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3.0 whishlist thread


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Why there is none yet? :confused:

Anyway, almost all ACs have 1 already so might as well start this :p


On my Sorc I mostly play Lightning in PVP and a bit in PVE, and I used to heal a lot back in the days in both PVE and PVP so I base my ideas around that.




It's been a while since I mained a Sorc healer so I keep this to the minimum. What is really obvious to me that Revivification sucks *** lately. With the new operations that discourage stacking up or straight up denies it and with the PVP sceen shifting to 4v4 arenas it's safe to say that the 8man healing Revivification/Salvation is a relic from the past.


If it would up to me I'd change it along the lines of the operative roll.

-Make it only heal 4 people

-Castable twice before going on a cooldown

-Second cast is instant and off-GCD

-Both can heal the same person if Revivifications/Salvations are overlapping and less than 8 people stand in them.


Like I said it's been a while since I healed so if my idea is crazy or just sucks feel free to shoot it down :)




This mostly be PVP based with a few QoL to PVE.


-High in the tree make Affliction/WM and Static Barrier/Force Armor off-GCD

-Reduce cast time on TB/Turb and CD/MC by 0.5 sec

-Pushback protection for CD/MC and FL/TkT

-Change Backlash/Kinetic Collapse to hard stun

-Make Backlash/Kinetic Collapse work on every bubble put on YOU not only if you apply it yourself

-Electric Bindings/Force Wake also increase pushback distance by 4 meters.

-TB/Turb grants 2 stacks of [*insert a new fancy name here*] that gets consumed by LS/Disturbance by making them instant


This would make target swapping, survivability and mobility better in PVP and also makes it harder to shut us down by countering the Aff/WM cleanse before TB/Turb and make it harder to interrupt/LoS TB/Turb and CD/MC.




My only experience with Madness that it needs a slight PVP nerf/rebalance so won't mention anything else. My main problem with spec in PVP is the extreme mobility and kiting ability.


-Remove the cooldown on CT/SF.

-Only one CT/SF can be active at a time

-Remove the root from CT/SF

-Replace Surging Speed/Metaphysical Alacrity with something NOT mobility


So fellow Sages and Sorcs what do YOU want in 3.0? :)

Edited by cs_zoltan
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If it would up to me I'd change it along the lines of the operative roll.

-Make it only heal 4 people

-Castable twice before going on a cooldown

-Second cast is instant and off-GCD

-Both can heal the same person if Revivifications/Salvations are overlapping and less than 8 people stand in them

I agree that Salvation|Revivification could use some tweaking, and would be completely fine with what you propose above. Another option that I think could work would be to apply a heal over time to anyone leaving the circle.


-High in the tree make Affliction/WM and Static Barrier/Force Armor off-GCD

Weaken Mind|Affliction, no way. People will macro that to tabdot everything in sight in a second, the potential is too OP. Force Armour|Static Barrier would be fine, as long as it's limited to bubbles cast on yourself.


-Reduce cast time on TB/Turb and CD/MC by 0.5 sec

While I'd love to see this for Mind Crush|Crushing Darkness, Turbulence|Thundering Blast would probably be a little much. Considering how powerful the ability is, I think it needs to keep the cast time for the risk/reward ratio to be reasonable. I would however be okay with some kind of stacking buff that grants temporary interrupt immunity after being interrupted X amount of times.



-Pushback protection for CD/MC and FL/TkT

No disagreement here, would be especially nice for Telekinetic Throw|Force Lightning.


-Change Backlash/Kinetic Collapse to hard stun

I'm unsure about this. While potentially nice, it would mean filling 600 Resolve when the bubble pops, which could be very disadvantageous against, say, a Combat Sentinel|Carnage Marauder.


-Make Backlash/Kinetic Collapse work on every bubble put on YOU not only if you apply it yourself

This would be extremely nice. Yes please.


-Electric Bindings/Force Wake also increase pushback distance by 4 meters.

4 meters might be slightly too much (hard to say without seeing it in action), but I wouldn't say no to a more powerful knockback and while we might not need it if we get some of the other suggestions, it probably wouldn't be too OP either.


