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The 3.0 Changes wishlist thread


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Isn't it a bit early to see that? I mean look how much they changed the rate of return on crit from 1.x to 2.x. I'd like to see some numbers once the closed pts invites start, but I have a feeling they'll change a LOT of the rates of returns, as well as shifting the DR curves outwards.


In the last Cantina event Bruce said that the diminishing returns on the stats are not going to change, so...



Edit: Here is the stuff!



There will also be no stat switch, and to his knowledge (he is talking about Bruce) there will be no changing of soft cap or anything like that, it is pretty much going to stay the same [...]


Skip to 0:35:33.

Edited by znihilist
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In the last Cantina event Bruce said that the diminishing returns on the stats are not going to change, so...



Edit: Here is the stuff!





Skip to 0:35:33.


Oh goody! I was not looking forward to heavily modifying the stuff in my gear-optimization code. All I have to put in now is alacrity (which I have already done) :D

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Not even crit? That's ***


This is actually somewhat of a good news (at least for healers/dps), we will reach the soft cap faster and we can actually have a higher crit chance, but I am not sure how will this influence tanks.

Edited by znihilist
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This is actually somehow of a good news (at least for healers/dps), we will reach the soft cap faster and we can actually have a higher crit chance, but I am not sure how will this influence tanks.


Tanks will now be able to gear for accuracy/alacrity/power/endurance :D

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My group holds to boss in a corner then moves him to the corner in which the ranged adds are on.

Honestly if your group does it in such a way in which you have to leave early to deal with adds they are terrible.

For HM and NiM this is where YOU make YOUR class work for the fight

Dont ask for it to be the other way around.

Its like begging the FPS developers to have aim bots in the PC versions.

Yes, we're terrible for having to deal with more of the mines instead of cheesing them :rolleyes:


And it's not about needing the leap (as nobody has ever needed it before) but it's a nice QoL change. Just like sniper's mobile entrench, the upcoming mobile thundering blast, the removal of alacrity from the pyro skill tree, etc.

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My main is a PT... I want Jet Charge as much as the next person, but the sheer number of slows that PT's have + Grapple + Jet Charge would = OP DPS.


Could have fooled me....

Which is what i have been saying, and losing our slows and/or grapple to get jet charge as a baseline is a bad idea.

I don't think jet charge in pve will mean OP dps, just takes away the skill of having to actually move around and it will destroy any balance in pvp.


Its getting like the mando rep questions all over again, that was a f*****g joke, although i suppose it didnt top the sage's "we want to be able to do melee attacks" question :rolleyes:


Can people please stop asking for jet charge to be a baseline ability. Think about what we do actually need.


- single target increase to AP

- better survivability outside of AoE damage for AP

- PvP DoTs will not be able to be cleansed in 3.0. we need something on a shorter cd that mitigates force/tech.

- more threat gen on grapple as a passive in the tanking tree.

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Think i said it before I`ll say it again , I would never trade my Grapple for Jet charge.


There are situations that i would agree with you, like Huttball or a few other VERY specific situations, but i dont think the devs will allow us to have both, without gimping something else REALLY HARD. I prefer to have the leap over pull for most general situations especially in PvE, PvP the line gets a bit more blurred. if Grapple had a lower CD than 30s when talented, then i would love to keep Grapple, but that will NOT happen unless we trade our immense amount of slows, for the leap and the grapple or the reduced CD leap, or only the leap, which is a fair tradeoff IMO. Pyro has one of the most OP slows in the game, a 40% Slow on 0s CD. and AP Has a even more broken set of slows, 50% on Retrac Blade for 6s, and 90% on Flamethrower so if we got Jet Charge as baseline, or even a Utility Ability/Talent we would have to recieve a nerf to our slows.

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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Can people please stop asking for jet charge to be a baseline ability. Think about what we do actually need.


- single target increase to AP

- better survivability outside of AoE damage for AP

- PvP DoTs will not be able to be cleansed in 3.0. we need something on a shorter cd that mitigates force/tech.

- more threat gen on grapple as a passive in the tanking tree.

Nope, I want my jet charge :cool:


And AP has fine survivabilty (at least in PvE) with 40 second cd on energy shield, and energy rebounder.


Tanks definitely need more threat for grapple, and another dcd with a shorter cd would definitely be nice. (Although I'm thinking oil slick will be moved to utility)

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My biggest wants:


Separate Degauss from Diversion. If that means making them separate abilities, so be it. There is no reason to have a threat drop tied to the best short cool down DCD that Assault VGs currently have in the game.


