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Is there nothing that can be done about the GTN and comma's?


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This is just getting out of hand. In some cases there are now so many auctions being listed with the use of the comma ( where in most case s someone is trying to get someone to not pay attention and purchase a crafting mat for an amount that is in the millions if you are not paying attention) that it is realllllly slowing down looking and sorting thru the auctions.


I am not going to fall for the trick but it has now gotten to the point that it really slows down looking for items.


Could we at least perhaps implement a feature where we can set the high amount cap and that cap STAYS when hitting the reset button? ( As it stands now everything resets when u hit that button).


This is just really getting old and I am trying to offer a possible suggestion but maybe we just remove from the GTN the ability for items to be " fractionable"? ( ie just show a whole credit amount even if it rounds).



I had to sort thru 5 pages of titanium to clear out the auctions where people are posting using this method trying to catch someone not paying attention.


I am just thinking something could done to let the maximum search credit cap STAY perhaps with its own reset button?


That way you could set it up and not having to constantly redo it over and over to avoid these yahoos...


As I said imho it's gotten to the point that I feel somethign should be done and this at least lets people post what they want but gives us the ability to not have to constantly redo that cap over and over.


Just my 2 cents

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This is just getting out of hand. In some cases there are now so many auctions being listed with the use of the comma ( where in most case s someone is trying to get someone to not pay attention and purchase a crafting mat for an amount that is in the millions if you are not paying attention) that it is realllllly slowing down looking and sorting thru the auctions.


Here's a quick tip on how to avoid getting scammed:



And how exactly are people trying to make you to not pay attention?

Do they send you naked pictures of Scarlett Johansson while you're browsing the GTN listings?

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what is there to fix, error occurs between keyboard and chair.


1) people not paying attention (nobody's fault but their own)

2) not reading properly (nobody's fault but their own)

3) reading comprehension..aka 2 digits after decimal, 3 digits for commas Always and forever. (Nobody's fault but their own)

4) higher rate of occurrence (blame everyone coming on the forums complaining about it..more people going to do it).


so what exactly should be done?


Better education..check

Better time management...check

stop complaining about it on the forum...check

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Here's a quick tip on how to avoid getting scammed:



And how exactly are people trying to make you to not pay attention?

Do they send you naked pictures of Scarlett Johansson while you're browsing the GTN listings?


You miss my point. I do pay attention. I am simply mentioning and wondering if something could be done on the bioware side such as when we set a cap limit in prices that it not get reset and have its own seperate reset button.


I won't be scammed by this, but there are so many of these now that it gets old having to search thru them all.



Edited by tortcat
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This is just getting out of hand. In some cases there are now so many auctions being listed with the use of the comma ( where in most case s someone is trying to get someone to not pay attention and purchase a crafting mat for an amount that is in the millions if you are not paying attention) that it is realllllly slowing down looking and sorting thru the auctions.

How is this slowing down your GTN searches? Why aren't you sorting by price - lowest price to highest price? If you're doing that......which is pretty much what everyone does....then you would never even see the high price listings. If there are really that many dumb people out there not paying attention to what they do and paying 1,000,000 credits for a crafting mat instead of 1,000 credits, then I may need to start selling mats on the GTN, lol.


I had to sort thru 5 pages of titanium to clear out the auctions where people are posting using this method trying to catch someone not paying attention.

Ummmmm, no you didn't. You may have sorted through 5 pages of titanium but you certainly didn't need to do that. You could have simply sorted the column from lowest to highest price. You can do that for both the total and per item cost columns.

Edited by JimG
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of course there's something to be done. Pay the hell attention to what you're doing. There's even a confirmation for christs sake.


I've accidently bought things at the wrong price..know what I did? said "that was dumb" and moved on.


if you can't pay attention and fall for this kind of thing..it's on you.


Why should BioWare implement something to combat player stupidity and laziness?

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you too can get your <insert device here> for the great low price of just 19.99 but wait call now and we'll double your <insert device> for free thats 2 <insert device> for 19.99 but only if you call within the next 10 minutes (because people totally track that 24hrs a day across the country)


ever wonder why things are x.99 and not rounded up 1 penny?

ever wonder why things are b1g1 instead of 50% off?

ever wonder why things are marked up then have their prices slash to "on sale"?


if you said no, you probably have a basic understanding of marketing and human psychology enough to function in the modern world.


if you said yes, you probably too fall these "scams" in modern society and should probably call your local congress person and have them make more laws to fix this horrible injustice.


If you can understand difference between 133,333 and1,333.33 congrats you are not an idiot.

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Isn't there always 3 digits after the comma and always only 2 digits after the decimals? In no way do I support people trying to scam folks out of credits, but it literally takes the smallest amount of attention to keep from being a victim.
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Why should players put up with Biowares laziness for not rounding prices to the nearest full credit?


BioWare didn't invent the decimal point or the thousands separator. They have both been part of numbers for a very long time. My kids learned this in 2nd or 3rd Grade. In the weaksauce public schools no less.

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because BioWare shouldn't have to coddle stupid people?


I think that it is less a matter of intelligence and more a matter of people being too careless to take a a moment to sort prices properly. BioWare HAS put a feature in for the careless types. It comes as a warning that you have to click on to reaffirm that you do indeed intend to spend that many credits.


To click buy and then to reaffirm the purchase by clicking the affirmation box is all levels of careless. That is the player's fault.

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In the real world where they use decimals they always use decimals. So all whole number prices should finish with .00 to be consistent. That would fix it and replicate the real world. Always have decimals, never have decimals just don't mix the two styles together in the same list.
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Can't you just sort by lowest price per unit and not have to scroll through any pages. That's what i do.

I hit a couple of times just to be sure i'm looking at the lowest ones and them buy whichever i want.




Thats the only way i use the GTN if im searching for a specific material, i'll just buy the lowest cost per unit stacks

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