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Does this game remind anyone of World of Warcraft?


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This post feels like a thinly disguised whine about features missing, particularly the latter half where apparently some things are NEEDED.


The brand comparison of iJacket vs iPad is just not a valid comparison to features in an MMO. One is a brand. The other is a feature within a genre. I could look at most WoW features and go 'I've seen that in X' where X is a game before WoW came along. They were neither polished more nor different enough, but boy they remained useful.


Apparently it is complete news to people that a lot of games have similarities and yet remarkably build their own ideas into that. It is neither a requirement to completely copy down to the smallest detail, nor to be entirely innovative. What is required is that the game is entertaining. If it achieves that, and clearly for some that is the case, mission accomplished, get on with more content & bug-fixing.


Skyrim for example was not the first to have smelting, nor smithing your own armour, nor orcs. Am I going to complain that they didn't make smithing their own, or should have made orcs into something different & unusual, or am I just going to enjoy the damned game?


Summary: I don't care whether this reminds me of WoW or not. I care whether I enjoy the game. By all means lobby for features, but I couldn't care less whether the feature is in another MMO or not.

Edited by Grammarye
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So Bioware, the long story short: if you plan to copy World of Warcraft features, you NEED To refine them to a point (just like WoW did with everything it copied) to a point where it is unrecognizable by your audience. Otherwise your product simply comes off as an inferior version of World of Warcraft. You've done a great job with your questing and crafting but everything else....especially the talent tree, you've gotta fix.


Good luck.

Let me guess, WOW is the first MMO, right?


2 words........................... AREA LOOT. 8 years and WOW still doesn't have it.

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Someone in beta posted a thread with a list of like 60 foundational ways in which this game is virtually identical to WoW. I don't think he plays any more though so I doubt he'd be here to post it again, but it was amazing to see it all laid out in just how many ways SWTOR just carbon-copied WoW.


Yes, this game is WoW in space.

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Well windows copied GUI from macs, and it seems to be ignored among the Windows community. Maybe it's been forgotten.


Also even if it was WoW in space in terms of game features. It's pretty different. WoW is more about getting to endgame and playing endgame. SWTOR is more about the journey. From apprentice to master. To padawan to master. It's about the adventure.

Edited by roadrunner
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OP listen I guess you did not pick up much other than selective parts of your business class......


They had to borrow some aspects of not only WoW but all other MMO's that have come out previously. Like some said GET OVER IT!.


And to your utter epic failness (yeah i used that word) to see they did revamp a lot of stuff...example...

The whole quest system is new ...the maps system is new and improved and so is the travel system.

Hermmmm in WoW you mainly travel on one thing ...a flying liger cat thing at every hub ( horde only player)...but wow in SWTOR you get speeders, ships, taxi's, and more as hub transports....

I could go on and on, but not interested in continuing to rant about your ignorance.


OH...and yeah AREA LOOT!!

Edited by Lagboot
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The last time I logged into WoW about a month or so ago, I felt like like sticking a sharp knife in not just one but both eyes. Stayed on long enough to clear out my mailbox and promptly logged out. That's how long I felt like playing it.


I don't get that same feeling about TOR at all. It doesn't feel anything like WoW to me.

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The last time I logged into WoW about a month or so ago, I felt like like sticking a sharp knife in not just one but both eyes. Stayed on long enough to clear out my mailbox and promptly logged out. That's how long I felt like playing it.


I don't get that same feeling about TOR at all. It doesn't feel anything like WoW to me.


That's because SW:TOR is new.


Look, anyone denying the similarities between the two games is willfully delusional. If you want to argue that SW:TOR is a better game, that's fine. I might even agree if endgame content lives up to my expectations. But don't ignore reality in some attempt to blindly defend BioWare/EA. There's no reason to.


In short, there's nothing wrong with copying the good parts of WoW. They're the good parts. What BioWare needs to be careful to avoid is copying the bad parts of WoW, such as arenas. Yes, I know that a nonzero number of players actually enjoy that little e-sport, but it's done a lot of harm to the rest of the game by forcing a lot of class homogenization and fun nerfs in the name of "balance". We definitely don't need such a thing in SW:TOR!


