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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines


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Ok was wrong :D and am happy to be wrong, cause AWESOME system, hybrid is dead but the future is so good.

Infact the improvement, beats hybrids spec.


It is everything we have and more cause of the utilities.

So no simplifying infact game going to become more complex :)

A dream wish, so even more buttons on the hotbar :D


Honestly it is a small trade off for hybridness.

So definetly no cause to worry, infact if system stays really like this,


It is what everybody really want. Especially in balance. For DEV and fun for the more advance gamers.


Sad for those who think they will go back to one hotbar with 10 abilities.

But you definetly need even more hotbar.

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When you're done turning SWTOR into an inherently inferior copy of WoW, what's there to prevent people from dumping your half-baked product with a broken engine and flocking to the benchmark of all MMOs? Do you really think the lightsaber kewlness effect can make up for each and every (biological and technological?) distinctiveness you remove? I can't speak for anyone else, but my love for SW is not that limitless.


This isn't a make or break move, the only unknown variable is the magnitude of the breaking.

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LOL, so the Twitch stream confirmed that the switch to the discipline system is basically just to get rid of hybrids. It was stated that they don't have time to test and squash every possible hybrid build and that the hybrid builds outperform what you're supposed to be able to do. Not at all what the developer blog tries to spin the reasoning for the change as.
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why does bioware hate hybrids so much? on almost every class i play i play a hybrid. why? not because i find some exploit or way to get better DPS (though some do offer that), but because its fun. it's an unnatural rotation that wasn't spoonfed to me by some narrow-minded tree that wishes to dictate how i play. i get to adapt, learn new skills. it is a challenge to overcome and, once mastered, becomes just as if not more deadly than playing normally.



as a sniper, i love the engineering tree, but i dont want my heaviest hitting ability to come from an exploit where i drop all five bombs in one place. so i would rather hybrid and not take that ability at all. i like sniping, so i'll pick up some goods from marksman, but keep some engineering around for the explosive fun. sure, some people call that an inferior way to play, but i find it more enjoyable. is that not what matters in a game?


another example: on my sorceror, to hybrid lightning with madness is very effective. to cut out the top tier of lightning for madness is very rewarding when death field is more deadly than thundering blast, and has an AOE instant cast, and then getting force lightning with no cooldown + the ability to cast lightning strike or darkness instantly. combined with the lightning tree instant cast perks, it pretty much means that i can throw alacrity out the window entirely and not suffer for it. perhaps you could call this an exploit. but should not the game developers award me for sticking with "their" way, if that's really what they want? in such a case, i would suffer much more for deviating.



yet, a good game developer doesn't say "this is how you will play, and no other" they give you a reason to play the way they want you to, to choose certain skills in a tree. even still, i find it incredibly boring to play exactly what some guide told me to play or to be using the same skills as everyone around me, even if it is effective. when you look exactly like every other sorcerer and fight like every other sorcerer, what's the point?


they keep saying this will add diversity, and i'm not cutting the game off just yet as i will wait and see if this is true. but right now, following a linear path of zero choice while having a few pick-up perks on the side seems way to straightforward, easy, and boring. i sincerely hope i am proven wrong later...


Well said. I know the blog suggests the change will add diversity, but that CAN'T be true. Less choices means less diversity. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.


We'll just have to see how it goes.

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I will LEAVE SWTOR if this gets implemented!! And i know for a fact a lot of other players will do the same. All they are trying to do is to make the game more idiot proof......screw this!:mad:


Very mad Subscriber :mad::mad:

Edited by Xandius
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How can more buttons and the hybrids options people wanted, like stun bubbles moved to utility.

Be worst then hybrids we have now?


Yes my forklightning spammer has been nerfed, but lightnig has been buffed with new abilities to compensate for being a stationaire turret.


A lot of things people don't understand, but truth is what I saw is that it is worthy trade off for everybody.

without dumbing things down.

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so basically imagine the stuff you wanted aside from dps options like deathfield.

Moved to utility and added more stuff in heroic and mid level tier utility, some of them completely new.

But stuff like fade is now a utitlity option.


Sorc dark infusion has been moved to healing, but unstead you get rejuvenate as base.

Instant heal for dps sorc with a hot always greater then a cast 2 second big heal.

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So basically we're doing away with the illusion of choice and creating an even yet more linear path of leveling choices.


How is this an improvement again?


The illusion of choice is in the 18 utilities currently you can only select 7-8.


But thise 7-8 are class make or break utility from first pick.

That is a huge difference between wow system, where they just had 1 sucky 1 ok, 1 must have.