-TB/Turb grants 2 stacks of [*insert a new fancy name here*] that gets consumed by LS/Disturbance by making them instant

I know what you're getting at here, but for slightly improved mobility without being too over the top I'd rather have Turbulence|Thundering Blast buff Project|Shock somehow. We already have Upheaval|Chain Shock in the skill tree, so I think this would make more sense than Disturbance|Lightning Strike and it would avoid the spec becoming *too* mobile.



-Remove the cooldown on CT/SF.

-Only one CT/SF can be active at a time

-Remove the root from CT/SF

-Replace Surging Speed/Metaphysical Alacrity with something NOT mobility

While I agree that Balance|Madness is over the top right now, I'm not sure if this is the way to fix it. I'd start by taking the snare off Telekinetic Throw|Force Lightning (it can stay in PvE) and see how that changes things.

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Weaken Mind|Affliction, no way. People will macro that to tabdot everything in sight in a second, the potential is too OP.

You are right, didn't think about that. Could always tie it to a proc that consumes after 1 use.

While I'd love to see this for Mind Crush|Crushing Darkness, Turbulence|Thundering Blast would probably be a little much. Considering how powerful the ability is, I think it needs to keep the cast time for the risk/reward ratio to be reasonable. I would however be okay with some kind of stacking buff that grants temporary interrupt immunity after being interrupted X amount of times.

TB damage is in the same ballpark as Gore+FS which is unavoidable, so I think 1.5 cast time would be fair.


I'm unsure about this. While potentially nice, it would mean filling 600 Resolve when the bubble pops, which could be very disadvantageous against, say, a Combat Sentinel|Carnage Marauder.

Hmmmmm, **** resolve:mad:


4 meters might be slightly too much (hard to say without seeing it in action), but I wouldn't say no to a more powerful knockback and while we might not need it if we get some of the other suggestions, it probably wouldn't be too OP either.

Lightning in PVP is atm at the bottom of the barrel, I doubt 4 meter would be game breaking.


I know what you're getting at here, but for slightly improved mobility without being too over the top I'd rather have Turbulence|Thundering Blast buff Project|Shock somehow. We already have Upheaval|Chain Shock in the skill tree, so I think this would make more sense than Disturbance|Lightning Strike and it would avoid the spec becoming *too* mobile.

I don't know about shock, it doesn't fit into the rotation at all. It doesn't proc Lightning Barrage, Conduction nor Chaos Nexus, and has no surge bonus.

Could make the proc only 1 stack, that would be 2.5 insant cast every TB cycle or 7.5 second every 22 second (21 with the proposed TB cast time change) + shock.


While I agree that Balance|Madness is over the top right now, I'm not sure if this is the way to fix it. I'd start by taking the snare off Telekinetic Throw|Force Lightning (it can stay in PvE) and see how that changes things.

Either would be good, but FL is used on so many specs rotationally (or just as a clutch slow) I don't think it should be tempered with. On the other hand CT/SF is Madness only...

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Im gonna come in and say the following (sage terms cause no sorcs)


Universal: Alacrity (In all specs of all classes) should affect all cooldowns, not just the global one.



Mind Crush cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds



Mostly perfect, though the Noble Sacrifice GCD Glitch with the proc should be fixed, and Salvation could be looked at with all the movement and also punishment for stacking thats coming into the game.



Has issues with pushback and a lack of mobility. So...

Proc for auto-crit on project, pushback protection for mind crush, TK Throw gets pushback protection on proc, Pushback protection removed from TK Wave (you only use it on instant proc anyway)



The talent "Psychic Barrier" no longer provides pushback protection for mind crush, and instead of returning force when TK throw does damage, TK throw is made free.


Theres also the issue of 4+ new talents per tree + 1 new ability per tree +1 new ability globally for sorcs/sages, but I got nothing for those.


Can't wait for 3.0 though... im gonna make the most ludicrous hybrid sage build ever when it comes out :p

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TB damage is in the same ballpark as Gore+FS which is unavoidable, so I think 1.5 cast time would be fair.

