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Name 5 companions you'd happily toss out the airlock


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My 2p worth:


1. Skadge - totally loathsome. He hates me, I hate him.

2. Tanno Vik - seriously, this was the only explosives expert suitable for Havoc Squad in the entire galaxy?? No, just no. He's obnoxious, has no discipline, no honour, no honesty. Get out of my squad.

3. Qyzen Fess - please please let me ditch the lizard. Even my light side consular couldn't stand him. Go collect your stupid points in deep space.

4. Bowdaar - I'm with Princess Leia on this one, get this walking carpet out of my way. I didn't want him on Nar Shaddaa, I don't want him now. Besides, he's the most useless tank ever.

5. Tie between Doc and Risha, because they are sooooooo annoying and creepy. Probably Risha would win as Doc is a pretty good healer and therefore has some use, but he needs a permanent gag.


Other annoying, useless, or totally boring and instantly forgettable people that I wouldn't miss: Nadia Grell, Broonmark, Zenith, Rusk, Yuun, Raina Temple.

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1. Quinn

2. Guss Tuno

3. Skadge

4. C2-N2

5. 2V-R8


Others can be annoying, but the above.. I'll never get along with.


I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).

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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


Yes, for me anyways, the reasons are different for each of them.

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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


I really think it's that in the case of both companions aspects of their involvement in the story causes some serious suspension of disbelief issues depending on your character's alignment.


My SW is dark side. All his dialog choices to that point represented him as a heartless unforgiving jerk. He would NEVER just take Quinn back in and give him a second chance. And my BH is light side. Skadge is the sort of person he hunts down and kills for a living. He would never accept him on the crew, much less allow Skadge to get away with threatening him or his wife.


Those are my reasons for hating them anyway. I just can't reconcile their stories with my character's alignments. So my personal solution was to buy Treek and never use Quinn again. And I have never used Skadge beyond the one mission that forces me to do so.

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I didn't really dislike the ship droids until the other day when I noticed it told my light V jedi sage that he reserved an escape pod for my personal use. Really?


I'm not sure who else I would toss, but this is one of the more generally entertaining threads I've read in a while.

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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


On the flip side, that development has made Quinn one of the most popular companions in fan fiction. Lots of love for Quinn out there, just not on these forums :rolleyes:

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


I go with the

Suicide by Angry Sith who happens to be the Emperor's Wrath

line of thought, because I swear he could have tried harder to kill me. The battle was a breeze, and I was fully expecting a challenge. The hatred he earned is based on story events.


The other one was filler. And not very good filler at it either. It wasn't until later that I find that he hates the same Hutt as I, but if he just said that in the first place instead of pulling a stupid threat, I would have happily let him join my roster. Maybe even tolerate him better. The tie in to that Hutt felt almost added in for no real reason and felt cheap and rushed.

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On the flip side, that development has made Quinn one of the most popular companions in fan fiction. Lots of love for Quinn out there, just not on these forums :rolleyes:


I love Quinn too, and managed to forgive him. He and Vector are probably my ultimate favorite male companions in this game.


Us Quinn lovers have to stick together. <3

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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


yup ... nailed it!


(BTW... I like most of your analysis... ) There are some other folks that are right on top of things as well. Why not take the time to give the player a choice in the case of the Smuggler (for example). Some might actually prefer the attitude of Risa or that of Corso Rigs. BUT ... what happens if the player is given a choice the story line of Risa completely unfolds and they choose a more stunning and female (or perhaps for some: male) character to actually be a "companion" to the end of the game.


It seems to me that the one thing that is missing in some cases is that genuine connection for some of the characters (for me it is the smuggler) with those that we are seemingly STUCK with for companions!

(just my opinion)

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My smuggler agreed to take Corso along to help rescue Torchy, and the Smuggler's ship. As Corso sticks around, my smuggler starts to pick on him at times for being old fashioned, but when the old times attitude isn't part of the conversation, I actually really enjoy having Corso.


If only I had an alternative romance for my Female Smuggler that I abandoned because the guy was too clingy...


Who doesn't want a crazy guy who names his weapons with terrible names?


"Hey Boss! Made a vibroblade for ya! Name's Stabby!"

