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Petition to Stop Disciplines "Improvement"


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You don't piece mail information on changes of this scale to the public. That is just poor communication. The communication team should know this sort of closed door spoon-fed information is bad for moral and support from the community. You get a bunch of people fired up and anxious.


I doubt more communication would change much. Most of the people who are upset about disciplines aren't even trying to understand the way they will work in 3.0 and are instead simply upset because the current system is being removed.


For every person who might be calmed by seeing the disciplines for their chosen class, we should also assume that there could be a player who was comfortable with the changes that would now be upset because their chosen class didn't get the utility skills they were expecting or hoping to receive.

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I do not believe this new system will improve the gameplay at all. It will just confuse the long time players and ruin almost every single build we currently have. While Bioware may think this is great b/c everyone will be starting over like its a new game... however it will not be great. Disciplines' will kill this game. Please post below if you are opposed to the new Disciplines system. If you like the system, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. This post is to show Bioware that we do not want this "improvement"! This thread is not to debate whether or not the Disciplines system will be effective.


I refuse to purchase the expansion until the Discipline system is removed.


Bioware and Devs will not listen to the player base..


SOE and Devs did not listen to the beta testing community/Unity Test Guild when CU+NGE was introduced...


Since this game is FTP with Sub as optional.. Bioware does not care, all they care is making $$$.


So do not bother to complain, do not bother with talking about it.. They just going to ignore you...

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