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Guide for SM Taral V?

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Lets see if i remember correctly and don't forget any boss.

1st: Kill cats first, focus one at a time. Or simply walk past :p

2nd: Try kill em at the same time, since if one dies, the other deals more damage.

3rd: Just kill and aoe adds down.

4th: Changes threat at random, tank needs to taunt if he does. Don't stand in stupid.

Bonusboss: Just don't stand in stupid.

Final boss: Kill cannons, kill boss. Aoe adds down when they come.


Hope I didn't mess up order or forgot anything :D

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Hi folks, I am a new player, who's never done the FP before, and seeing I am L32 now, I am very likely to be dropped into TV next time I pug (the game mercilessly plugs me into the FPs underlevelled). So I wanted the walk through to be honest. Will HM Dulfy give me the right info or will I be looking for things that ain't there? Edited by DomiSotto
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Hi folks, I am a new player, who's never done the FP before, and seeing I am L32 now, I am very likely to be dropped into TV next time I pug (the game mercilessly plugs me into the FPs underlevelled). So I wanted the walk through to be honest. Will HM Dulfy give me the right info or will I be looking for things that ain't there?


Most of HM guide are good.... But seriously don't worry... SM is just don't stand in stupid, kill adds, kill boss. There is nothing to interrupt (even if it can be nice to interrupt stuff when you can), not many special mechnics to worry about. Exception to this are the first boss in Cademimu, the last boss in Foundry and Mealstrom Prison. The second boss in Mealstrom Prison. and many after Red Reaper. The HM's mechanics are mostly already there but don't hurt enough to be worth taking care of (HS first boss), can be cheesed through (most enrage mechanics, Cade first boss) or just doesn't matter.

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Yes, you will perhaps 'look for things that aren't there' as sometimes in a HM version of a FP there is something new. BUT, it is usually in the sense of either: 1) higher HP or more damage output; or 2) a mechanic that exists in SM but now CANNOT be avoided. So, in that sense, knowing only the HM version beforehand makes you better prepared.
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Hi, that’s me again. Your friendly random drop from Nooberland. I am preparing to try to queue for Taral V (SM, obviously) and I have a few questions after looking at Dulfy’s Guide:


1. Dulfy does not include Dr. Zharan. Does he have adds? Do they need to be killed first? Does he has anything special that needs to be interrupted or avoided?

2. Lord Hasper: Dulfyy suggests that Force Storm may be survived by a ‘geared’ party without applying additional tricks. For a SM FP, does ‘geared’ refer to the simple blue gear or purple? And green would be undergeared?

3. In discussion the Force Storm, that we are trying to prevent from happening, Dulfy states that ‘the tank should interrupt the 3rd Force Lightening as Force Storm is casted immediately after the 3rd Force Lightening […]” Does it actually mean that interrupting FL cancels the Storm? Or does it mean that the interrupt initiated during the Force Lightening interrupts the upcoming Force Storm?

4. Dulfy states that at the end of the fight PD-44 gains a buff called Very Damaged, with nothing of significance recorded if the boss is killed quickly. If the battle drags on at this point, are there additional things to be aware of?


In respect to General Edikar encounter, I saw a comment that might indicate that Edikar no longer can be pulled out of LoS of the Turrets. Is that correct? Or can the boss still be taunted to the Turret’s blind spot?

6. In this Flashpoint, when a person dies at any point, does the game allow you to go straight to the Med Centre and return back to the battle, or do you get locked out?

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Hi, that’s me again. Your friendly random drop from Nooberland. I am preparing to try to queue for Taral V (SM, obviously) and I have a few questions after looking at Dulfy’s Guide:?


It's been awhile so doing this from memory so I am sorry if I am wrong on some of these:


1. Dulfy does not include Dr. Zharan. Does he have adds? Do they need to be killed first? Does he has anything special that needs to be interrupted or avoided?


If memory serves me right he has some creatures in kolto tanks so I would kill them as fast as you can as if they are get released there will be quite a few of them.


2. Lord Hasper: Dulfyy suggests that Force Storm may be survived by a ‘geared’ party without applying additional tricks. For a SM FP, does ‘geared’ refer to the simple blue gear or purple? And green would be undergeared?