Edited by LyraineAlei
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My smuggler agreed to take Corso along to help rescue Torchy, and the Smuggler's ship. As Corso sticks around, my smuggler starts to pick on him at times for being old fashioned, but when the old times attitude isn't part of the conversation, I actually really enjoy having Corso.


If only I had an alternative romance for my Female Smuggler that I abandoned because the guy was too clingy...


Who doesn't want a crazy guy who names his weapons with terrible names?


"Hey Boss! Made a vibroblade for ya! Name's Stabby!"


if you were a female playing the role of the smuggler ... maybe ... but like you said there is some stuff that just aint right!

As a male smuggler that just does not work for me. Clingy I can deal with ... but good grief !

What we do have is Risa!


What we do NOT have is a choice. There were a couple of places I thought he might get hooked up with someone that could be "fun".

Hmmmm come to think of it... any idea why none of the interaction is really "FUN" ?

Sorry ... we need to be careful not to go OT. BUT... IMHO one of the things that I think we miss is that "connection" with the story and maybe how the companion could be a little better fit in the plot and in "our" game.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I keep seeing Quinn and Skadge... I find this funny because Quinn is so hated because he's one of the most well-developed companions (and that development led to a dislike based on his role in the narrative), whereas the inverse is true for Skadge (who has virtually no depth and seems like an afterthought present simply to flesh out the Bounty Hunter roster).


I'd say it comes down to two main reasons.


First, it's hard to write a companion everyone will like, even if well written (I disliked Quinn from the moment I met him and Skadge is not well written). That's fine by itself, it's when you then add forced companions that it's more annoying. For example, Skadge would be fine as a companion option if he was purely optional. He might not be taken often but that's fine too.


Second, keeping Quinn's roll in the narrative the same after removing the ability to react to it in the way a lot of people wanted too, was a mistake. Too close to release when they made that change to do more then they did maybe but it was still a mistake. Likely it should never have been the narrative role for a companion and should have been more like the Trooper big decision in chapter 3.

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Skadge (never would have taken him in the first place)

C2-N2 (death by black hole is too kind)

Ashara (seriously, SHUT UP about the jedi teachings)

Quinn (I think it is mostly The Mole™, oh yeah and venting him into space would be appropriate after the "plot twist")

Gault (never would have brought him along in the first place since I was playing my BH as a guy who NEVER quits on a contract, NEVER accepts a bribe to stop a contract, etc... and that choice was taken out of my hands... I was so pissed I nearly stopped playing the BH. Gault himself is pretty cool though.)


Honorary mentions:

Treek (but the choice to NOT bring an ewok onto my ship was thankfully left to me)

Theran (why does someone who doesn't like the force and jedi follow a jedi around the galaxy?)

Torian (Every time he says something in "mando", I get reminded of Dora the Explorer... *sigh*)



Would never throw out: (in no particular order)

Khem (he is MY monster, after all)

Blizz (love the little guy)

Kira (bringing sexy back to the jedi)

Guss (no clue why, because his "WHEEE" *should* be annoying... but somehow it STILL makes me chuckle)

M1-4X (edges out HK for best droid in the game, though the KOTOR 2 HK would still beat him)

Edited by Zharik
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if you were a female playing the role of the smuggler ... maybe ... but like you said there is some stuff that just aint right!

As a male smuggler that just does not work for me. Clingy I can deal with ... but good grief !

What we do have is Risa!


What we do NOT have is a choice. There were a couple of places I thought he might get hooked up with someone that could be "fun".


Erm... Akaavi? 'Cause male Smuggler gets two in-party romances *and* a lot of out-of-party ones. I can't stand Risha myself, so I am planning to marry her then dump her for Akaavi when as a male Scoundrel. That's gonna be my revenge!


On the female Smuggler, you have actually far more decent and fun choices as out-of-party romances. Numen Brock is my Captain's guy. It was just annoying that Tefani on Makeb was not available, he'd be great as well!


Theran (why does someone who doesn't like the force and jedi follow a jedi around the galaxy?)


What Tharan doesn't like is when Force is used to bend the mind.

Edited by DomiSotto
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