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Shadow of Revan, no new species :(


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Um no it isn't. The pronoun 'we' implies everyone and by you using it it assumes you speak for everyone. So like I said, you don't speak for me or anyone else so don't presume to know what everyone wants. Oh and if that is trolling to you..just wow.


We speak with the royal we, or the majestic plural if you must. Peasant.

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We desperately need a new race. I prefer Bothans, but at this point, I'd take just about anything...


No, what WE desparately need is a good liver stew. One where the liver is cooked to perfection.

That's what we need.


Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were using majestic plural here to pronounce our own needs and make it look like everyone else agrees by default. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah we need more customizations , I mean for all races . I don't like doppelganger.


I would love it if they added the "newer" hair options for cyborgs or possibly other races like Mirialans and Chiss. That is something I have been hoping was in the works for a while now.

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Um no it isn't. The pronoun 'we' implies everyone and by you using it it assumes you speak for everyone. So like I said, you don't speak for me or anyone else so don't presume to know what everyone wants. Oh and if that is trolling to you..just wow.


I'm just gonna point this out, you need to look up a definition of "we" because "we" does not imply everybody. It implies the speaker and at least one other person being considered together. The speaker in this case being the poster originally quoted and the "other person" being anybody that wants another race.


Is it a little vague? Yes it is. It doesn't specify who "we" is referring to but nowhere in their post do they give any implication that they're saying everyone needs it. You made that assumption, not them. I see no reason to go after them over it because their intention was quite clear. Basically, stop putting words in their mouth.


Anyway. On topic. I'd love to see new races just for diversity's sake but I honestly wouldn't be sad if they weren't included either. I probably wouldn't use a vast majority of races implemented and at this point have only used Humans and Twi'leks for my characters as it is. The only race I can think of that I'd like to use is the Togruta.

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  • 1 month later...

I am really disappointed since this is one of the things players have wanted and longed for awhile now and something the developers pointed out that would be included with the Revan expansion when asked about it and even pointed out it would just like it did in past expansion Rothc. So I am hoping it is still gonna happen but just gonna happen shortly after the expansion launches as it happened and was the case with Rothc because even something as simple as new species/races is something that is much needed in SWTOR since it brings in much needed replay value and is something that can easily do a lot of more good for Swtor in Other big ways so please don't let us down devs.


Remember new species/races can be a way to make you more money while make the players happy at same time so it's a win win and with now that you the devs will suposeably have more time to do more in SWtor due to new system like developers said this is something that should be invested time into and taken seriously. They can market it through cartel market or include it through DLC whatever works as long as it happens is what matters at end of the day.

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I am really disappointed since this is one of the things players have wanted and longed for awhile now and something the developers pointed out that would be included with the Revan expansion when asked about it and even pointed out it would just like it did in past expansion Rothc.


The Togruta were supposed to be released AFTER SoR hits, NOT at the same time.

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  • 1 year later...

Definition of 'we': 1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together. 2. used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.


Guy who used 'we is right. Guy who complained is wrong. Argument done.

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Definition of 'we': 1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together. 2. used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.


Guy who used 'we is right. Guy who complained is wrong. Argument done.


and the golden shovel goes to...:D

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Definition of 'we': 1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together. 2. used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.


Guy who used 'we is right. Guy who complained is wrong. Argument done.


the argument has been done since this Topic is from over a year ago... but you sure got him Hur Hur Hur..:confused:

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