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How fast 1-55 with the new 12x?


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I use to play SWTOR, I was a founder yadda yadda but I am so over leveling in any MMO. How fast does the 12x alleviate the time played till 50?


I really want to play SWTOR again but could care less about leveling.


Thanks for your time.

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I use to play SWTOR, I was a founder yadda yadda but I am so over leveling in any MMO. How fast does the 12x alleviate the time played till 50?


I really want to play SWTOR again but could care less about leveling.


Thanks for your time.


You can 1-55 in ~24 hours real time.

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8-10 hrs with help, about 15-20 solo imo


I have consistently leveled 1-55 in 14-15 hours solo.

I ran from level 21 to 43 with someone who was lvl 55. While the combat is obviously easier and faster, the coordination of where to go takes more time. For example, whenever I have to go back to my ship or fleet or another planet, I immediately go to my stronghold, use the taxi to return to starship or fleet. I can do this in seconds. With another, even if they come to my stronghold with me, they can't enter my ship from there, it takes them back to their ship. So then I either have to go to fleet or just proceed to the next planet and they will catch up from their own ship.

Not to mention if they have to go AFK, or go the wrong way (purple indicator on map isn't 100% reliable), etc.


So bottom line is while the combat is easier and you don't have to worry about gearing up, buying arms/mods/enhancs, etc, depending on someone else for help in the long run takes more time I find.

Edited by jeremyofmany
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It took me ~23 hours to level my latest alt last weekend, and that included a few hours wasted putting a nice looking set together, doing the +10 fleet datacron with guildies , the Makeb endurance datacron and some general afk time.

I'd say 15 -20 hours solo is realistic if you aren't easily distracted like myself :p

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Solo is about 10-15 hours doing nothing but grind and spacebars, depending on class and choices.


You can shave an hour if you know the right conversation choices to make travel time less, for example on Correlia Sith Inquisitor if you pick the convo choice that you remember the guy from Balmorra, you can go straight to the final story instance. If you don't remember him or lie you have to run around on marking animals with pheramones which takes 30 mins. Same on other planets. Or light side choices on SW can save hours since you don't have to do fights.

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You can shave an hour if you know the right conversation choices to make travel time less, for example on Correlia ...


Wait... you go there? The last three I've leveled to 55 I hit 47 right around the end of Belsavis/beginning of Voss then jet off to Makeb. It's maybe 2 hours from that point to 55, assuming you don't get distracted ;)

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Wait... you go there? The last three I've leveled to 55 I hit 47 right around the end of Belsavis/beginning of Voss then jet off to Makeb. It's maybe 2 hours from that point to 55, assuming you don't get distracted ;)


Isn't Corellia/Chapter 3 completion required to advance through the 55-60 story arc?

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I've been helping my husband finally get some 55s after having and subbing to this game for 3 years, but not actually playing. I'd say, if he doesn't keep stopping to listen to music or do crafting, it can take us about 8 hours to go from about 25 to 55. but I'm doing all the work with my plethora of 55s who are fairly well geared. I just go in, let him enjoy the story cutscenes, cause i do too, and smite the enemies in like 2 seconds flat.


Of course, HE is the only one I do this for. There are not enough credits in the entire game, all servers combined, that would get me to PL anyone but him.

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Is that strictly the class quests or side quests as well?

Do only class story line missions and don't pick up any side quests. As soon as you hit 47, go to your ship, get the Makeb story line quest from your holoterminal, and head to Makeb. Pick up the GSI bolster from the satellite terminal near the shuttles on the orbital station, or at any taxi stand on the planet. You can get from 47-55 in less than an hour if you push it, or a couple hours if you take it slow. People have posted totals for 1-55 runs under 8 hours, but more realistic is between 15 and 25 hours played depending on how efficient you are.


Having quick travel cooldowns and maxed rocket boots helps, as does a level 10 speeder. Also be sure to make the most of your stronghold. Travel to stronghold and exit to ship is a free quick travel at the end of each planet with no cooldown. You also can set up banks, a GTN terminal, and the free Decoration Merchant right at the entrance of your stronghold to serve as a quick repair and resupply hub (you can QT back to the exact point on the planet you entered from when you're done).

