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So... Revan is the villain? Why?


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I dunno; if anything, I would've envisioned our characters uniting *under* Revan's leadership, not fighting him! My Sith Assassin, for example, is a Revanite, and being a Hero of the Republic, I would expect my Jedi Guardian to follow in his footsteps. Having him as a villain just seems quite strange, to me.(


SPOILER ALERT. So you know be advised...


Well you say you are a Revanite so you know who really leads the Revanites right? You did those missions I assume in order to claim the Title. Therefore you know that the actual Revan has nothing to do with them. My question is this. Is the real Revan leading this long hidden cult? According to the official SWTOR wiki the Order of Revan was reshaped by Colonel Darok and Darth Arkous AFTER Revan's disappearance from the Foundry. The only evidence that the actual Revan has anything to do with this cult is a massive hologram of someone appearing to be Revan. Hardly any real proof, how easy is it to fake a hologram? So I highly doubt Revan will be the one who wants to destroy the Republic and the Empire. Will you encounter him in the expansion? I would hope so but he won't be your Nemesis I believe. At any rate I won't be paying for the expansion, not because I don't like the character of Revan or think it will be any good or not. Just because my concept of Revan is female. I accept that they had to pick a gender for Revan to be included in this game and what have you, but it did not have to be male. Call it silly if you want, but it's my choice.

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Revan is being controlled by the Sith Emperor.


I'm sure of it.


I really do not see it, Revan always struck me as someone with intense emotions. Losing his mind like this is something I don't see as far fetched. Being corrupted by the Emperor is probable but controlled ?



I mean yes, what Revan is doing (going to do) is in a way pushing the galaxy into total galactic war which could allow the Emperor to perform his grand ritual. But to me this is edging too close onto an actual end of the game (story wise), and I do not believe for a second that BW will bring the Emperor so soon (as in the game's life) into the midst of the story.



Edited by znihilist
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I really do not see it, Revan always struck me as someone with intense emotions. Losing his mind like this is something I don't see as far fetched. Being corrupted by the Emperor is probable but controlled ?



I mean yes, what Revan is doing (going to do) is in a way pushing the galaxy into total galactic war which could allow the Emperor to perform his grand ritual. But to me this is edging too close onto an actual end of the game (story wise), and I do not believe for a second that BW will bring the Emperor so soon (as in the game's life) into the midst of the story.



I dont think its the emperor i think he is possesed by the emperor like the Voice or something.

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Your post makes me want to dress up all my toons in that mask and run around yelling "He's not Revan, I am!"


Well, maybe not the BT4 female Twi'lleks ...


We didn't see him from behind in the holo. Just wait the next trailer and see the Lekku.


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What do you guys think?


Plots have had little to do with SWTOR for a long while. Having Revan as villain is the only way to have him in the story as someone to fight against while at the same time combining the two faction stories for cost saving purposes.

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Plots have had little to do with SWTOR for a long while. Having Revan as villain is the only way to have him in the story as someone to fight against while at the same time combining the two faction stories for cost saving purposes.


See, I think there is a far better alternative; have Revan as the one bringing the champions of the Empire and Republic together, unifying them -- however briefly -- under a single banner, to fight against an Emperor who is clearly mad. In fact, that actually opens up even more possibility, because with the death of the Emperor, it could create a power-vacuum that drives Mandalore the Vindicated to make his big play, either breaking away with his "true Mandalorians" to fight both factions, or even taking the reigns of the Empire himself.


Either way, I just don't feel like fans of KotOR *want* to fight and kill Revan. I mean, unless it turns out to be an imposter, or if he gets some kind of redemption-arc later on.

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I don't think he'll still be the villain in the end. Expecting Vader-style redemption ending which is destroying the Emperor's essence and Revan in turn. War will continue but the ultimate Universe-endangering threat will be gone.


Or Revan will become a neutral / Republic character either somehow involved in the war or living in seclusion like Ulic to be called upon in the future.

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Revan is being controlled by the Sith Emperor.


