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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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It really feels dead especially that you don't need any help at all. Heroics fps you can come back few levels later and solo that ****. Warzones or quests. Quests... Same old **** he ran away so go kill him. Those dialogues apart fom main story line are boring as ****. Second char on same faction. Space bar ftw if I can force myself.


There is no need for player integration whatsoever and all those force defenders here obviously never played any real MMO where without others you can't do much besides basics.


I really don't understand this (and I'll compare to WoW since... it's the most similar, I think.). I played WoW alone from 1 to 85, almost always alone (Obv. not when I did dungeons) and about the only time I needed a group was maybe for the ampitheater of anguish. It confuses me greatly when people complain that they level solo... in every MMO i've played I basically leveled by myself. If anything, the heroics are the most interaction I've done leveling. (Not including SWG)

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It is but there is something very wrong if I do not need nobody for anything in a MMO.


you will on 50.


and like I said, the target demographic is different. the majority of mmo players these days want to play a mmo, but don't want to deal with other people. so bioware made the smart business move to cater to that majority.

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Go solo a world boss. Post a video.


Wow. I just fell. You killed me. At lvl 35 one thing a level boss that I need somebody else.

Are you serious?


In other words. It's ok if this is the hidden goal of this game BUT if it is stop naming it MMO because if you do you clearly have no idea what community interaction is all about in a MMO. It's all about people. Game itself is second objective as sooner or later you will hit that50. And then what?. Seriously. Anything to do in cantinas? Cities? Stations where even a npc is hard to find? What will you do then if 95% of this game content is a solo play.

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I really don't understand this (and I'll compare to WoW since... it's the most similar, I think.). I played WoW alone from 1 to 85, almost always alone (Obv. not when I did dungeons) and about the only time I needed a group was maybe for the ampitheater of anguish. It confuses me greatly when people complain that they level solo... in every MMO i've played I basically leveled by myself. If anything, the heroics are the most interaction I've done leveling. (Not including SWG)


wow had elite areas in the beginning as well, but they were phased out when most players were at levelcap.


but unlike wow, the heroic quests are repeatable, so even if I don't have it yet or already did it the other day, I can still get it, group up, and get rewarded.

Edited by Graburr
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Wow. I just fell. You killed me. At lvl 35 one thing a level boss that I need somebody else.

Are you serious?


In other words. It's ok if this is the hidden goal of this game BUT if it is stop naming it MMO because if you do you clearly have no idea what community interaction is all about in a MMO. It's all about people. Game itself is second objective as sooner or later you will hit that50. And then what?. Seriously. Anything to do in cantinas? Cities? Stations where even a npc is hard to find? What will you do then if 95% of this game content is a solo play.


95% solo play? What? There's a heroic quest in every hub. You can't outlevel it and call it solo content. It was DESIGNED as group content whether you choose to do it that way or not.


I know what community interaction is in an MMO, and I've probably been more involved in the community in game than any other MMO I've played. I've grouped as much while leveling as I did back in EQ where you were forced to group to do anything. I've used the GTN.


What to do at 50? Hmmm, 15 hardmode flashpoints with another on the way, 2 operations with one getting additions soon. Ilum PvP. No social interaction there.

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The whole problem is because instead of having quest zones split up along one planet, BioWare split up all of the quest zones into multiple planets.


So basically the OP expects every single planet to be fully fleshed out but basically it is like crying because Felwood, or Blasted Lands in WoW giving you no incentive to come back to it later.


It's a leveling zone. Once you're done leveling, the only reason to come back is for A. Dailies B. Gathering Crafting Materials C. Ganking lower level people.


Almost every area in a MMO is separated by mountains with pathways leading inbetween zones. SWTOR is just split up between planets instead. Each planet is like a large questing zone.


It's really not as bad as some people try to make it out to be. Yeah it's not a sandbox, but it's not KOTOR either.

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95% solo play? What? There's a heroic quest in every hub. You can't outlevel it and call it solo content. It was DESIGNED as group content whether you choose to do it that way or not.


I know what community interaction is in an MMO, and I've probably been more involved in the community in game than any other MMO I've played. I've grouped as much while leveling as I did back in EQ where you were forced to group to do anything. I've used the GTN.