For what it's worth, I think the OP's professor is incorrect or, more likely, the OP misunderstood the lesson. You don't want to give free advertising to your direct competitor if you're trying to topple that competitor and gain an advantage. If, on the other hand, you merely want to coexist with that competitor, then the same rules do not apply. Naming a project iStuff isn't always a bad idea. Apple might get free advertising from it (though they're much more likely to sue you than thank you), but you get to ride their success coattails to the bank. People will associate your product with good ideas, innovation, and quality because that's how they perceive Apple. This is good.


I'm not so sure any of that really translates into the gaming market so well, though. You certainly don't want your game to be seen as a clone of another game. On the other hand, being able to make direct comparisons between your game and The Other One and showing where your game is superior could move players towards your game. I guess we'll see what happens!

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This is getting really old.


This game is brand freaking new. Do people really expect BW to throw all their cards on the table at the start of the game? The ignorance in some of these posts. Then again we are dealing with the general population; people who ignore their education in anxiety to come home and waste 20 hours of the day putting their eggs all in one basket instead of knowing balance. ( no this is not a reference to the OP )

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Nope. I am able to die unlike in wow. I have to group up for heroic quest unlike the entire game of wow's questing system. My companion crafts items and gathers materials at any time when I want no matter if I am in a flash point or arena or even if I go offline unlike wow's pet's. I won't be seeing kung fu panda, pokemon, and a toddler talent system meant for a 2 yr old unlike wow's next expanion. The game is out for a few days and the nerfs haven't begun like wow. So feel's like wow? I can't say that I get that feeling to be honest.

MMORPG's are a genre so yeah they will have the same elements, that's what genre's do.That's like saying Metallica is a rip off of the beetles just because they got guitars.

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That's because SW:TOR is new.


Look, anyone denying the similarities between the two games is willfully delusional. If you want to argue that SW:TOR is a better game, that's fine. I might even agree if endgame content lives up to my expectations. But don't ignore reality in some attempt to blindly defend BioWare/EA. There's no reason to.


In short, there's nothing wrong with copying the good parts of WoW. They're the good parts. What BioWare needs to be careful to avoid is copying the bad parts of WoW, such as arenas. Yes, I know that a nonzero number of players actually enjoy that little e-sport, but it's done a lot of harm to the rest of the game by forcing a lot of class homogenization and fun nerfs in the name of "balance". We definitely don't need such a thing in SW:TOR!


For what it's worth, I think the OP's professor is incorrect or, more likely, the OP misunderstood the lesson. You don't want to give free advertising to your direct competitor if you're trying to topple that competitor and gain an advantage. If, on the other hand, you merely want to coexist with that competitor, then the same rules do not apply. Naming a project iStuff isn't always a bad idea. Apple might get free advertising from it (though they're much more likely to sue you than thank you), but you get to ride their success coattails to the bank. People will associate your product with good ideas, innovation, and quality because that's how they perceive Apple. This is good.


I'm not so sure any of that really translates into the gaming market so well, though. You certainly don't want your game to be seen as a clone of another game. On the other hand, being able to make direct comparisons between your game and The Other One and showing where your game is superior could move players towards your game. I guess we'll see what happens!


I agree with what you're saying. However, I disagree with the arena / pvp part. They just need to be smarter about how they deal with it; completely different arena servers that patch differently with free char transfers to only those servers. After 10 years of pve I really enjoy pvp, and especially highly competitive arena environments.

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Wait what? They refined the questing experience?? I agree that the story is somewhat awesome, since it feels like KOTOR (the most awesome RPG in history), but the writing itself is imo, mediocre at best.


Now, this brings us to the questvariety. Story can be just as awesome as KOTOR, but if it is incredibly dull to do, what the hell is the point. SWTOR has these types of quests including bonus quests: Gather X amount of Y from Z mob, Gather X amount of Y from Z object, Interact with object X,Y,Z, use object x on location Y,Z,Q, and last but not least, kill this stronger than average guy and his companions. Variety?? WoW classic had more variety than this... Funny thing is, i dont remembeeeing any mindnumbingly stupid escortquests apart from that joke of a railshooter aka spacecombat... At least i dont remember since my mind is sort of dead from all the grind.


Now the questing again... It feels as if the questing is just an excuse for you getting more than half of your XP from grinding trash being in the way of you and your location at which you must mash your use key at something, since someone appear to have gone mad with cluttering the world with imperial (yep, im an evul republic) cannonfodder...