I would consider undergeared in SM being gear below your level. I.E. 20 when you are 30. Most people in SM don't have purples but of course most of them now have adaptive armor so just make sure the gear is up-to-date.


4. Dulfy states that at the end of the fight PD-44 gains a buff called Very Damaged, with nothing of significance recorded if the boss is killed quickly. If the battle drags on at this point, are there additional things to be aware of?


Stay out of the circles on the ground that is the major item I can recall from this boss.



In respect to General Edikar encounter, I saw a comment that might indicate that Edikar no longer can be pulled out of LoS of the Turrets. Is that correct? Or can the boss still be taunted to the Turret’s blind spot?


Do the bonus before getting here, which is destroying the science stations along the way. When those are done there is another item you will need to do and then when you get to the boss use the terminal and it shuts down the turrets, but the bonus has to be done for this to work.




6. In this Flashpoint, when a person dies at any point, does the game allow you to go straight to the Med Centre and return back to the battle, or do you get locked out


You can return back to the fight. You should not be locked out.

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Domi, it is admirable that you seek all the information you can get! Assuming you are using your Vanguard tank and you have blue gear (all those WZ comms!), I wouldn't worry. Stand away from red circles and things should be perfectly fine, because you can facetank pretty much everything. Turn the bosses away from the party and soak damage!


The answers given about the bosses seem to be accurate. Been a while since I've been there, though. Have fun and good luck!

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Okay, got it. I was a L33 tank with L37 crew. Holding aggro against a Shadow was a pain. We started with a slinger and sentinel, which was great, than disconnects happened, so we got two FU Jedi instead after the guys did not reconnect. And, nope, it was not me. The healer said so :) No wipes, nobody remotely hurt.


We did not go to do Hasper. Which means I will requeue and try again. (Sigh) Why is everyone in such a hurry in FPs? The area is pretty, the fights are fine. Can't we get everything done? The Shadow was a first timer as well, but run through it like someone was timing us. (Yep, I am a total noob, but I can whine like a pro!)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Lets see if i remember correctly and don't forget any boss.

1st: Kill cats first, focus one at a time. Or simply walk past :p

2nd: Try kill em at the same time, since if one dies, the other deals more damage.

3rd: Just kill and aoe adds down.

4th: Changes threat at random, tank needs to taunt if he does. Don't stand in stupid.

Bonusboss: Just don't stand in stupid.

Final boss: Kill cannons, kill boss. Aoe adds down when they come.


Hope I didn't mess up order or forgot anything :D


1st: correct

2nd: correct

3rd: (doctor inside a base) - correct but stack up so the adds can be AoEd easier

bonusboss: After the 3rd lightning he pulls everybody in and deals large amount of AoE damage (just like Cademimu bonusboss at lv55). Even on SM this one is quite hard to do. The trick is to LOS the boss by standing in the dooropening as ranged/heals and walk around right when the boss casts the 3rd lighting. This will pull you against the wall and saves you from damage.


4th boss: incorrect. No taunts needed. Rest is correct. Just dont stand in stupid and interrupt his abilities

Final boss: Click console to kill 2 turrets (bonus) and the rest is correct. Cleanse the bomb which he places on a random member, else just heal through it.

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bonusboss: After the 3rd lightning he pulls everybody in and deals large amount of AoE damage (just like Cademimu bonusboss at lv55). Even on SM this one is quite hard to do. The trick is to LOS the boss by standing in the dooropening as ranged/heals and walk around right when the boss casts the 3rd lighting. This will pull you against the wall and saves you from damage.


Why everyone say this one can be hard in SM?? I just need to bubble everyone before it and barely anyone get under 90% that's not even hard to do.

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Thanks folks. I tried today, but got the KYD instead. :( Nice folks, waited for me to re-log when my connection got shot. Oh, well, I think I had a separate daily for Tactical. I'll try tomorrow, fingers crossed. if it's another KYD, I will give up.


Well, it's like with everything - hope for the best, but prep for the worse.

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Thanks folks. I tried today, but got the KYD instead. :( Nice folks, waited for me to re-log when my connection got shot. Oh, well, I think I had a separate daily for Tactical. I'll try tomorrow, fingers crossed. if it's another KYD, I will give up.


Well, it's like with everything - hope for the best, but prep for the worse.