It currently functions as an either/or, which makes it less than optimal for both jobs. Maybe they'll finally rework the VG AoE taunt similarly to Shadow/Guardian, and somehow make it either a threat drop or DCD.


As mentioned above wrt Degauss, a short cool down F/T defensive cooldown will probably be beneficial with the direction the game is going. I don't think the changes to DoTs/Cleanse necessitate giving VGs a Purge, but some way to negate a little bit of F/T damage every minute or so would improve survivability.


I love Adrenaline Rush and Shield, but they need to be supplemented by another ability. It may be too much, but making the tank tree skill that heals when Shoulder Cannon is used baseline may be another alternative. But I'd trade 2-3sec of DR from AR for 2-3sec of F/T defensive on a 1min CD at this point.

Edited by JMagee
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Hey... I PvE and I'm against the Jet Charge - Grapple swap (mostly because I also PvP and I prefer grapple 1000 times before JC, people hate me on Huttball thanks to that)


Then you are not a noob :p

My main PVE dps (for now) is a PT and I don't want that change either.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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There are situations that i would agree with you, like Huttball or a few other VERY specific situations, but i dont think the devs will allow us to have both, without gimping something else REALLY HARD. I prefer to have the leap over pull for most general situations especially in PvE, PvP the line gets a bit more blurred. if Grapple had a lower CD than 30s when talented, then i would love to keep Grapple, but that will NOT happen unless we trade our immense amount of slows, for the leap and the grapple or the reduced CD leap, or only the leap, which is a fair tradeoff IMO. Pyro has one of the most OP slows in the game, a 40% Slow on 0s CD. and AP Has a even more broken set of slows, 50% on Retrac Blade for 6s, and 90% on Flamethrower so if we got Jet Charge as baseline, or even a Utility Ability/Talent we would have to recieve a nerf to our slows.
I like that u point out why we can`t have Jet Charge as baseline yet still claim we need it. Why? Well we don`t I refuse to believe anybody that mains PT think Leap is a must have(as pvp-wise atleast, I don`t really pve), we are not marauders or juggernauts yet you wanna play PT like one of them when your abilities tell you otherwise.
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I decided I wanted to solo Colicoid War Games yesterday, just to get the trophy for my strongholds, and even in full 180 gear, and having Mako in full 180 healing gear I wasn't able to easily make it past the first two rounds of turrets. So, I headed back to the stronghold, and pulled out my set of 162 tanking gear, respecced, and made it past. As I continued through the complex I decided I might as well figure out a rotation/priority for Shieldtech again, and I realized that when talented, Flamethrower channels fully at 1.5 seconds.


That, right there, would be my wish for DPS in 3.0.

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my #1 wish would be for them to swap the pull and leap moves, put the pull in the tank tree and the leap as a standard PT ability or perhaps as a Utility skill.


i understand the argument against it, and get along just fine in PvE without it, But i'd still take a leap I'd use ocassionally while raiding over a pull I can almost never use any day.

Edited by johnpickard
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Ok, here's my last ditch effort to get Jet Charge for all Powertechs.


Make Jet Charge a Utility Skill in 3.0


It isnt 100% Vital to Tanks, since they could move the 2 free Flame Sweeps to Grapple, or remove them because they arent important, or make it baseline to Jet Charge to give 2 stacks of Free Flame Sweep, but that could be OP itself... and both DPS trees could benefit from Jet Charge, but shouldnt 100% need it so, Utility.

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Ok, here's my last ditch effort to get Jet Charge for all Powertechs.


Make Jet Charge a Utility Skill in 3.0


It isnt 100% Vital to Tanks, since they could move the 2 free Flame Sweeps to Grapple, or remove them because they arent important, or make it baseline to Jet Charge to give 2 stacks of Free Flame Sweep, but that could be OP itself... and both DPS trees could benefit from Jet Charge, but shouldnt 100% need it so, Utility.


no, no, no

and w t f , it is very vital to tanks especially since we cant use our hybrid come 3.0. the leap is very important.

you even pt m8?

Edited by eatmydeece
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Stop trying to make Jet Charge for all PTs happen.




It's not going to happen.


Actually I'm 90% sure it will happen :cool:

And saying anything about class balance is moot because we have no idea what the other classes will look like, the only one we know is sorcs.

Edited by xxSHOONYxx
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Actually I'm 90% sure it will happen :cool:

And saying anything about class balance is moot because we have no idea what the other classes will look like, the only one we know is sorcs.


And the others will follow the same pattern. Don't you get that? Is it hard to understand? No main ability in any tree will become utility.

Think before writing meaningless drivel.

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