The quests also feel hopelessly linear, and there is only one route to take. Do the planets in their corresponding level order, and you will be level 50 with no reason to ever revisit them.... Saying datacubes/holocrons will get you back is like going back to a bar for a free box of matches, even though youre in another country...



The character customization!!... Teehee, yeah right, its like WoW....


The PvP (or lack thereof), ganking on pvp servers and 3 warfronts aka battlegrounds (which are direct copies of stuff from WoW, apart from Huttball which im sure they stole elsewhere...) plus wintergrasp... Just like wow....



The combat: like wow but with more buttons (at least if youre a guardian and must mash 20+ buttons in order to have a chance at surviving a tough enemy).


Companions: Heres something wow doesnt have (unless you count huntard and whorelock pets, but since nobody cares about them, theyre pretty much ignored for now.). I both like and hate this part. Its much nicer having an npc with 3 prerecorded comments they constantly shout should the preprogrammed situation arise. It feels less dull when your companion is next to you, and it certainly spice up combat. I hate it since i have to rely on mrs/mr stupid to do something and not get stuck in a wall or a puddle or something, which mine seems to do on a bi-hourly basis...


ZE CRAFTING: Like WoW, but now the mundane task of gathering or buying materials is shared with your NPC buddies! (so youre now being rewarded for...not playing??)






So yeah, this is basically vanilla wow in a storm trooper custome, and every zoneborder being a loading screen...spiced up with pets you have to grind gear for aswell.

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I agree with what you're saying. However, I disagree with the arena / pvp part. They just need to be smarter about how they deal with it; completely different arena servers that patch differently with free char transfers to only those servers. After 10 years of pve I really enjoy pvp, and especially highly competitive arena environments.


If BioWare wants to implement arena-style competition, then I really hope that they find a way to do it better than Blizzard did in WoW. There's potential to make it a good thing, but copying WoW's system is an example of copying the bad parts of WoW.

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The character customization!!... Teehee, yeah right, its like WoW....

Um, there are far more customization choices in SWTOR than WOW. WOW wasn't the first game to offer character customizations either.


The PvP (or lack thereof), ganking on pvp servers and 3 warfronts aka battlegrounds (which are direct copies of stuff from WoW, apart from Huttball which im sure they stole elsewhere...) plus wintergrasp... Just like wow....

WOW isn't the first MMO. (I know, you're shocked) They stole there PVP BG's from others.


The combat: like wow but with more buttons (at least if youre a guardian and must mash 20+ buttons in order to have a chance at surviving a tough enemy).

WOW has lots of buttons too. Guess what? WOW stole this from other MMO's too.


Companions: Heres something wow doesnt have (unless you count huntard and whorelock pets, but since nobody cares about them, theyre pretty much ignored for now.). I both like and hate this part. Its much nicer having an npc with 3 prerecorded comments they constantly shout should the preprogrammed situation arise. It feels less dull when your companion is next to you, and it certainly spice up combat. I hate it since i have to rely on mrs/mr stupid to do something and not get stuck in a wall or a puddle or something, which mine seems to do on a bi-hourly basis...

Best thing ever imho. After accumulating vast riches, you have subordinates working for you. In WOW, you got the gear on your back to show what you have, thats it. I actually have a crew for my space ship.


ZE CRAFTING: Like WoW, but now the mundane task of gathering or buying materials is shared with your NPC buddies! (so youre now being rewarded for...not playing??)

Crafting is amazing. Can RE stuff you crafted without a separate profession. NICE! I love having to sit in front of a forge for a 1/2 hour smelting ore in WOW, fun! You can actually use the stuff you make. In WOW, everything is pointless until you get to level 85.


So yeah, this is basically vanilla wow in a storm trooper custome, and every zoneborder being a loading screen...spiced up with pets you have to grind gear for aswell.

Enjoy World of Kung Fu Panda.



ps.............WOW isn't the first MMO also. They stole a lot from EQ.

Edited by RycheMykola
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Hello OP, fun fact:


WoW copied 100% of their stuff from other earlies games.


Main difference: already established storyline and history (they cheated) and big marketing.




One fact that completely voids your whole post and all your points.

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