but you're flat out wrong.


hmmmm I wonder what system the game has in place to directly monitor your performance relative to other players........ oh yeah, they call them the *********** numbers.


The refuge for bad players are things like "Oh well I was guarding the node" "Oh well I was valuable because I was running orbs" "my dps was low because I'm the most important cc-er in the game. Gulllll i'm so goood"


If you took the best players in game, they always put up the higher numbers, and they would always win.


Numbers are literally, yes as in literally, a direct representation of how good you are. Don't fool yourself by thinking otherwise

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Numbers are literally, yes as in literally, a direct representation of how good you are. Don't fool yourself by thinking otherwise


So a lethality operative / sniper or a madness sorc / assassin that keeps tab-dotting everything in sight and gets 1 mill + damage is a better player than the DPS that burns down / controls the healer(s) and ends up with 600k damage?

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I don't know if you actually stopped to think about what you're saying, but you're flat out wrong.


hmmmm I wonder what system the game has in place to directly monitor your performance relative to other players........ oh yeah, they call them the *********** numbers.


The refuge for bad players are things like "Oh well I was guarding the node" "Oh well I was valuable because I was running orbs" "my dps was low because I'm the most important cc-er in the game. Gulllll i'm so goood"


If you took the best players in game, they always put up the higher numbers, and they would always win.


Numbers are literally, yes as in literally, a direct representation of how good you are. Don't fool yourself by thinking otherwise


Havent seen anyone do more than 300K proction in weeks.

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So a lethality operative / sniper or a madness sorc / assassin that keeps tab-dotting everything in sight and gets 1 mill + damage is a better player than the DPS that burns down / controls the healer(s) and ends up with 600k damage?

Apparently that is the case, he has spoken. Tab-DoT away and you too can be the best there is.

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****. That's what I've been doing wrong all this time. Screw playing smart and going for objectives. Tab-Dot here I come!


Objectives are for regs. There are no objectives in solo ranked other than do more damage/healing/protection than your opponent.


There's not fluff, there aren't excuses. You have to be able to put out strong numbers to compete.


You can talk all day about how valuable you are to your team, if you want. None of that means anything in solo ranked. The players who do more damage, win more arenas.


If you want to do objective based pvp, then do objective based pvp and feel good about your 12 medals.


If you want to do ranked and succeed, make as big of an impact on regs as you possibly can focusing on damage/healing/protection and see how you stack up. If you're still not coming out near the top, queuing for ranked is only going to put you up against players who are even better.

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Objectives are for regs. There are no objectives in solo ranked other than do more damage/healing/protection than your opponent.


There's not fluff, there aren't excuses. You have to be able to put out strong numbers to compete.


You can talk all day about how valuable you are to your team, if you want. None of that means anything in solo ranked. The players who do more damage, win more arenas.


If you want to do objective based pvp, then do objective based pvp and feel good about your 12 medals.


If you want to do ranked and succeed, make as big of an impact on regs as you possibly can focusing on damage/healing/protection and see how you stack up. If you're still not coming out near the top, queuing for ranked is only going to put you up against players who are even better.


So in ranked there is no smart play? No reason to CC / peel / hard switch / focusing on the correct target etc? So I should just tab-dot everyone, preventing any CCs, and just focus on doing the most damage? And while I'm at it, maybe I should focus the tank that's getting healed to rack up my damage numbers?

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