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Remaining equipped through the x12 XP boost


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I think I should return to this topic I've started. Since then, I've done the following things, as a level 55:


- Started GSF for starting capital.

- When I didn't have enough crafting, I bought mods off GTN, armorings/barrels/hilts through planetary vendors (though eventually GTN gets cheaper), and enhancements were covered by the planetary commendation income I received. Missions + GSF covered that.

- With the 55 I managed to start a crafting class, and went agressive in the market with mods I am not using. Prices went down so it's not as profitable, but whatever, something needs to balance out the demand.


Now I have 6 characters level 21, geared in purple mods and armorings, with blues ready for 29 and greens coming up for 37. I am one million in the green compared to yesterday, and whereas the exact method I'll keep as a trade secret, it IS possible to do so.


I would still not be mad if they "solved" this, as this is not welcoming to a new player. I would think that Bioware would be wanting this as an opportunity to draw in new players. BUT, opportunities are actually pretty great for anyone with a toon near level 40 to start (that was the level of my character who went 55 through makeb boost and then started crafting).

Edited by Metthew
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My two credits' worth:


I've gotten two characters leveled now from scratch with the 12X bonus. In both cases, I geared exactly one time: when I hit somewhere between 35-40 on the first (can't remember) and when I hit 40 on the second. The reason I never needed to gear is rather simple: You level so fast that you actually spend most of the time 2 levels higher than all the mobs you encounter, and always at least one level. Yes I died a few times, but in general the fights were fine. Also, your companions come geared with equipment at the level of the planet you get them on. In fact I never had to gear a companion. I had to eventually gear because I was in a mix of various pieces of low level gear and it seems that you eventually stop getting green pieces and only get the occasional modification.


Bottom line: I'm not sure where all the difficulty is coming from, unless it is people who haven't actually tried to run the content and instead are assuming there is a problem where none actually exists.

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I completely forgot about that gear!


I have an alt where I have stashed every legacy gear token I've ever received. I think I'll dust them off and use legacy gear and drops to level 1-55 for a second Jedi Knight. It'll be interesting to finally have a use for it. :D


Holy... That gear is now relevant again. That was kinda cool to bring LG back. Maybe a small hint they might start expanding them again?

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Bottom line: I'm not sure where all the difficulty is coming from, unless it is people who haven't actually tried to run the content and instead are assuming there is a problem where none actually exists.


That is my impression as well. The market is healthy, there is a bit of gouging going on, but it will work itself out.

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I did a bit of PvP for the level 20 and 40 gear and just got new mods when I found myself struggling a little bit.


Granted it's not the quickest way to level but i'm on a new server and don't have the funds to splash out yet.


I did pick up slicing hoping to make some money but had to drop it, the slicing missions gave me a 10k loss yesterday. For some reason they keep coming back with less money than the mission cost or coming back with nothing. Complete waste of time now.

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I have been leveling 2 different toons that are at vastly different levels when one needs mods my crafters work on that while I work on the second one and vice versa. Been very smooth, of course you have to have some max level crafters to make this happen and be a matt hoarder like me but it has been very smooth for me adn efficient.
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Bottom line: I'm not sure where all the difficulty is coming from, unless it is people who haven't actually tried to run the content and instead are assuming there is a problem where none actually exists.


Pretty much this.


Of course from a sales standpoint a gear dependant population has done wonders for my credit balance.

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Seeing how they are giving us 12x XP, I'm really not going to complain about the gear I'm getting. Like most have said, the planetary comms can give you most of what you need. I have several alts with those comms maxed out, seeing as they have no use for them anymore, so it's a good way to make them relevant.


Not to mention you can wear the green gear you loot along the way. You might look like a space hobo, but it's sufficient to get you through the missions.


I've personally never liked spending much on gear until I hit the max level anyway, so this fits right in with how I play alts when leveling. I even got really cheap this time around and ran my guy with mostly level 15 mods through the end of Chapter 1. Some of the fights took a bit longer because I was quite underpowered (I think my corpse did make an enemy trip once), but I was able to get through it.


I seem to recall the training costs being zero during this 12x XP thing, so that saves a good bit of money there.

Edited by Kalabakk
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I am a bit confused on the Legacy/Birthright gear.

I have only ever seen it drop once so I am confused on how people are supposed to be getting this from a letter or mail.


The point with inheritance and birthright gear is that it only drops on much higher levels than it's usable for. So, the only use you have for it is giving it to a lower level alt, either through legacy storage or by sending it in a mail. Hence the name - inheritance.

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I levelled a new character over the weekend and tbh found it pretty easy.


I went from lvl1 to lvl40 (ish) without spending a credit but then hit a bit of a wall so I spent about 20k on the GTN to get geared up (1k-2k per piece) then carried on.


I finished my class quest on Corellia at lvl 51 and headed back to the fleet and spent the comms I'd been saving on mods to gear my companion and spent some credits to fill the gaps, nothing on myself.


I then did Ilum and went to Makeb. With the boost on Makeb I found it a lot easier than I had done previously. Makeb gives you a bit of reasonable gear and a few credits so I went back to the GTN and geared up a bit.


