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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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The whole game is linear.


<- Already lv50 SI Sorc Healer.


There is absolutely no reason to go back to any of the planets.

* Hopefully they expand them and add RvR into the game.


All successful MMOs are this way. Once you hit level cap it is up to you to explore, the game is not forcing it down your throat. Zones/Planets are made for certain levels, they are not going to put level 50 mobs on Korriban to kill level 1s.


That being said, if you do not have all the lore objects, datacrons and completed all the quests then you do have reason to go back.

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A sandbox MMO is one where the game gives you the setting, the tools and the rules, but most of the content comes from how the players interact with each other. EVE is an example of this (although EVE does have "theme park" aspects like missions, they play a smallish role in that game in the grand scheme of things): most of the gameplay involves competing with or collaborating with other players in some way -- economically, politically, militarily, diplomatically. Another example was Ultima Online, and the third main example was Star Wars Galaxies. Basically these are games where you don't have a pathway of progression to follow, and you can do whatever you want, within the rules and the tools provided.


A theme park MMO is one where you follow the path the game lays out for you -- certain classes, certain skills, predefined levels, predefined content provided by the game. The developers don't provide only setting, tools and rules, but all of the actual content as well, which is "played through" by the players. The vast majority of MMOs since 2003 have been theme park MMOs, and the best example is, of course, WoW.


Well said, as a previous poster said brings back fond memories of UO.


I like theme park when done well, thankfully Bioware has provided us an excellent theme park that looks like it will keep expanding.

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who cares if they skipped every single quest up to 50... this is a mmo. not a single player game... mmo's are suppose to be designed to last forever... the real content should be at max level........


sooooooooooo who freaking cares if they skipped .... biowares fault for designing a game based around leveling...




The troll is STRONG with this one

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Why can't a game being released in 2011/2012 be nearly on par with a game out for 7-8years? Everything that makes WoW a great game is public knowledge, you can fill in the blanks as to what makes it a great game ie: UI customization MOD's and so forth....


All those aspects should be shipped at launch for release in whatever game being released now or in the near future. This nonsense of a barebones game being sold with future Xpansions and free DLC is Bs, it's only done because of the acceptance/allowance from the buyer's/fans who settle.


With that being said there is a large portion of MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online)gamers who can see this "Themepark" game as a 1 player-game throw away....lol atm it's like I'm playing Mass Effect...with a Lightsaber weapon bonus.


Too bad as the potential for a great MMO is lost on us as well as BioWare.

Edited by BadSwings
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I miss the WoW forums a little. At least when people expressed their dissatisfaction with the game, they'd make a quick forum post, people would ask for their stuff, and then they'd leave.


...and renew their subs a month later. Heyyo!


QFMFT. 'This game is terribad, ya'll are terribad and I hate myself for continuing to play this farce of a game. I'm out,'.


'Can I have your stuff'

'See ya!'

'Don't let the door hit ya..'


A month later..... 'This game is terribad, ya'll are terribad and I hate myself for continuing to play this farce of a game. I'm out,'.


Pretty entertaining stuff.

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Why can't a game being released in 2011/2012 be nearly on par with a game out for 7-8years? Everything that makes WoW a great game is public knowledge, you can fill in the blanks as to what makes it a great game ie: UI customization MOD's and so forth....


All those aspects should be shipped at launch for release in whatever game being released now or in the near future. This nonsense of a barebones game being sold with future Xpansions and free DLC is Bs, it's only done because of the acceptance/allowance from the buyer's/fans who settle.


With that being said there is a large portion of MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online)gamers who can see this "Themepark" game as a 1 player-game throw away....lol atm it's like I'm playing Mass Effect...with a Lightsaber weapon bonus.


Too bad as the potential for a freat MMO is lost on us as well as BioWare.


This game wasn't conceptualised, developed, created and released in 2011/2012. Why do people keep asking this? It wasn't even announced until 2008 and was started in 2007. It was originally going to be based on the Fire and Ice book series. So if you want to compare it to a game that's been out for 7 years, at least compare them that way. Did WoW have any of the things you're complaining about in 2007? I'll answer that for you, no.