The damage is comparable, but the range isn't, and comparing abilities side by side without the context of other class abilities etc isn't completely fair either. If the cast time was changed, something else would have to give, and I'd rather not make that trade personally.


I don't know about shock, it doesn't fit into the rotation at all. It doesn't proc Lightning Barrage, Conduction nor Chaos Nexus, and has no surge bonus.

Could make the proc only 1 stack, that would be 2.5 insant cast every TB cycle or 7.5 second every 22 second (21 with the proposed TB cast time change) + shock.

The point was that Shock, LS, LS, Shock might be an awful lot of mobility for the still decent damage it deals. Once would probably be okay though.


Either would be good, but FL is used on so many specs rotationally (or just as a clutch slow) I don't think it should be tempered with. On the other hand CT/SF is Madness only...

It's only spammable in Madness, and Lightning mostly uses it with Barrage, so it's only a single global of snare. I think it'd be an acceptable loss.

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The damage is comparable, but the range isn't, and comparing abilities side by side without the context of other class abilities etc isn't completely fair either.

Exactly, and Carange is superior in almost every way to Lightning but they both have a 7k-ish autocrit which is for one of them is a 2 second cast with a cleansable primer for the auto crit, and for the other it's unavoidable.

If the cast time was changed, something else would have to give, and I'd rather not make that trade personally.

Not when we are talking about one of the worst PVP dps spec in game.

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I'm glad to see us Sages/Sorcs getting on board with the wish lists too!


Given recent buffs, Sorc/Sages overall are in a decent place; certainly better than some other classes. However, I believe the spec that needs the most attention in 3.0 is Lightning/Telekinetics.





Certainly the weakest spec in the Sorcerer arsenal for PVP is Lightning. Don't get me wrong, Lightning is definitely viable in 8v8 warzones where focus on objectives and seven other friends can help smooth any class discrepancies. In these warzones, Lightning can top the damage charts relying on its burst and AOE potential. However, Lightning greatly suffers in 4v4 arenas, and really has no place in ranked play. The specs susceptibility to interrupts, stuns, and resists coupled with low survivability due to few defensive cooldowns and limited kiting potential make the spec an easy kill.


The problem for Lightning is not its damage output but the ability to reliably deliver this damage. I believe the developers have two directions they can go to enhance Lightning's effectiveness in PVP: 1. Increase the spec's ability to kite OR 2. Create a limited window for unimpeded damage delivery.


Go Grease Lightning (Kiting): Lightning already has some tools for kiting. The recent change to access Fadeout (removing movement impairing effects with Force Speed) has been immensely helpful. But before that, Lightning already had Chain Lightning's short root and slow, a root attached to Overload, and the stun from Backlash. The problem with these talents is they are not quite enough. Slightly buffing a combination of these could allow Lightning to have more time to reposition and begin casting again. Aside from that, the developers could take more drastic action such as making some abilities instant (I know many pray for Thundering Blast here) probably dependent upon building stacks associated with some casted ability.


Windows of Opportunity: The Lightning spec plays very similarly to the Sniper class, preferring static positioning and relying on casted abilities. Fortunately for Snipers, they receive Entrench which allows them to have immunity to interrupts and stuns for a short duration. Timed with offensive cooldowns, this allows Snipers to dish out some burst even if they are still the primary targets in arenas. Lightning would greatly benefit from a similar ability. Sure Polarity Shift already provides interrupt immunity but a quick stun or knockback neuters it's effectiveness. Another method could be to make Thundering Blast (the keystone of our burst) uninterruptible. It would still be susceptible to knockbacks, stuns, line of sight, or certain resists, so I don't believe it would be quite as overpowered as the suggestion may seem.


Of these two directions, I personally believe the second one is more in tune with the feel of the spec. I really don't see BioWare changing Lightning's reliance on casted abilities, therefore I hope they embrace the spec's "turretness" and allow us an opportunity to dish out at least some of that damage before we go squish.