I'm sure of it.


That or maybe Mickey Mouse. Perhaps Goofy.


There's no way Revan would want to destroy an entire planet or wipe out 97,8% of a civilization's population willingly. It's all just a misunderstanding.


He's a gallant Knight, in his shining armor. The kind of we don't even deserve but that's what we get.



Although the concept of the Dark Lord known as Darth Goofy does inspire insidious terrpor in the hearts and Minds of His enemies, the realities are far too obvious to ignore. The true nature of the dark side hasn't been gathered within a singe clay pot for some time.


The real culprit, or puppet master if you will, is Winnie the Pooh. His insatiable hunger for the blood of his enemies will never cease the rumblies in his tummy. We are all doomed.

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I'd have purchased the new expansion if the villain of the story was Luke Skywalker going into the past to screw with stuff. I'm just bloody glad there's no more damn Dread Masters. Got a tad tired of hearing about them, fighting them, etc etc.
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I'd have purchased the new expansion if the villain of the story was Luke Skywalker going into the past to screw with stuff. I'm just bloody glad there's no more damn Dread Masters. Got a tad tired of hearing about them, fighting them, etc etc.
Yup, it dragged on for far too long while at the same time being severly underdeveloped and thin on actual story depth/point/goal. And new 'chapters' in the Dread Masters' arc were spread out way too far apart. ROTHC story was great but ended right after it started. Too short, could barely provide any major feeling of an actual threat from the Hutt expansion.


What they're doing now is the best balance IMO. Introductionary content being released for almost a year before big expansion. Gives it grander scale (compared to ROTHC) while at the same time tighter and better focus than the Dread Master "saga" (if it can even be called a saga). Hope they contiue doing it like this from now on, each year having new story "season" with multiple updates covering the same major storyline but not dragged out like the Dread Masters or too short like ROTHC.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Although the concept of the Dark Lord known as Darth Goofy does inspire insidious terrpor in the hearts and Minds of His enemies, the realities are far too obvious to ignore. The true nature of the dark side hasn't been gathered within a singe clay pot for some time.


The real culprit, or puppet master if you will, is Winnie the Pooh. His insatiable hunger for the blood of his enemies will never cease the rumblies in his tummy. We are all doomed.


Dear Lord! :eek:


Jim Cummings, the VA for Winnie the Pooh, voices several characters in this game, including Master Oteg.


It all makes sense now.


Oteg planned his ascendance for centuries, looking for the one Republic strike force who'd help him liberate the Jedi Prisoner. After being successful in its endeavor, Oteg transferred a part of his essence to Revan, to take over his persona when he was the most weakened.


This actually happened at the end of the Foundry.


What people don't know is that Oteg served as the initial basis for the Children of the Emperor. He's like an early prototype and as such, the Emperor controls him.


In other words, Winnie the Pooh... Errrrr... I mean, Oteg is controlling Revan but Oteg is being controlled by the Sith Emperor, who in turn is being controlled by Goofy, who in turn is being controlled by Mickey Mouse, who in turn is being controlled by Minnie Mouse.


Minnie, on the other hand, is having an affair with Donald Duck and in the process, parts of her essence are being, hmmmm, "transferred" to Donald Duck, which would explain Revan's new slurred way of talking.


Bloody hell! :rak_03:


All does make sense now.


Revan is opening a portal to merge both the SW and Walt Disney universes. That's the answer to the mystery. That's why the narrator says the galaxy will change forever.


We finally got it. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Whether he's being controlled or not, Revan is a classic Anti-hero. And those are the kind of characters that people either love or love to hate. We've known since KoTOR that he's been on both sides, just because he's currently "the villain of the story" doesn't mean he'll ultimately end up as having been one all along (or as anything else, for that matter). Just look at comic book characters that have switched sides several time during their storylines, or pro wrestlers. Same concept.


So with that in mind, I don't think Revan will ever be a pure "hero" or "villain". That makes it harder to write good stories.


PS. Haven't read the whole thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned before.

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