What to do at 50? Hmmm, 15 hardmode flashpoints with another on the way, 2 operations with one getting additions soon. Ilum PvP. No social interaction there.


That's it? Several million people cramped in that flashpoint area to do them? Is that MMO?


All that sharing starts to make a lot of sense now...



Edited by LordSatoh
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I'm finding it hard to keep playing this game because of the lack of people playing. My character isn't even out of Nar Shaddaa yet, I'm not outleveling anybody. Perhaps I'll just wait for my friends to start playing before I do anything drastic.


It might just be my server that sucks. Nobody in chat, only a few dozen people on any planet at a given time. I love the game itself but I can't keep grinding out quests in no man's land.

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No, I forgot to mention daily missions at cap. So, what grand MMO feature is the game missing at cap?


Something to do in cantinas, something to do in early planets, something to do by yourself that doesn't involve killing ****, something where my mates will say "dude we need this. Craft it" which would be nice if not the fact you can have gazillion chars on same server leveled to 10-17 doing nice crafting your own.


This are just examples. In SWG we used to search krayts to kill. You needed a ranger to find them faster and etc. in eve we get a group to do wormholes. Some crazy hard stuff and you need a specialized scanner to find a way into them and way out afterwards. This is what a MMO is about. Meeting with different specialized players to achieve one goal. In heroics you just need numbers as professions don't even matter much.

This is a easy mode single player.

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Something to do in cantinas, something to do in early planets, something to do by yourself that doesn't involve killing ****, something where my mates will say "dude we need this. Craft it" which would be nice if not the fact you can have gazillion chars on same server leveled to 10-17 doing nice crafting your own.


This are just examples. In SWG we used to search krayts to kill. You needed a ranger to find them faster and etc. in eve we get a group to do wormholes. Some crazy hard stuff and you need a specialized scanner to find a way into them and way out afterwards. This is what a MMO is about. Meeting with different specialized players to achieve one goal. I heroics you just need numbers as professions don't matter much.


Ooooh, I should have known you came from SWG. This isn't an MMO because it's not a sandbox. Well, this isn't a sandbox MMO, and it was never marketed as such.


Sure it would be nice to have something to do in cantinas (pazaak, sabaac I'm looking at you!). In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if we get some cantina games in the future.


We'll have to agree to disagree overall though. Some like theme park, some like sandbox. While I agree that some sandboxy elements would be nice (they hinted that they'll be expanding space combat in the future but have given no details), it's not a gamebreaker for me. It doesn't make it less of an MMO, just a different kind of MMO than you prefer.

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Everything that makes WoW a great game is public knowledge, you can fill in the blanks as to what makes it a great game ie: UI customization MOD's and so forth....


All those aspects should be shipped at launch for release in whatever game being released now or in the near future. This nonsense of a barebones game being sold with future Xpansions and free DLC is Bs, atm it's like I'm playing Mass Effect...with a Lightsaber weapon bonus.


Too bad as the potential for a great MMO is lost on us as well as BioWare.


If you can look past the heavily layered "Themepark" not "MMO" aspect, the above additional issues contribute to the negative over-all feel to the gameas well...


There is a chance to turn the game around but I'd like to add I'm an impatient player and "The same ole' Same Ole'" wears thin quickly.


I suspect this applies to many gamers today.

Edited by BadSwings
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I read all those different websites and all I read was, this game is great, this is the best MMORPG ever, this game is awesome.


Sorry this game is crap.


Tried to play a trooper in this game today. I have two questions. *** was that? Who wrote that garbage? Seeriously, we're to believe that was a warzone and it was just...well, I don't know what to call it. That was horrible gaming experience. I think I got half-way through the zone and just gave up. Did people actually like it?


Some of the side stories were so badly written that I thought I was going to puke all over my screen. For a SW game it didn't feel anything like it. Plus, wouldn't a trooper work with a team, a squad, a platoon? What, am I a one person member to Havoc? Where is everyone else?


You know I am not a big fan of Lucas Arts, but SW Battlefront was at least fun, this game is not. I am a huge fan of Bioware and I cannot believe they made this POS. :mad:

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Cities are dull empty shells.