I am curious as to how others view Lightning in PVE, and I think it warrants some discussion. The spec obviously has its place and is practically necessary on fights like Draxus and Corrupter Zero where burst and AOE are everything, but it is about 400 dps behind Madness in dummy parses. In single target fights and those that require high mobility, such as Nefra and Tyrans, Madness is far superior to Lightning. Given that both dps specs have their moments to shine, perhaps the burden is on BioWare to produce more fights with a variety of conditions (sustained boss dps phases, add phases, high mobility moments, etc.) that will allow a Sorcerer true choice of which spec to use. Brontes is probably a good example: For most of the fight, target-switching and burst favor Lightning but the final phase (undoubtedly where it counts the most) Madness is far superior.


Even though Lightning has its place in current content, I feel that 400 dps behind Madness is just a bit too much. I would like to see a slight increase in the spec's sustained damage. A good place for this would be Crushing Darkness (You know that annoying 2 second cast that has no pushback protection and while necessary feels utterly underwhelming in Lightning). In addition to pushback protection, the developers should add a little more "oomph" to this slacker of a spell. I would personally love to see better synergy with the spec in the form of a shorter cast time or a damage boost to some other ability when it is on the target.



TL;DR: Buff Lightning in PVP so we can deliver our burst and do something about Crushing Darkness :)

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As it stands now there is no reason to have it at 60% crit on your next two force abilities. It should be 100% it is beyond annoying having the following happen.



4 stack wrath---->Recklessnes----> DF---- ( no crit)---->FL-FL----> losing two LS and burst and having a now out of wack rotation.


I don't see any reason it shouldn't be changed its nearly the same reason resilience was changed its random RNG that is simply annoying. If you are willing to change a 5% ability can we get a 10-14% ability changed?



Recklessness QoL change

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I wish Telekinetic/Mental momentum was more reliable.

Instead of a 30% chance to proc I think it should be every third use (every third tick for mind crush )


And how would it be of any use?? TK/Mental Momentum are only useful to lower Mental Alacrity CD and adds some DPS. The second doesn't mattter too much since normal important burn phases come with enough space between them to get MA back up. And the damage is random but quite well normalized.

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The only possible comment I could have in entertaining this thread?: We do not need casual play AKA PVP play to dictate Full Time Committed Class PVE abilities. I love PVP but nerfing/buffing abilities do not make or break Warzones while doing so in Operations, the REAL purpose for playing this game, can make or break classes.


I love casual PVP but it will never be the real driving force in a game. Sorry, but the real gaming comes first.


That being said, Why do most of the new Operations HATE melee? The only use out of melee any more is for their utility, if they even have any!

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The only possible comment I could have in entertaining this thread?: We do not need casual play AKA PVP play to dictate Full Time Committed Class PVE abilities. I love PVP but nerfing/buffing abilities do not make or break Warzones while doing so in Operations, the REAL purpose for playing this game, can make or break classes.


I love casual PVP but it will never be the real driving force in a game. Sorry, but the real gaming comes first.


I'm sorry to break it to you. But PvP balance will not break PvE. PvE balance breaks PvP.

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I only ever PvP these days and haven't done any proper raiding since back when TFB was the big one, so take these suggestions with a grain of salt. These are also focused mostly on heals, since that's the one tree that seems to suffer the most in pvp.


  • Force Armour heals for X amount upon collapse via damage - was thinking 2% of max health of target.
  • Clairvoyance should be changed to one of the following; an instant Deliverance cast with no force cost, or an instant cast with an auto crit.
  • If the above change to crit is adopted; change Conveyance + Deliverance to increase Critical Bonus healing to 30%
  • Conveyance now grants 30% crit chance on Healing Trance
  • Altering Life Ward to grant X% healing received whilst Force Amour is active on another. Healing increase stops once Force Armour is lost.
  • New Ability - Targets who come in range of Salvation are granted a short HoT upon leaving the magic puddle

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My only experience with Madness that it needs a slight PVP nerf/rebalance so won't mention anything else. My main problem with spec in PVP is the extreme mobility and kiting ability.


-Remove the cooldown on CT/SF.

-Only one CT/SF can be active at a time

-Remove the root from CT/SF

-Replace Surging Speed/Metaphysical Alacrity with something NOT mobility


So fellow Sages and Sorcs what do YOU want in 3.0? :)


One can tell that you are playing lightning and that you are probably pissed you get LOS'ed quite frequently but have no real experience playing Madness Sorc in competitive PvP.