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Everyone is different of course, but these are good estimates. Some will do it faster, some slower.


Ya I do Makeb. I'm just giving a few examples. There are plenty before Voss when you hit 47. Another example is Taris Sith Inquisitor on second mission where the right convo choices lets you dodge farming bear pelts before meeting with Ashara the first time.

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Also this is usually with me letting myself die on long story instance runs or areas leading to them with high density mobs.


If you are non-stealth its fastest to just run your character through to the objective area and train all the mobs you'd normally fight. Then just let yourself die right in front of the green instance entrance or wherever your objective is if you are inside (since inside their aggro wont reset). You'll die but you can self res in 4 seconds, at least the first death. It can save easily 30 minutes of pointless fighting in each spot. Since you are running faster than stealth, its actually often faster than what a stealth class can do. So typically when I am doing the plow runs I wont fight a thing except the end boss, pop Heroic Moment, then move on to the next chain.


Also a few strategic deaths can jump your char to the nearest med center, which might leap you forward, but you have to be confident where they are.


Also another tip is when you enter an area leading to the final encounter of a chain, there is usually a QT point just a few hundred meters further. Its worthwhile to pass up the objective area first, get the QT unlock, then back pedel just a bit and complete that part of the chain. Then when you finish the objective you just QT to the newly unlocked and you aren't double running. This happens on Hoth a lot and certain points in Alderan. Or make sure to get the QT point before embarking on your segment so you can QT back to the train and move to the next area, like on Corellia -- there you are level 55 already but that area is nothnig but travel so...and you gotta get it done eventually.


Other planets not so much, like Belsavis and Voss.


Ultimately 70% of the 12x is travel grind - so look for ways to cut that.

Edited by sippelmc
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Isn't Corellia/Chapter 3 completion required to advance through the 55-60 story arc?


Yes, but I guess people level to 55 on Makeb, get 156 (or 28 or whatever that is now) gear and head back to Voss and Corellia and kill everything by just looking at it.

Edited by Shoraan
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Yes, but I guess people level to 55 on Makeb, get 156 (or 28 or whatever that is now) gear and head back to Voss and Corellia and kill everything by just looking at it.

This. It's quicker to get the levels on Makeb, then blitz the stories at 55.


Makeb also will give you between five and seven class appropriate pieces of green level 51 to 53 gear, depending on how lucky you get with random drops. That is more than enough to get you through Chapter 3, and it's easier and cheaper than trying to scrape together upgrades at lower levels. If you want to buy or make some blue or purple mods, the supply also is far more abundant and cheaper for the level 53 ones than at lower levels.

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A lot of it depends on the class you're playing.


I took a Jugg from 1-55 in just under 11 hours of game time. Driving from one mission on Belsavis to the next one (final one for the planet) took almost 15 minutes on my speeder.


Also, knowing the best times to use /stuck to travel back to the nearest outpost is very handy. :)

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It is easy to get to 55 on most classes in around 10 hrs if you are in a guild, use XP boosts, spacebar cut scenes, use every travel perk, go to Makeb and use bolster at 47, and in general, play smart.


For example, get a mission that sends you to some endless hallways or tunnels full of trash...


Run through without stopping, sacrifice companion, use med packs and roll defensive cool downs to stay alive, die at door to class mission, rez in place, go inside and Heroic Moment the boss, QT back to base (or /stuck if QT on CD) if you have to talk to someone on planet or use Fleet Pass / Stronghold > Ship if next step is 'Use Ship Holoterminal'.


If you travel on foot or speeder everywhere, stop to kill everything in your way, forget to use Heroic Moment, and watch all the cut scenes, it will take you much longer.


Another way to keep the speed up is to craft / buy all the gear you'll need for yourself and your companion, send it to yourself in the mail, then unlock a mail droid to access it as needed where ever.

Edited by DawnAskham
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