Don't queue for KDY.. regular fp and KDY are on two different dailies... And you can even queue for only TV if you want...

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Will I still get the Daily completion registered if I unclick the Tacticals? I thought you have to keep everything in to get the rewards? I think I had a separate item related to completing a tactical flashpoint in there somewhere among million other things. I would certainly unselect it if there is no consequences. I have a feeling I will become intimately familiar with the damnable thing when I get to L55, if I decide to squeeze my teeth shut and do the Great Gear Grind.
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Will I still get the Daily completion registered if I unclick the Tacticals? I thought you have to keep everything in to get the rewards? I think I had a separate item related to completing a tactical flashpoint in there somewhere among million other things. I would certainly unselect it if there is no consequences. I have a feeling I will become intimately familiar with the damnable thing when I get to L55, if I decide to squeeze my teeth shut and do the Great Gear Grind.


Tactical daily and SM daily aren't the same.. you can do both separetedly.... If you queue for only TV and nothing else tho you won,t have the group finder daily and only the TV/Mealstrom Prison one.... But honestly... you should give up and queue for only TV while doing other stuff.. than queue for just MP.... And when you otlevel them.. gear yourself and your comp up and solo them.. they actually are easy to solo once you are 2 level over the fp upper range. Hell they are easy to 2-man at the lower lvl range.

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Why everyone say this one can be hard in SM?? I just need to bubble everyone before it and barely anyone get under 90% that's not even hard to do.


Yes and I can solo that boss. But I don't think we are the average pug doing that flashpoint. I meant quite hard when comparing this boss to the other bosses in Taral. I have been in enough pugruns where the healer failed at keeping us alive while the other bosses went more than okey.

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Will I still get the Daily completion registered if I unclick the Tacticals? I thought you have to keep everything in to get the rewards? I think I had a separate item related to completing a tactical flashpoint in there somewhere among million other things. I would certainly unselect it if there is no consequences. I have a feeling I will become intimately familiar with the damnable thing when I get to L55, if I decide to squeeze my teeth shut and do the Great Gear Grind.


Each "section" of the groupfinder has it's own automatic daily. So if you queue with all the flashpoints checked, with all tactical flashpoints, operations, etc unchecked, you'll get credit for the "queue for random flashpoint" mission.

If you queue for everything, and KDY pops, or if you only queue for KDY, you get credit for the "queue for random tactical flashpoint" mission. (at lower levels KDY is the only tactical so it's a randomness of 1)

You can see your status on these dailies, and their rewards, on the far right of the groupfinder screen broken down by section.


Both of these dailies happen automatically when you queue. They are unrelated to the daily mission you can pick up from the Priority Missions terminal. If you pick up Emerging Conflicts III, you can still turn in that daily if you only queue for Taral V.

Edited by septembersphinx
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Okay, got it. I was a L33 tank with L37 crew. Holding aggro against a Shadow was a pain.


Congrats on getting through.


I am building up a new resource for The Old Republic at ForceTremor. Right now, it is new, so information is still being written and added. The site went live about a week ago.


While we don't have information about every flashpoint right now, we are adding to it daily and we are including information about story mode and hard mode.


A couple of our completed flashpoint pages are:




There are several others with complete information, but will have a once-over done to them, to add in images and TorHead links.


I hope that you keep this resource in mind, as you go through these story mode flashpoints. Good luck, and have fun in the flashpoints.

Edited by Ohnoto
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bonusboss: After the 3rd lightning he pulls everybody in and deals large amount of AoE damage (just like Cademimu bonusboss at lv55). Even on SM this one is quite hard to do. The trick is to LOS the boss by standing in the dooropening as ranged/heals and walk around right when the boss casts the 3rd lighting. This will pull you against the wall and saves you from damage.

Hm, seems legit :)

Can't remember anyone doing it on my first run, they just healed through it. Also, this was on my first Character ever in an MMO(I was Guardian Tanking it) and after completing her class story I changed to imp side where i stayed for 2,5 years^^ Only changed sides again recently.

4th boss: incorrect. No taunts needed. Rest is correct. Just dont stand in stupid and interrupt his abilities.

Good to know. I remember it switching aggro constantly. But as i said my first char ever in an MMO and I was tanking. Probably did a lot of things wrong back then too.

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