Remove CD on CT/SF that would increase our dps in PvP and will thus earn you a new *****torm.


Limiting it to 1 active CT/SF would prevent a boost to PVP dps but it would also mage your first suggestion kinda pointless because who in their right mind would switch that dot between targets every few seconds?


The suggestion to remove the root on CT/SF can only come from a baddy. This point, more than all the others, shows that you have obviously not a lot of experience playing as a madness sorc and are just a little baddy who get's LOS'ed while casting his Thundering Blast/Turbulence.


Madness is dot based damage and thus needs the tools to kite and survive long enough for that dot based damage to be delivered. Without the root on that dot you are basically screwed as a madness sorc, especially vs melees. Madness doesn't have a root on knockback. Madness doesn't have a stun on barrier. Madness doesn't have reduced cooldowns on kiting abilities and dcd. But you as a lightning sorc (delivering direct damage) do!


I agree that Lightning needs some revamp for pvp, but cripplingmadness just because you suck in fighting madness sorcs is not the answer.


Instead you should try to use interupts and heals.Yeah I know ... they don't deal any damage and only noobs buy and use them, but you should try it ... they might prove unexpectedly useful. As a hint for you as to when to use the interupt: madness sorcs usually only cast/channel 1 damage ability. Try to hit that one.


Another useful hint: LOS works both ways.

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I'm sorry to break it to you. But PvP balance will not break PvE. PvE balance breaks PvP.


It goes both ways, and has very definitely gone both ways in the past. PvPers complain all the time that PvE changes break their balance, and PvEers complain that PvP changes are breaking their balance. News at 11.


Regarding changes, if I were to make a magic wishlist:




  • Force Potency/Recklessness force crit rate increased from 60% to 100%
    This will need to be countered with a slight nerf to the Balance/Madness tree, since this appreciably increases the value of this CD with respect to Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning.




  • Fixed the bug preventing Noble Sacrifice/Consumption from being used off the GCD
  • Noble Sacrifice/Consumption once again as no CD
  • When Noble Sacrifice/Consumption consumes a stack of Resplendence/Force Surge, it grants a debuff which prevents NS/C from being used again for 1.5 seconds, scaled by alacrity


In other respects, I honestly feel this spec is in a really really good place.




  • Psychic Projection/Lightning Barrage now causes Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning to tick twice as fast and be immune to pushback
  • Mental Momentum/Forked Darkness now grants 100% pushback immunity to Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness in addition to its other effects
  • Flowing Force/Chaos Nexus grants immunity to all controlling effects during Mental Alacrity/Polarity Shift
    Basically, Hunker Down/Entrench on a roughly 70 second CD. Question for the PvPers: if TK/Lightning were a truly uncounterable (except via CDs and LoS) turret with the same crazy burst for 15 seconds out of every 70, would that make it more interesting vis-a-vis Balance/Madness for ranked?
  • Tremors/Conduction now additionally increases the proc chance on Mental Momentum/Forked Lightning by 5% per stack
    PvE change, and honestly I'm not sure if it's really a necessary one. It would make our DPS output more consistent while maintaining a bit of build up, both of which are nice. It would also increase our DPS output by an appreciable amount (no hard math here, but probably 1-2% ish), bringing us closer to but still behind Balance/Madness. However, TK/Lightning is even today the go-to spec on several PvE encounters, and it's a perfectly viable choice on several others, which to my way of thinking says that it's probably quite well balanced with respect to Balance/Madness.


I don't like the idea of giving TK/Lightning even more kiting tools, honestly. The amount of control that TK/Lightning has in its tree is utterly hilarious, and in the right hands can be really really powerful. Pairing that with a large number of instants and escapes would be truly OP. I think giving MA/PS a gunslinger-style immunity effect is a better way to go, though it does open up the risk of making the first 15 seconds of an arena utter hell. Imagine double (or triple) Lightning sorc teams opening up on a healer with Polarity Shift active. Goodbye healer. Goodbye everything, actually.




