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Anyone sad that the DF/Sab hybrid will go away?


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I am.


Was a real challenge to play pre 2.0. with super expensive freighter - it was difficult to keep up your rotation. The reward was awesome.


Been playing it more often lately after a break and had a lot of fun with sustained dpsing and splashing AOE all over the place with thermal grenade spamming: I absolutely love doing Bestia, Calph, Draxus and Corruptor with it.


I generally like hybrids in the sense of playing a combination that's different from what most other people play. I admit though, that this applied to Slinger hybrid pre 2.0, because it was quite difficult to play so not everyone adopted it like Dotsmash later or Sage hybrid pre 2.0. Cause if everyone plays it, a hybrid build loses that aura of being strange and exceptional.


Anyway, I like fooling around with skill points and looking for unexpected synergies and then optimizing rotations. I think it was something creative to do...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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good points ardarell.


it makes me sad too. i'm playing hybrid sage heal at grobtok because our dps cannot handle the adds alone. hybrid scoundrel is fantastic to play since 2.0, not to mention the many hybrid options the shadow skill tree offers. :(

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I am.


Was a real challenge to play pre 2.0. with super expensive freighter - it was difficult to keep up your rotation. The reward was awesome.


Been playing it more often lately after a break and had a lot of fun with sustained dpsing and splashing AOE all over the place with thermal grenade spamming: I absolutely love doing Bestia, Calph, Draxus and Corruptor with it.


I generally like hybrids in the sense of playing a combination that's different from what most other people play. I admit though, that this applied to Slinger hybrid pre 2.0, because it was quite difficult to play so not everyone adopted it like Dotsmash later or Sage hybrid pre 2.0. Cause if everyone plays it, a hybrid build loses that aura of being strange and exceptional.


Anyway, I like fooling around with skill points and looking for unexpected synergies and then optimizing rotations. I think it was something creative to do...


I really REALLY hated it because I was playing DF ever since my slinger dinged lvl50 and I always got told "Why are you even playing DF? Hybrid is sooo much better".

No, **** you and **** your hybrid too. (this isn't for you I just usally said this to those who wanted me as hybrid)

Hybrid should've never been better than full DF in every respect. Most other hybrids at least had disadvantages compared to the full trees but not this abomination.

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I really REALLY hated it because I was playing DF ever since my slinger dinged lvl50 and I always got told "Why are you even playing DF? Hybrid is sooo much better".

No, **** you and **** your hybrid too. (this isn't for you I just usally said this to those who wanted me as hybrid)

Hybrid should've never been better than full DF in every respect. Most other hybrids at least had disadvantages compared to the full trees but not this abomination.


Pretty much this. I never ran Hybrid in raids mainly because I knew it wasn't going to last, although it lasted for a very long time. There are no single target fights/parses showing Hybrid does more than DF or SS currently, but that's not to say it isn't on par; there's just no proof. Regardless, RIP and good riddance.

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Pretty much this. I never ran Hybrid in raids mainly because I knew it wasn't going to last, although it lasted for a very long time. There are no single target fights/parses showing Hybrid does more than DF or SS currently, but that's not to say it isn't on par; there's just no proof. Regardless, RIP and good riddance.


C'mon yolo you know you loved when certain people parsed for hours and hours to break 3.9k back when that was good :p

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I'm sad, I'll have to learn MM/ DF again. MM is too stationary and DF has too many dots/ rolling for max dps for my taste, so hybrid was perfect for me. :( Hybrid was a viable spec and rarely any pug does it these days, it make me feel slightly unique when playing it. :(
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I'm sad, I'll have to learn MM/ DF again. MM is too stationary and DF has too many dots/ rolling for max dps for my taste, so hybrid was perfect for me. :( Hybrid was a viable spec and rarely any pug does it these days, it make me feel slightly unique when playing it. :(





Hybrid had more dots

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I am.


Was a real challenge to play pre 2.0. with super expensive freighter - it was difficult to keep up your rotation. The reward was awesome.


That's why I liked it. Even after the cg cost nerf in 2.0 made energy management easier it was still a spec that rewarded you for knowing when and how far you could push your energy to a level that lethality just doesn't.

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Stupid Devs are only removing Hybrid because they do not understand nor embrace the intricate rotation needed to perform well in raids:



There are a lot of reasons to remove hybrids, and this is not one of them. Your screenshot is a great example of why hybrids are terrible from a balance perspective. In hybrid on this fight you can do as good AOE damage as the AOE spec with single target damage that is twice as good. That is not fair to Sabslingers.

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a spec that rewarded you for knowing when and how far you could push your energy to a level that lethality just doesn't.


Yeah, that's exactly the point. Making the right decisions quickly under changing circumstances meant doing a much better job at dpsing. Meaning rotational skill scaled your output more significantly than in any other Slinger spec - hardly any other AC except maybe Combat Sent has(d) that.


I can see how players didn't like Dotsmash, since the skill needed to perform better than in any other full spec was lower than in the full specs (Though maxing out Dotsmash wasn't that easy at all).


With Hybrid pre 2.0. I often got asked by other Slingers, how I pulled the numbers I did. I often took a lot of time to explain Hybrid to them and coach them. But 90% of the people told me some time later that they abandoned the specc since they found it too difficult and couldn't handle the harsh energy requirement. Only a few players who really dug into the spec for weeks and months kept at it. And I still get that theses days, when people see me play hybrid: How do you do those numbers, I always run out of energy, Hybrid is so unforgiving...


To be clear about that: I'm actually in favour of getting rid of Hybrids for the sake of the explanation given by Devs: Less time needed for class balancing. Because this hopefully means more content to play. I'd always trade that for the chance to play individual, strange builds that make me feel like a special snowflake ;-) I'll miss them, yes, but I can absolutely see, why Hybrids have to go...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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