Entire worlds unable to be explored.

A Universe so linear it's like traveling down a blackhole.


This game like many others has taken several steps back in the mmo genre. Create expansive concepts and shut out the actual delivery. If one can overlook the fact that this is a suped up scroll-screen type game you'll still feel cheated because of the crappy server instance system that's in place that keeps players seperated.


***, if WoW or EvE can have x amount of players in an open world/universe enviorment why cant swtor? Im not tech savy but it's like stepping back into time with whatever there using to run the game and I dont mean the GuildWars 1 type graphics...that can be another issue.


All in all it's just my opinion, story's engaging light saber and force power real cool but thats just half the game...if that much can be acreditted to it.


I purchased Star Wars...In the game the "Wars" are possible but the "Stars" are locked out to us.



while its nowhere near like going into stormwind in WoW or just flying around in eve it does have alot of ppl that i see npc and real life ones doing quests ect.....the problem is that this is sort of a single player game in a mmo setting :/ so theres no need to grp/trade (coruse its still early for the tradeing part mabey but still)


and once you leave the first planet you get ur ship so ppl are exploring and probly doing the boring space combat then relizing it sucks and going back to the ground combat.

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The whole game is linear.


<- Already lv50 SI Sorc Healer.


There is absolutely no reason to go back to any of the planets.

* Hopefully they expand them and add RvR into the game.


So what reason did you ever have to go back to old zones in other games?

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He wasn't talking about expansions and more content. He was talking about functionality and general UI/tools etc which don't need expansions to be implemented.


But since when can you reason with the defense force?


Do you even realize what WoW's original UI was like?


Being able to move and resize frames is a relative new feature. WoW's original UI was ten times worse than TORs is. Bioware has stated post launch that more UI options are on the way but other things get priority like storyline bugs, sorting servers out, FPS problems (which by the way most FPS problem I bet has AA forced, if you set to "enhance application" there is significant improvement with little loss of quality.)and so on.


But the thing is their development team is big enough that they can fix issues and add new content and feature, and they will. But it won't happen less than a week after the official launch. NO MMO could do that I don't care if it's Blizzard, Areanet, Bioware, Trion or NCSoft.


yes things need to be improved, yes they need to be fixed but all of this complaining on the forums is ridiculous. You're all very unrealistic on the time tables you expect everything to magically get fixed. Give them your first free month, if nothing changes and there isn't a good bit of improvement, by all means vote with your wallet. But stop being irrationally impatient.



;Aside from that I see we've changed gears. First we complained about "OMG I bet there's no end game" Well there's end game, at least as much as any new expansion to a older MMO and generally more than a brand new MMO so we instead complain that there's no reason to go back to the beginning. Make up your minds?




This thread is just full of proof that some people are NEVER happy. When one fear is put to rest they have to invent another just so they can complain more. Some of you make me sick.







More importantly: How about you guys try something new. Instead of complaining here, go assess the game. Stop worrying about whether it's innovative or that it doesn't have this or it doesn't have that, and look at what you're doing. Play the game and ask yourself one simple question, "Am I having fun?"


If the answer is No then maybe you should go do something else.

If the answer is yes, then good, what are you complaining about?


I understand Bioware won't know to fix or add things if we don't bring it to their attention but these forums are and have always been full of dead horse beating.



It's pretty simple really. If you are here and enjoy the game so far and want to see it develop more into some place you could spend a lot of time, good just be patient.


If you're here to just troll or hate the game and just want to complain. You're only being a fool and wasting your time.

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It's okay for people to like the game. It's also okay for people to not like the game. They are both right and neither wrong. Like and dislike come from within, not without, my young padawans so cease this endless bickering! :p


This is true.



My only point is no amount of constant complaining is going to change things sooner.


Bioware has their time tables and their priority lists. Things will get fixed in the order Bioware gets to them.


Expecting them to be fixed IMMEDIATELY is kind of stupid though.

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I agree with the OP, particularly with the cities feeling empty. This is no doubt to the sharding, which needs to be eliminated ASAP IMO. I can run around on Dromund Kaas in "full" server and only see two or three other players. That is pretty bad, and really does make the world feel "lifeless."
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