  • Mental Scarring/Creeping Death now increases Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning damage against targets affected by Sever Force/Creeping Terror by 8/16/24%
    Very slight nerf to account for the buff to Force Potency/Recklessness. Perhaps slightly overboard. Might be better to decrease the Rippling Force/Lightning Burns damage buff from 9% to 5%.


Aside from the above (needed to compensate for the Force Potency/Recklessness auto-crit buff), I think Balance/Madness is in a remarkably good place. The only other change I would make is fixing the bugs in the engine which make it harder to work with the clip (e.g. the phantom casts, the phantom non-casts, the late hits consuming stacks, etc).

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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One can tell that you are playing lightning and that you are probably pissed you get LOS'ed quite frequently but have no real experience playing Madness Sorc in competitive PvP.


Remove CD on CT/SF that would increase our dps in PvP and will thus earn you a new *****torm.


Limiting it to 1 active CT/SF would prevent a boost to PVP dps but it would also mage your first suggestion kinda pointless because who in their right mind would switch that dot between targets every few seconds?


The suggestion to remove the root on CT/SF can only come from a baddy. This point, more than all the others, shows that you have obviously not a lot of experience playing as a madness sorc and are just a little baddy who get's LOS'ed while casting his Thundering Blast/Turbulence.


Madness is dot based damage and thus needs the tools to kite and survive long enough for that dot based damage to be delivered. Without the root on that dot you are basically screwed as a madness sorc, especially vs melees. Madness doesn't have a root on knockback. Madness doesn't have a stun on barrier. Madness doesn't have reduced cooldowns on kiting abilities and dcd. But you as a lightning sorc (delivering direct damage) do!


I agree that Lightning needs some revamp for pvp, but cripplingmadness just because you suck in fighting madness sorcs is not the answer.


Instead you should try to use interupts and heals.Yeah I know ... they don't deal any damage and only noobs buy and use them, but you should try it ... they might prove unexpectedly useful. As a hint for you as to when to use the interupt: madness sorcs usually only cast/channel 1 damage ability. Try to hit that one.


Another useful hint: LOS works both ways.


usopro. I guess you are just afraid you wont worth **** if Balance/Madness is not op in PVP...


I could go into details why your post is idiotic but I would run out of characters

Edited by cs_zoltan
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My wish list huh ? Well since they are changing a lot, who knows how things will really stack up compared to the changes in 3.0. That said:


Force Potency - 60% was great when i had ~40% crit on my healer pre 2.0, now it is just annoying. Make this 100% so it can be a reliable offensive cooldown.


Lightning - remove the pushbacks.


Balance - Im not unhappy with it now. Id rather see how the changes with balance play with everything else first.


Seer - Make the noble sacrifice mechanic work the way it should have worked. Meaning, it is off the GCD while you have resplendence stacks. Keep the 1.5s ability cooldown (which needs to scale with alacrity - see below).

Do something about salvation. Something. Either people who walk into it get a hot applied to them equal to how long salvation still has to be on he ground, or allow it to be cast on a person (like yourself) so you can move that thing around.


Global - Make alacrity work as if I had designed it. Meaning the maths would be better. So yes casts are faster, as well as the GCD like now. Also, it would extend to ability cooldowns, and dot/hot ticking speed, and correctly apply to resource regen. Meaning you would get 1/(1-alacrity%) bonus to resource regen. So say I have a 8.67% modest Alacrity on my scoundrel. Instead of 6 * 1.0867 = 6.5202 resource regen, I would get 6 * (1 / (1 - .0867)) = 6.5696. The difference is not much, but you will see that Alacrity just makes things faster this way, without making things wonky and breaking sustainable regens. It also makes alacrity not broken for classes that have to build resources up (knights). We are expanding to level 60, which means they will have a new formula for each stat at that level anyway, so you can make Alacrity be a little bit less per point than planned so it doesnt become a super stat.

