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It's Official. Shadow Of Revan Is Here. ;)


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My guess is that the dread ops will be buffed to 60 and the rest will stay where they are.


People at LV60 can still do LV55 operations, just like LV55 players can do LV50 operations.


Who's going to be making LV50 operations, at LV60?


Unless Bioware adds some new difficulty mode to them, I'm don't see that happening.

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People at LV60 can still do LV55 operations, just like LV55 players can do LV50 operations.


Who's going to be making LV50 operations, at LV60?


Unless Bioware adds some new difficulty mode to them, I'm don't see that happening.


People like me that have yet to do any operations and is now getting the time to do them. My time has been limited and is just now allowing me to do things like operations.

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Actually, all the way to 55 :). Run the main storyline on Makeb for the same bonus. I clarified a bit more, here.




Eric, since there is no official thread for SoR I'm posting here. Since we've gotten a whole gaggle of new Flash Points, couldn't we have skipped a few of them for a new 8man & 4man arena. Why are the PvPers getting boned so hard on the content side for this :rak_02: There is literally nothing in this Expansion for hardcore PvPers. I do both PvE & PvP so I'm not so salty, but I can see where the PvP community is going to go ape over all this. Kinda disappointed, but the trailer does look really cool.

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Love that we're getting more to do! *is excited*


At the same time, I'm worried. Not so much about the changes coming, but the wording in the trailer for this pack. Near the end of it, they say "This is where we make our FINAL stand."


I hope this isn't their way of saying this is the last expansion we get, ever again. I don't like the word 'final'.


If they mean our 'final' dealing with Revan, I'm fine with that. Never had much use for the man anyhow...but I hope they don't mean 'final' as in 'this is it for the game, once it's done, it's done.'


Quick, someone say something to reassure me lol. :)

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Really excited to see they haven't given up on HM FPs with 4 upcoming.


Glad there's 2 new Operations right off the bat as well.


I bet 1 000 000 credits that the 4 ''NEW'' HM FP's will be Tython , Korriban, Manaan, Rakata. Damage and hp increased, no new mechanics.

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Told ya, Wicked. Revan will have a method for growing his army- The Massassi and... Rishi pirates?


You told me? Doubtful.


Also, I have only seen ONE Massassi behemoth in the teaser, not several. You're clutching at straws. :rolleyes:


The bulk of Revan's army will be comprised of former Republic and Imperial soldiers, Jedi, Sith, etc etc.


And to fellow Star Wars Lorehounds... Huh? The Massassi were brought to extinction...


No, they weren't.

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Only thing I want to know:


Beniko, Jakkarro and Shan are in that trailer so I am going to be extremely unhappy if they do not turn into companions for everyone given this is supposed to be a UNITED front and they are obviously at the forefront now.


In a united front... will my Imperials be taking directions / fighting along side Satele Shan ?

Will my Jedi be doing the same from Darth Marr ?


I find this extremely unlikely and I fully expect the only thing they mean by 'United' is Shan, Beniko and Jakkarro will be working together beside every player class as part of a 'rogue' branch of the factions.

Technically, all of the player classes end up in a position where they could in theory command enough resources to fight their own little war without the actual Empire / Republic being united.


Overall result is that for the duration of two planets you will have cutscenes implying you are working with other elements but in practice dont expect Sith to be around the market on Coruscant or vice versa on Drommond Kass.

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I'm probably going to sound like a broken record here, but when I first read that one of the new planets would be Yavin 4, my Expanded Universe/Legends loving heart, got really, really disappointed. I had hoped it wouldn't come into this game, because there basically hadn't in the EU been any kind of activity like that on Yavin 4, from the arrival of Exar Kun, up until the Rebel Alliance held base there.


HOWEVER!!!! As I am trying to look at this development with neutral eyes as well, I can see that there is opportunities for some fantastic storylines in that place, and I am excited about seeing what the writers have come up with :D


Criticism far far far aside (I usually don't criticize the game, because I love it):


I AM REALLY REALLY excited about this news and have of course pre-ordered it as well. Can't wait. And maybe now I'll finally get my Bounty Hunter finished, as the last class in my legacy. She's been at level 40 for almost a year now :p


''We must unite''

Does this mean cross faction ops? I think I saw in the pre-order page that the two new ops are ''Neutral faction''


I think it was "role neutral flashpoints". I didn't read anywhere that there would be neutral faction.

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Great. An expansion centered on the SW character I hate the most. I am ... ecstatic.


No one is forcing you to buy it at gunpoint I believe.


If you disagree, show your discontent by NOT buying it and waiting for it to be available for FREE.

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Love that we're getting more to do! *is excited*


At the same time, I'm worried. Not so much about the changes coming, but the wording in the trailer for this pack. Near the end of it, they say "This is where we make our FINAL stand."


I hope this isn't their way of saying this is the last expansion we get, ever again. I don't like the word 'final'.


If they mean our 'final' dealing with Revan, I'm fine with that. Never had much use for the man anyhow...but I hope they don't mean 'final' as in 'this is it for the game, once it's done, it's done.'


Quick, someone say something to reassure me lol. :)


A "Final stand" is usually something said at the very near end of a war. And the crisis with Revan is probably growing into another one, inside the other war that is going on in the game. It leads up to, that the most likely opposites are forced into the most unlikely allies and stand together, at a grand battle, where probably only one will come out as the winner.


Unless they would like to pull a Doctor Who, where a compromise is found in the end ;)

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If you disagree, show your discontent by NOT buying it and waiting for it to be available for FREE.


Which is obviously what I am going to do. Doesn't change the fact that my share of "new content" for the next year will consist of things I hate.

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A "Final stand" is usually something said at the very near end of a war. And the crisis with Revan is probably growing into another one, inside the other war that is going on in the game. It leads up to, that the most unlikely opposites are forced to stand together, at a grand battle, where probably only one will come out as the winner.


Unless they would like to pull a Doctor Who, where a compromise is found in the end ;)


You're doing it wrong. ;)


After the "Final stand", there will be...


Which will be bigger, better and more bad*ss indeed.



Pinhead and his adorable friends.


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