So example if healers wanted stun bubbles, they just sacrifice one utility. They want none rooted sprint another.

Dpsers wanted healing overload they can .


See combination is tailored to what you prefer as player. Your playstyle as sorc, instead of must have cause everyody has it.

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This is an interesting project you guys (Bioware) thought off. I am really excited to see how this will look like and feel for other players.


the most important that nobody is forced to ragequit cause game have become simple, infact it become more complex cause of more options. People will have a hardtime memorising all those options.


But atleast they can improve, instead of being stuck at simple learning curve.

While for some daunting task seeing 4 more buttons, for some people crowded hotbar.

there defining abilities heals/damage (think tanking too) has became beter. So more reliable.

Thus even solving the new people entry level of mistakes. Innervate on the move, dark infusion as heal, aoe heal and a new instant Moderate to big heal. With cooldown.


But current system is a win/win for everybody and am very critical about things.

So if they don't give in to people saying nerf everything (some numbers aways need to be balanced)

More out of spite they are afraid of not able to kill somebody.


things look really bright for SWTOR expansion, even if we lost hybridness dps/heal tank/dps (well gear hybrid is still possible but, you lose most of your defining combination, a bit like how advanced prototype in PT was nerfed to be AP exclusive,)


And sooner or later people will number crunch some wierd build to min max, so that isn't lost either.

But easier for them to balance it out.


New players can't make much mistake either with this new system. Even if they pick the wrong utility.

It is easily corrected by guilds for raiding,.

I can't really think of a flaw in this system aside from them nerfing everything and throwing it overboard again.

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Okay, Data, a new game version is coming, this will involve....


Revan, a game add on that will take character play from level 55 to 60


Disciplines, a complete revamp of the game mechanic level by level.


To encourage us to pre order, a rapid level gain mechanism that will skyrocket us to level 55 in preparation for the new game




Why not bring in the disciplines NOW, and let us actually work with them as part of the level up??

because the first thing almost all of us are going to have to do when you bring in that complete game re write is start new characters and work through the new system so we have a sniff of a clue how it works!!!

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And congratulations on making the exact same mistake WoW did. It'll have the same effect here that it did on WoW, a pretty large exodus of subs, especially from the WoW refugee's that were happy that SWTOR was still doing it the old way. To whit, very few people actually like the cookie cutter this forces them into. The other way might have largely been an illusions of choice, but by god it was still better then nothing. This? This is nothing. This is a straight walk down a hallway with 'flavor' choices to make each character a 'snowflake'.


They are doing this so that it's easier for them. I just wish they'd SAY that, instead of foisting off the BS claim that people will have more meaningful choices. No, you won't. You'll just have a lot less then before. At least Rift isn't doing this yet.

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And congratulations on making the exact same mistake WoW did. It'll have the same effect here that it did on WoW, a pretty large exodus of subs, especially from the WoW refugee's that were happy that SWTOR was still doing it the old way. To whit, very few people actually like the cookie cutter this forces them into. The other way might have largely been an illusions of choice, but by god it was still better then nothing. This? This is nothing. This is a straight walk down a hallway with 'flavor' choices to make each character a 'snowflake'.


They are doing this so that it's easier for them. I just wish they'd SAY that, instead of foisting off the BS claim that people will have more meaningful choices. No, you won't. You'll just have a lot less then before. At least Rift isn't doing this yet.


Obviously you didn't want the stream. They say this in the stream lol. It's easier to do everything because they don't have to go around killing off hybrids and worrying what to do next.

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Sounds bloody awful. Just get set up how I want it as a hybrid tank that can do damage and they are going to take that away as well make me a pure tank that can't kill even trash mobs with out spending an hour shooting them in the face, stuff that.


I will look at this, but I will likely just drop the game if they lock me to something that I do not like and force me to use dumbed down abilities.


Why not ask the players first before screwing them over, some of us were happy and as a subscriber some of us will talk with our wallets.

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this is a f@%&ing joke you don't even get to choose your skillz wheres the progression on that sad to say not a fan ......:mad: and to everyone who says this is good are just a bunch of fan boys


that's not fear i smell is it?

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It was very clear that simply adding more levels and points could never function. No idea why this took two years, but at least they're goingback to the drawing board instead of trying to shoe-horn the broken paradigm any farther
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Obviously you didn't want the stream. They say this in the stream lol. It's easier to do everything because they don't have to go around killing off hybrids and worrying what to do next.


Except Hybrids are where the fun gameplay is, not being 'a n other factory produced BW apporved Sorc cookie cutter'

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