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Please Change Massacre Animation


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Oh while we are asking, bioware can you please change the way my female marauder runs? She runs absolutely horrible, her hips are too big and I mean FFS there is no way her body type 1 would be able to do 99% of the abilities she is doing. But yes, must change or I will quit!
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The animation for Massacre is *********** ******! maybe you should be changed how would you like that? About ALL of the Carnage Mara community would come after you with their lightsaber fury if the massacre animation was changed. you spin your lightsabers around in a flourish, and then lay in with raw fury and hatred dealing 3 strikes plus offhand damage and ataru form attack hit, it's my 3rd favorite animation in the game (second is Flame Sweep and first is Immolate). I do agree that Blade Rush should be changed, something akin to a force leap style attack?
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The animation for Massacre is *********** ******! maybe you should be changed how would you like that? About ALL of the Carnage Mara community would come after you with their lightsaber fury if the massacre animation was changed. you spin your lightsabers around in a flourish, and then lay in with raw fury and hatred dealing 3 strikes plus offhand damage and ataru form attack hit, it's my 3rd favorite animation in the game (second is Flame Sweep and first is Immolate). I do agree that Blade Rush should be changed, something akin to a force leap style attack?


Isn't it just the Sentinel "Slash" animation? :confused:

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Isn't it just the Sentinel "Slash" animation? :confused:


It's that plus a few more slashes at the end, and it's got a hint of red to it. it's litterally the best animation in the game. If you havent seen it, you should watch some Carnage Mara's and you will fall in love with the animation. it's like Massacre >>>>>>>>>>>>> Slash > Annihilate >>>>> Vicious Slash

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Generic attack animations I agree, but for most ability animations, Sentinel's are far superior imo.



Massacre >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blade Rush

Force Scream >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blade Storm

Precision Slash >>> Gore

Slash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vicious Slash

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Massacre >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blade Rush

Force Scream >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blade Storm

Precision Slash >>> Gore

Slash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vicious Slash

Basically this. But its not just the animations, but the sound effects are far superior as well, again, IMO.




Force Choke >>>>>>>>>>>>> Force Stasis. This alone made me switch to leveling a marauder instead of my sentinel when the game came out. I hit level around level 24 on Nar Shaddaa and saw a juggernaut choking an NPC.


The 30 stacks of Fury also look much cooler than the 30 Centering on a sentinel.

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