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Very Proud!


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Most of my spare time is spent in game these days as with most ToR players but I wanted to take some time to express my Great sense of pride in Bioware everytime I play this game. You guys have hit this dead on! ToR is the single Greatest mmo I have ever played and is well worth the wait. I waited 7 long years for more Knights of ther Old Republic and we finally have it! Alot of people will try to bring you guys down but keep your collective heads up Bioware, you nailed it cold!
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Why you dissing him for his opinion? This is the most fun I've ever had playing an MMO, it's just an opinion it won't hurt you.


As much as I'm really enjoying the game there are a good few issues and to call it the best thing since sliced bread is a massive overstatement. I agree with the guy saying "Oh god" because the OP seems to fail to be able to critically evaluate the game and just sing its praises.

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As much as I'm really enjoying the game there are a good few issues and to call it the best thing since sliced bread is a massive overstatement. I agree with the guy saying "Oh god" because the OP seems to fail to be able to critically evaluate the game and just sing its praises.




There's many posts of people complaining without saying anything at all positive about the game.


What can't people express their praise without any criticism?

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If it`s a WOW clone, he needs to go back to WOW

If it`s not a WOW clone, he is clearly a fanboi

If it`s not GW2 / Rift, he is clearly a troll

If it`s a bad game, he is clearly on Blizzard`s payroll

If it`s a good game, he is obviously a zealot


He is stating his opinion just as everybody else... and just as the reasons above.. he is both right and wrong.. just as about every poster around this Forum...


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Edited by Styxx
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As much as I'm really enjoying the game there are a good few issues and to call it the best thing since sliced bread is a massive overstatement. I agree with the guy saying "Oh god" because the OP seems to fail to be able to critically evaluate the game and just sing its praises.


Every game has issues at launch, BW will remedy many of those issues, what some folks don't have is patience and that is something they should learn. For many it is the best thing since sliced bread, for fans of KOTOR it is that.

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There's many posts of people complaining without saying anything at all positive about the game.


What can't people express their praise without any criticism?


It's just as bad though. I have the same thought if someone posts "This is a WoW clone...blah blah blah"


I'm not saying it's better or worse but I feel that both are without merit if they can't be objective in the views and at least some of the ones moaning about the game have some valid points.



Every game has issues at launch, BW will remedy many of those issues, what some folks don't have is patience and that is something they should learn. For many it is the best thing since sliced bread, for fans of KOTOR it is that.


and I totally agree that all games have issues, I at no point said anything against that. Heck I played WAR initially and that had far more issues however the point still stands that this game does have flaws and to spout out that it's perfect isn't going to help anything and as a fan of KotoR myself I am really enjoying the game and have said so on many an occasion.

Edited by Crowbard
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Most of my spare time is spent in game these days as with most ToR players but I wanted to take some time to express my Great sense of pride in Bioware everytime I play this game. You guys have hit this dead on! ToR is the single Greatest mmo I have ever played and is well worth the wait. I waited 7 long years for more Knights of ther Old Republic and we finally have it! Alot of people will try to bring you guys down but keep your collective heads up Bioware, you nailed it cold!


It's nice to see a positive comment; it's a nice contrast from the Hipster we hate everything mentality. :rolleyes:

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It's just as bad though. I have the same thought if someone posts "This is a WoW clone...blah blah blah"


I'm not saying it's better or worse but I feel that both are without merit if they can't be objective in the views and at least some of the ones moaning about the game have some valid points.


Objective is relative to perception:


For instance: I can say that this game is bad, because it does not have the open world PvP of Lineage 2 or EVE Online, in terms of readiness to hit anyone, anywhere.


But one can also say this game is good, because it requires acceptance of PvP and has instances PvP, as opposed to the gank fests real open PvP promotes.


It depends what you are comparing against...


He is having fun.. can`t beat that though, so he is as objective as one can get. Might not be enough for everybody.. but he is honest in his assesment, which is ultimately this game`s goal: to have fun.

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Well perhaps OP is smart enough to choose to see things for the good sides for hes own sake so he can enjoy the game to its fullest instead of letting negative issues bring down hes gameing experiance.

Theres ALOT of ppl out there who does that job pretty good themselfs.


This is hes own personal opinion about hes time spent in the game.

Good for you that you enjoy the game mate!

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As much as I'm really enjoying the game there are a good few issues and to call it the best thing since sliced bread is a massive overstatement. I agree with the guy saying "Oh god" because the OP seems to fail to be able to critically evaluate the game and just sing its praises.


Not at all. All OP did was singing the praises about BW.


P.S.: Is singing the praises the good term? im not english.

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Why you dissing him for his opinion? This is the most fun I've ever had playing an MMO, it's just an opinion it won't hurt you.


Haven't you noticed by now, only negative opinion threads are allowed, if you are happy with the game you are either 1) delusional, 2) a liar, 3) Bioware fanboy 4) trolling.


And if none of those 4 fits then you should just go back to playing and just stay quiet.


Atleast that's the impression I've gotten from the whiners so far, they have the right to state their opinion but happy people don't.


PS, I'm very happy with the game too.

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As much as I'm really enjoying the game there are a good few issues and to call it the best thing since sliced bread is a massive overstatement. I agree with the guy saying "Oh god" because the OP seems to fail to be able to critically evaluate the game and just sing its praises.


Really?? Really!!


Soooo... He did not perform a detailed critical evaluation to determine if he could logically support his decision to like the game, so therefore in your mind he was wrong about liking the game????? I have looked at your statement and ran it through my logic filter. You sir are, well, I can't really say what I think.


I like a lot of games that technically are not great games.


This one is great. All the way around. There are many nay sayers, in this forum, who just come off as pseudo-intellectual wanna-be's. Go troll another game's forums. The numbers show that this is a great launch. I have been online gaming since there was such a thing. This, by far, is the best launch I have ever experienced. So go away. Leave the nice guy alone, and find some other place to be negative in.

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Really?? Really!!


Soooo... He did not perform a detailed critical evaluation to determine if he could logically support his decision to like the game, so therefore in your mind he was wrong about liking the game????? I have looked at your statement and ran it through my logic filter. You sir are, well, I can't really say what I think.



His post is why a lot of fans of bioware games are called Biodrones. something which I have been called lately due to me posting about some parts of the game I like. It's silly to call this one of the best games ever I never at any point said he was wrong for liking the game and in fact I pointed out in my first sentence...I LIKE THIS GAME



I like a lot of games that technically are not great games.


Great but at least you realise they're not the greatest game but more power to you for enjoying them. I love EU3 and have put hundreds of hours into the game but would never call it the best game ever or suggest that it is without flaw.


This one is great. All the way around. There are many nay sayers, in this forum, who just come off as pseudo-intellectual wanna-be's.

I agree with you, and there are also those that come off as self righteous know it alls


Go troll another game's forums.

I've not trolled once. I've simple posted my view, something you seem to be in favour of others doing...


The numbers show that this is a great launch. I have been online gaming since there was such a thing. This, by far, is the best launch I have ever experienced. So go away. Leave the nice guy alone, and find some other place to be negative in.

It was a good launch yes, not without it's glaring flaws and could have been handled a little better but yes over all it was rather good. Again I'd point you to my other posts where I've said I like the game and think a lot of things from it are great. My views aren't all negative, maybe it's you who just doesn't want to read something that disagrees with your view, maybe you should go elsewhere.

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