I then went to Oricon and got instantly rinsed by the first Boss but tbh I've gone from lvl1 to lvl55 solo in a weekend, probably spent 50k-100k all of which I've earned along the way and have a decently geared companion. I just need to put a little bit of effort into gearing myself now and/or find a buddy to help me complete Oricon.


I personally think that so long as you plan ahead and spend your credits/comms wisely (and possibly get lucky on your servers GTN) you can pretty much level from 1-55 without any problems.

Edited by maxjam
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This 12x is a good thing that it allows, as a couple said, to experience the classes and yes to learn the class as you do the leveling of them. It allows you to try different advanced classes as well. My complaint is the gearing as many are complaining about, and while it would have been great i think to see a vendor on fleet that allows one to buy planet comms cheaply using credits as like many I hate green or blue gear though I find that I am running on my higher levels to get credits as well as running all my gathering toons as well as crafters to get the armorings, mods and so on made for my new alts. This is just a hassle I think and opens up the ability to take advantage of the GTN and overcharge in an already unbalanced market values that it has, before anyone even goes there I have the ability to get credits and know how easy it is. I am just trying to state that no matter what side that you happen to be on concerning this issue there is always those that will be against you and will nine times out of ten go to the overpowered side, unfair side, waste of time side and so on in an attempt to troll or whatever. I would have liked the ability to use my quest earned credits to buy cheap planet commendations as i find legacy/birthright fear ridiculously under-powered and useless now if it leveled up at certain points then it would, in my eyes, be worth the credits that one needs to get it as i prefer modible gear over the others availible at a certain levels and yes it takes time from gaming but seriously how much thought went into this? As to the reward armors it is often so underleveled that it is often better to take the commendation or loot box that is offered
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5 sets with one for say roundly each 5 level step.


Geez! Just do the math for the amount of mods you need and the associated mats and crafting time, crazy!


If you craft everything, yeah, but there are other sources for mods, like planetary vendors and drops from lowbie fps. I craft the armorings, which are the most expensive (7 comms) and complete the rest with planetary comms.


And I don't destroy the mods, I leave them in my cargo hold and move them with legacy gear when needed.


I played a marauder with Vette as companion. Currently playing an inquisitor, so Khem and later on Ashara will be fully geared without doing anything, only the willpower stuff to get. When I play my knight, running around with Kira, I will need no gear whatsoever.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone, i'd like to add my way of gearing with x12 exp around! But do we really have to gear up at all? :rolleyes:


I'd start with that during this x12 exp i have already lvl up 6 toons to 55 lvl, 3 of which started from lvl 1. I have several more toons that are around 20-30 lvl ready to go to 55 as well in the remaining time till 1 of dec.


First of all, I have several bonuses, that are not that hard to achieve - i got (atm!) +200 presence from my legacy companions, which somewhat increase the performance of each companion; i got some free power crystals (+41 stat) from my collection, that i insert in every main and offhand item for me and my companion. In addition, because of the x12 exp bonus, i'm always from 2 to 4 lvls ahead of the story.


From there, having these things around, i noticed that i gear up only once, around 32-34 lvl mark. This is where i noticed that killing mobs is getting somewhat difficult and it's not that they are killing me or something (i can always use my Heroic moment and nuke them), just it's slower and annoying to rest and recover after each mob fight.


So when i get this 32-34 mark, basically what i do is to go to any GTN and start buying green and blue items, which are as close to my lvl as possible. More importantly, they are:

1. Cheap (1-3k)

2. Much better than my gear (some of which are from the starting planet!!!)

3. Fast to get (much faster than any other gear, crafted or looted. It's even faster than to receive mods from legacy armor/weapon)


Additional tips and tricks:

1. Always play with your latest companion - it's better geared than the previous, so it'll help u more.

2. U can always give your companion your old earpiece and implants - sometimes they don't share same main stat with u, but still the end., power etc. stats are always helpful for them.

3. U really need just to get to 47 lvl and then hit Makeb. There with the gear bolster u can get from 47 to 55 lvl for an hour or less with casual playing, just by doing the main missions, not even the dailies around.

4. :eek: NB! After u get 10-14 planetary comms (from story missions and loot) u can buy some nice items from the fleet. Most importantly when u buy the gear, U CAN RETURN IT in 2 hours time to any vendor. Usually in 2 hours time u are like 6-10 lvls higher and the gear is already old. So just sell it and buy for the same planetary comms some new cutting edge equipment. :eek: (be mindful, usually mods are cheaper than whole armor/weapon, however u can't return the mods, cause they get bound once u insert them to the orange item. so don't waste comms on mods at all!)


Using this plan, my greatest achievemnt is getting a toon from 1 to 55 lvl for 10 hours and i didn't even tried to do it fast. I'm sure there are ppl who did this even faster. But the main point is, i did it without wasting time and money on gearing up. After all, once u hit 55 lvl can play dailies and get the best pvp or pve gear out there.


Hope it was helpful! :)

Edited by TrueArchangel
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