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I'm not one to get all excited about some silly game, I 'm to dam old and to darn lazy, but what the heck is with the non-stop stunning in PVP?


It's reminding me of Ultima Online (UO) shows you how old I am hehe.


In any case, for whatever it's worth , the darn stunning in PVP needs to be toned down, IMHO. :):)


Also, why does the game not recognize my computer? It's the only one I have, Silly coed every time I try to log into the boards...lame.

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I'm not one to get all excited about some silly game, I 'm to dam old and to darn lazy, but what the heck is with the non-stop stunning in PVP?


It's reminding me of Ultima Online (UO) shows you how old I am hehe.


In any case, for whatever it's worth , the darn stunning in PVP needs to be toned down, IMHO. :):)


Also, why does the game not recognize my computer? It's the only one I have, Silly coed every time I try to log into the boards...lame.


Stuns are high in this game.. If resolved worked correctly it wouldn't be as bad... But a good coordinated attack by 2 people can stun you hard


Also you only get asked for a code if your network connection address changes... If your ISP changes the IP address your modem uses to connect to them or you restart your modem/router or it assigns you a different IP address each time you turn your PC on... Then you will be asked for a code



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Agreed, stuns are a tad ridiculous and the resolve system is a non-factor most of the time. Unfortunately, pvp quality of life takes a back seat to just about everything else in this game. It's not going to change anytime soon, possibly not ever.


About the one-time password: if you have your web browser set up to not allow cookies, I'm pretty sure that you will have to deal with it every time you attempt to log in. Personally, I feel that this kind of security is overkill for the forums. Their security guy disagrees, so we're just going to have to deal with it. There have been a large number of threads on the one-time password, and EA/BW have defended it at every turn. :(

Edited by teclado
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I hope none of you ever bother to play another MMO, CC in this game is far less than in pretty much every other game.


Also resolve is fine, it takes all of two stuns to whitebar, buffing resolve any further and long duration mezzes will become pointless as you could allways break them.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I hope none of you ever bother to play another MMO, CC in this game is far less than in pretty much every other game.


Also resolve is fine, it takes all of two stuns to whitebar, buffing resolve any further and long duration mezzes will become pointless as you could allways break them.


Guild Wars 2 has builds + weapons stunlock based, but every class has at least 2 CC breaker on short cooldowns.

This works very well, you don't see people complaining on GW2 forums about stuns. Not like here.


Seems the devs designed Huttball THEN they started to think about the gameplay itself... Because stuns is all about Warzone designs.

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I'm mostly fine with resolve. I just wish they'd revert the change to allow overlapping CCs to give reduced resolve. Originally if two people spammed their 4s stuns on you at the same time you'd get instantly white-barred. It rewarded coordination and punished poor play.


Well see it didn't just punish poor play it punished pugs in general.


Its not uncommon for me to be in a warzone and see say a guy running in to interrupt my team cap, of course I need to immediately CC the guy so that doesn't happen, unfortunately Billybob also sees the guy coming in and also realizes that the guy needs to be CC'ed and throws his CC at the same time. Under the old system the guy would have been instantly whitebarred despite the fact that there was no way for either of us to know the other was going to throw that vital CC.

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