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We're being played.


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This isn't Day 1, it's Day -7. There was never a chance that everyone would get in today. Ever. Not even if pre-launch had been two weeks.


look if most the playerbase will be on before the 20th, the official date what really is it then? Stop looking at the words and look at this for what it is. It is Launch Day. The SWTOR launcher itself says launch day.


Early Access at this point is nothing but a state of mind. The reality is every day you are not is is a day missed from this point forward.

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OP, you can try, but it's really hard to convince the sheeple to shed their ignorance.


You mean the sheeple who managed to read the information that was available to everybody that said Early Game Access would be determined by date of pre-order?


I'm so sick of the Anti-Literacy-Bias in these forums!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::)

Edited by Beatmiser
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How does it feel when you know Bioware has your money and laughing all the way to the bank?


I'm not too pissed off since I preordered early Dec. so hopefully I'll get early access withing the 5 days.


Do they have your money? I pre-ordered and have not paid a single cent so far, I will be charged when the game ships. So it's possible to have your cake and eat it too (except if you did the right thing by going digital instead - won't have to wait for shipping and be afraid of possible delays).

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look if most the playerbase will be on before the 20th, the official date what really is it then? Stop looking at the words and look at this for what it is. It is Launch Day. The SWTOR launcher itself says launch day.


Early Access at this point is nothing but a state of mind. The reality is every day you are not is is a day missed from this point forward.


but its a day you have not paid for and its a day you were never guaranteed. funny how no one seems to get that. Its like anything that is happening was not advertised well in advance not days in advance, not weeks but MONTHS IN ADVANCE.

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I totally agree with the OP. This is a failed launch.


By not letting ALL players getting in, they are obviously not having any problem at all. The thing is we all pay exactly the same thing but some are getting preferential treatment.


This is not the way to go BioWare. I haven't started playing yet and I am already disappointed.

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So... you're saying this is worse than other companies that look for profit? I don't even... They're trying to provide us a quality product and monitor the smooth launch and you're QQing about it. Worse yet, creating a whole conspriacy theory around it. You're the kind of person that must think JKennedey's assassin is still at large and that Elvis Presley is still alive.
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Whatever they promise, a week in advance is far more then what any other game allows, usualy only being 1-3 days if that.


As long as they deliver on the said date or better, and the dates are acceptable, i have no problem.


I see you did not read the OP. There is no free week, it's all a marketing ploy so they could say they gave everyone extra days for free. They planned for it to subdue the rage of most people not getting in on launch day, it failed.

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Here's a big difference between this day and launch day.


Right now, you can still cancel your pre-order and not be charged for the game. You will still be allowed to play in early access, however.


On launch day the game will be bought and payed for. You can't cancel your order anymore unless you go through your credit card or can somehow negotiate a refund from EA.


Right now you can get into early access even if you cancelled your pre-order. Which means you're not a customer any longer yet you still get early access.


Explain that.

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Remember, these are TWO extra extra days so everyone's a winner in the end!"


This poor sap actually believes that they decided to out of the goodness of their hearts to give us two "extra" days. Do you? If you're that gullible then I have beach-front property to sell you in Arizona.


This was all planned from the get-go. Under-promise and over-deliver. All (good) design firms (architectural, engineering, graphics, games, etc.) operate under this model.


Make no mistake, folks. This is launch day disguised under the marketing ploy of being "early access." That's the only way they could get around the inevitable backlash that would result from them doing this without the marketing speak cover.


"This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game. We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game. Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be With You!


Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Co-Founders, BioWare"


Imagine if any other game launched but didn't allow everyone who purchased the game to log in on day one. People would be raging and gaming media would be all over it. That's exactly what is happening here, except many gamers and media outlets are buying it hook, line, and sinker because they've used marketing lingo to cover up what they're really doing.


Think critically. We're being played.





I've got another theory for you. You ready for this?


What if the CIA invented Dinosaurs?.. before you say I'm wrong listen to the last part of the sentence.


What if the CIA invented Dinosaurs to prevent people from trying to time travel? See yeah the government has been hiding this information from the public since the inception of the CIA.. Yeah man.

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Amen OP.

Every other MMO in history had equal opportunity to log in on day 1 of headstart (which is exactly what this is). Now BW changes that and they expected customers to actually expect something different than what happened in every other MMO they've ever played. Massive stupidity.

Edited by Zelrik
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I totally agree with the OP. This is a failed launch.


By not letting ALL players getting in, they are obviously not having any problem at all. The thing is we all pay exactly the same thing but some are getting preferential treatment.


This is not the way to go BioWare. I haven't started playing yet and I am already disappointed.


Should have pre-ordered sooner!

Sucks to be you!

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Spoken like a true teabagger.. Ill eat what they feed me and be happy about it, even if it is dog Poo.


Actually I think I said that I'm interested in the product they're selling... that would indicate I find the value of the product to be somewhat higher than dog poo.


Obviously enough people agree with me that they'll turn a profit... or else we'll be seeing Bioware (and possibly EA) fold since they spent a ton of money developing this game.


While I don't really believe in the ability of the free market to make companies act socially responsible, this is a game that people play for entertainment. No one's lives are truly impacted by this. Let the market run its course.

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This just in - a business, which is reliant on YOUR money, which sunk somewhere north of $100 million into this project, gets its jollies by irritating you to the point where you'll not pay them for the product.


Does the make ANY sense to ANYONE? No? Then, guess what, they're not doing this to "play" you. They want servers that work the week of 12/20, not a one month long crash fest that just about every other MMO in existence dealt with.

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Agree with op!! Bioware is just using this period to stress test. We got information when we bought the game that we would get early acceess. Not that some would get access before others. This is so Failed! Why not give everybody the same early access period ??
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