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I have no idea where people got the idea BW was going to make whole planets explorable. Do you realize that it isnt even possible for that to happen. There is no possible way BW could create whole planets and let them be explorable.


A start would be to remove the inbuild maphack. This gives back a nice exploration feeling.


What im also missing are secrets which pop up randomly, not secrets which you can google in 2 mins.

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Cities are dull empty shells.

Entire worlds unable to be explored.

A Universe so linear it's like traveling down a blackhole.


This game like many others has taken several steps back in the mmo genre. Create expansive concepts and shut out the actual delivery. If one can overlook the fact that this is a suped up scroll-screen type game you'll still feel cheated because of the crappy server instance system that's in place that keeps players seperated.


***, if WoW or EvE can have x amount of players in an open world/universe enviorment why cant swtor? Im not tech savy but it's like stepping back into time with whatever there using to run the game and I dont mean the GuildWars 1 type graphics...that can be another issue.


All in all it's just my opinion, story's engaging light saber and force power real cool but thats just half the game...if that much can be acreditted to it.


I purchased Star Wars...In the game the "Wars" are possible but the "Stars" are locked out to us.






Servers are sharded to make launch more bearable as opposed to "THEY STEAL ALL OUR QUEST KILLZ ****".


Secondly. This game has at least 1,500,000 subscribers.


This game has 216 servers. Assuming the population was divided evenly among the servers.


6,944 people per server.

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I think the OP is right, with the sharding of the servers, its like we're playing alone and this is suppose to be an MMO. Also, why do the worlds seem so devoid of life? Where is the world ambience? No birds? No weird creatures skittering on the ground? Why are most NPC's just standing around? Why don't we hear any conversations between NPC's? NPC's working? Where is the detailed worlds we were promised?


It just feels like we're playing a single player RPG with a co-op function. From what I can tell this is not an MMO. Very disappointed. :(

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This game wasn't conceptualised, developed, created and released in 2011/2012. Why do people keep asking this? It wasn't even announced until 2008 and was started in 2007. It was originally going to be based on the Fire and Ice book series. So if you want to compare it to a game that's been out for 7 years, at least compare them that way. Did WoW have any of the things you're complaining about in 2007? I'll answer that for you, no.


You're right, WoW didn't have those added features but it does now...Hence my post.


BioWare is sitting at a poker table rolling dice....

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You're right, WoW didn't have those added features but it does now...Hence my post.


BioWare is sitting at a poker table rolling dice....


M'bad, I wasn't aware you were expecting an MMORPG to launch with multiple expansion packs and a ******** of content that another MMORPG developed over years.


If you like WoW so much, go play WoW.


I think that's the first time I've said that on these forums, neat.

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M'bad, I wasn't aware you were expecting an MMORPG to launch with multiple expansion packs and a ******** of content that another MMORPG developed over years.


If you like WoW so much, go play WoW.


I think that's the first time I've said that on these forums, neat.

He wasn't talking about expansions and more content. He was talking about functionality and general UI/tools etc which don't need expansions to be implemented.


But since when can you reason with the defense force?

Edited by Skeelol
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The universe is dull and lifeless, and it's huge. It feels very tedious running from point a to point b 90% of play time...they could at least throw in some npc chatter or something.


I think the problem for me is that I am coming off playing skyrim 24/7, now that world is alive.

Edited by Sconnoll
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You know it's the holidays, right?


Derp. Servers = full. Queues = present. Holidays / game being new = irrelevant.


I love how i posted this a million times (copy&paste ftw) yet noone had a come back, not once. I wonder why. :rolleyes:

Edited by Skeelol
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You know it's the holidays, right?



Except people who are noticing that the game is lifeless/passive/empty/static are on full population/heavy population servers like myself (server has a queue!). So, no the whole 'it's the holidays' thing is completely irrelevant to this discussion and the multiple other threads that have launched regarding the problem of the world being devoid of life and players.

Edited by Synaesthesya
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You're right, this has to be THE most lifeless game I have ever played. The server populations are a JOKE! I mean, just look at how pathetically empty they all are!






Grats on proving his point even further. Servers may be full but that doesn't change the fact that you barely meet any players in game which makes the <refer to thread title>.


/reopen thread

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