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Global - Make alacrity work as if I had designed it. Meaning the maths would be better. So yes casts are faster, as well as the GCD like now. Also, it would extend to ability cooldowns, and dot/hot ticking speed, and correctly apply to resource regen. Meaning you would get 1/(1-alacrity%) bonus to resource regen. So say I have a 8.67% modest Alacrity on my scoundrel. Instead of 6 * 1.0867 = 6.5202 resource regen, I would get 6 * (1 / (1 - .0867)) = 6.5696. The difference is not much, but you will see that Alacrity just makes things faster this way, without making things wonky and breaking sustainable regens. It also makes alacrity not broken for classes that have to build resources up (knights). We are expanding to level 60, which means they will have a new formula for each stat at that level anyway, so you can make Alacrity be a little bit less per point than planned so it doesnt become a super stat.


They are changing alacrity right now though.




Alacrity benefits on GCD: GCD = 1.5/(1+alacrity%)

Alacrity benefits on normal CD = None

Alacrity benefits on resources: Resources = Resources x (1+alacrity%)

Alacrity benefits on channels/casts: Channel/Cast Time = Channel/Cast time / (1+alacrity%)


This means that the benefits to resources will be perfectly counteracted by Alacrity.


3.0 however, is making alacrity speed up DoT ticks, HoT ticks, and make Cooldowns and Rate Limiters get reduced using the same function as the Cast/Channel time benefits (e.g. 3 seconds/tick becomes 2.72 seconds/tick with 10% alacrity, 15 seconds cooldown becomes 13.63 seconds with 10% alacrity, and so on) So its really nice.

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They are changing alacrity right now though.




Alacrity benefits on GCD: GCD = 1.5/(1+alacrity%)

Alacrity benefits on normal CD = None

Alacrity benefits on resources: Resources = Resources x (1+alacrity%)

Alacrity benefits on channels/casts: Channel/Cast Time = Channel/Cast time / (1+alacrity%)


This means that the benefits to resources will be perfectly counteracted by Alacrity.


3.0 however, is making alacrity speed up DoT ticks, HoT ticks, and make Cooldowns and Rate Limiters get reduced using the same function as the Cast/Channel time benefits (e.g. 3 seconds/tick becomes 2.72 seconds/tick with 10% alacrity, 15 seconds cooldown becomes 13.63 seconds with 10% alacrity, and so on) So its really nice.


I dont particularly feel like checking the math, but if they went the opposite way, ie made the bonus to cooldowns match the bonus to resource gen by making it slightly lower, then that works just as well. Currently in game they are not he same. 10% more resource is not the same as 10% less time.

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I dont particularly feel like checking the math, but if they went the opposite way, ie made the bonus to cooldowns match the bonus to resource gen by making it slightly lower, then that works just as well. Currently in game they are not he same. 10% more resource is not the same as 10% less time.


Actually, it is. This is one of the most long-standing theory crafting mistakes (for which we have only ourselves to blame). We had thought alacrity was calculated as follows:


t' = t * (1 - alacrity)


With the resources calculated as:


r' = r * (1 + alacrity)


Obviously, these don't match in magnitude, hence the flurry of threads when 2.0 dropped complaining. If we had bothered to look more closely though, we would have realized that alacrity is actually calculated as follows:


t' = t / (1 + alacrity)


This is hard to verify with small amounts of alacrity, but it's right in your face if you play a Combat Sentinel and use Master Strike under Zen. Because of this formula, the regen increase precisely scales with the time decrease, which in short means that Bioware did a better job on the alacrity math than we initially assumed. :-)

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Actually, it is. This is one of the most long-standing theory crafting mistakes (for which we have only ourselves to blame). We had thought alacrity was calculated as follows:


t' = t * (1 - alacrity)


With the resources calculated as:


r' = r * (1 + alacrity)


Obviously, these don't match in magnitude, hence the flurry of threads when 2.0 dropped complaining. If we had bothered to look more closely though, we would have realized that alacrity is actually calculated as follows:


t' = t / (1 + alacrity)


This is hard to verify with small amounts of alacrity, but it's right in your face if you play a Combat Sentinel and use Master Strike under Zen. Because of this formula, the regen increase precisely scales with the time decrease, which in short means that Bioware did a better job on the alacrity math than we initially assumed. :-)


Are we saying they did maths right ? Inconceivable !!!


- I do not think that word means what I think it means.

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