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Why are people so obessed with satellite b?


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It seems like people forget that there are 2 other satellites. I can't count the amount of matches where either my team, or the other team lost because people refused to stop fighting (feeding actually) at b and go cap a or c. In fact in the match my team lost about a half hour ago, we had 967 points when we lost b to a team with 812 points. Instead of defend a, they decided to kamikaze b until we lost a. What is it about b that people think is so important?
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If your team is ignoring opportunities at the other sats, well that's dumb.


But B is pretty important on all the domination maps, since the team that holds it can concentrate at either of the other sats. Trying to hold A+C means that reinforcements have a long way to go, and have to run the gauntlet of enemy ships to get from one point to the next.

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Agree. B is avoidable and skippable on Lost Shipyards, but on Kuat it's a veritable fortress. A beacon can live at B there and be almost impossible to remove, gunships and strikes can retreat there for recharging their engines, and it's just very much a fortress. It's very rare to see many A+C > B games on that map.


On Denon, you CAN ignore it, but it really raises your already ludicrous response time. Also on Denon it's not in some cheeseball place like it is on Kuat.



Lost shipyards is the only place I see A+C is happening that often.

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Agree. B is avoidable and skippable on Lost Shipyards, but on Kuat it's a veritable fortress. A beacon can live at B there and be almost impossible to remove, gunships and strikes can retreat there for recharging their engines, and it's just very much a fortress. It's very rare to see many A+C > B games on that map.


On Denon, you CAN ignore it, but it really raises your already ludicrous response time. Also on Denon it's not in some cheeseball place like it is on Kuat.



Lost shipyards is the only place I see A+C is happening that often.


I'm not talking so much about ignoring it, more that a lot of times people are so tunnel visioned with getting B or getting it back that they lose sight of the bigger picture. As in my last match we had the defender at A begging for help and I was literally the only one to try and break off and go help. We were so far ahead at that point, if we had just kept it another 10-15 seconds longer we would have won. Even after we lost it, myself and the guy defending it in the first place were the only 2 to try and take it back.

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I think its less about b and more about kills.


I mean look at ground pvp you can capture 2 turrets on Alderann or Denova and have no enemy attack but players will still go to the third just to get a few kills.


The amount of times i have killed enemy starships because the continue to attack a heavy defended satellite or go the same route to attack it is laughable.

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I have noticed this as well, for inexperienced pilots it can boil down to the human urge to be centered. For experienced pilots though its another story.


Like verain said B on Kuat is a fortress, I go there first most of the time to stop bombers from setting up. On lost shipyards I always go C first since it has insane cover. For Denon I go to B first because its furthest from the spawn points and my bloodmark can make it there WELL ahead of any enemy pilots.


That being said, what I notice most is not that people go to B too much, but that people all head to the same sat (whichever it happens to be) and ignore the others for too long. :rolleyes:


Also except in EXTREME circumstances, a node should never be left alone. I will do it sometimes to swing defend / attack B though I make sure to high tail it back once enemies are wiped. I seriously cannot count how many times I have been in a game where we are 2 capped and the enemy leaves a node to go for a 3 cap. This almost always ends in a loss for the offending team.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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I like B just because that's usually where the most action is.


Strategically speaking... I tend to avoid B in Kuat if the other team sets up nests there, unless my team is working together and we can actually coordinate enough to take it. In Lost Shipyards, I like B because it is close enough to A that it's easy for a scout to boost back and forth between them in no time flat. In the other map (I forget its name) more often than not, whoever controls B wins the match.

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I like B just because that's usually where the most action is.


Strategically speaking... I tend to avoid B in Kuat if the other team sets up nests there, unless my team is working together and we can actually coordinate enough to take it. In Lost Shipyards, I like B because it is close enough to A that it's easy for a scout to boost back and forth between them in no time flat. In the other map (I forget its name) more often than not, whoever controls B wins the match.


Hey Strix from Jung'Ma!!!! Pleasure to fly with you ;)


And seriously.. I more try to go for the 3-cap than anything else. When the teams are even (which is rare on Jung'Ma :() I don't think B is attacked more than any other point.

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Someone already said it, it's much easier to re-enforce a or c if you have a ball if craft on b. When you split between a and c it is very tough to help the other side when they are hit hard.


It is simple logistics.

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"Sir, we are surrounded!"


"Excellent! We can attack in any direction."


Awesome quote!

B is great if you can get it first...but I've been in alot wins where we just held the edge sats and farmed B for medals.

Edited by arkanone
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Agree. B is avoidable and skippable on Lost Shipyards, but on Kuat it's a veritable fortress. A beacon can live at B there and be almost impossible to remove, gunships and strikes can retreat there for recharging their engines, and it's just very much a fortress. It's very rare to see many A+C > B games on that map.


On Denon, you CAN ignore it, but it really raises your already ludicrous response time. Also on Denon it's not in some cheeseball place like it is on Kuat.



Lost shipyards is the only place I see A+C is happening that often.


A+C isn't that hard to see on Kuat. B is so easy to hold that even a bad team can do so, in which case the substantially better team will just take A+C and hold to victory rather than spending a bunch of effort attacking the four bombers holed up in B.

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A+C isn't that hard to see on Kuat. B is so easy to hold that even a bad team can do so, in which case the substantially better team will just take A+C and hold to victory rather than spending a bunch of effort attacking the four bombers holed up in B.


You have a good point... it's actually fairly easy to bypass B on Kuat as well, because it is such a fortress. I actually prefer it when they try to come out of there, because then the team can do something to them. I've seen a fair number of A + C matches on there because of it. Shipyards and Denon it's much more of a pain to bypass if there is a competent bomber or gunship there.

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