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Forged ALliances storycutscenes mentioning planetary quests


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Ok not sure if this has been said but I just wanted to say that I think it`s awesome that a lot of planetary storylines are mentioned in the Forged Alliances cutscenes in your replies.

For example: My Sith Warrior told Lana when talking about the Revanites that he joined them back in Dromund Kaas. I think it`s awesome that you have an extra reply to her when you did that questline back in the beginning.

The same when talking about the starforge (or the thing you call which Revan used to create matter out of nothing) and my character had an own reply that he remembed this from the questline of Nar Shaddaa.


Those are just small things but I think they are neat and pretty awesome.

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Ok not sure if this has been said but I just wanted to say that I think it`s awesome that a lot of planetary storylines are mentioned in the Forged Alliances cutscenes in your replies.

For example: My Sith Warrior told Lana when talking about the Revanites that he joined them back in Dromund Kaas. I think it`s awesome that you have an extra reply to her when you did that questline back in the beginning.

The same when talking about the starforge (or the thing you call which Revan used to create matter out of nothing) and my character had an own reply that he remembed this from the questline of Nar Shaddaa.


Those are just small things but I think they are neat and pretty awesome.


Revan in the Foundry has something similar.

If you've done the Revanite storyline on Dromund Kaas you can go "Oh, I ran into your followers on DK". If you haven't, the option is replaced by "I never heard of you." :D

Edited by Callaron
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Revan in the Foundry has something similar.

If you've done the Revanite storyline on Dromund Kaas you can go "Oh, I ran into your followers on DK". If you haven't, the option is replaced by "I never heard of you." :D


Up to Oricon, it was something recurring as seen below:






Nowadays, I have no idea.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Revan in the Foundry has something similar.

If you've done the Revanite storyline on Dromund Kaas you can go "Oh, I ran into your followers on DK". If you haven't, the option is replaced by "I never heard of you." :D


There's also some differing dialogue if you've run SM Foundry with a toon and then do False Emperor

when you encounter HK-47. A toon who has run SM Foundry will recognize him, one who hasn't acan ask him what his model number is.


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There's a TON of this stuff in-game.


Here's just a small fraction:


1. On Voss the Bounty Hunter contact will say something along the lines of "what took you so long?" If you picked up the planetary mission before speaking to him. Your character will get the option to say "none of your business" or "I met an interesting Sith named Darth Serevin" and the Imperial will go "Agh, no we don't need more delays especially a Sith Lord." (I really wish I'd copied that conversation down so I could quote it...).


2. Flashpoint and HK-47 solo content bonus thread


3. [will post later]

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Up to Oricon, it was something recurring as seen below:






Nowadays, I have no idea.


I like how the Gree greet you as either "Capable Biped", "Black Bisector" or "Red Rhombus."


I wish that Black Bisector took precedence over Red Rhombus , almost makes me want to not finish TFB on my Pubs.

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I like how the Gree greet you as either "Capable Biped", "Black Bisector" or "Red Rhombus."


I wish that Black Bisector took precedence over Red Rhombus , almost makes me want to not finish TFB on my Pubs.


On another note, I still don't understand when Imperials get the Red Rhombus title exactly.


Republic characters have a ceremony where the title is conferred upon, during the ending cutscene for TFB, but there's nothing of the sort Empire side.

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I remember having Republic characters being referred as "Black Bisector". :cool:


Black Bisector is from a quest line on Coruscant.


I keep rerolling Pub alts because I get bored of the ones I had before or something. I actually remember my Imp alts better, like by name.

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I know. My point is that there's NOTHING ELSE, at least Republic side anyway.


"Red Rhombus" as a title is not acknowledged as far as I'm aware, for logical reasons. :D


Aw boooo. *goes and pouts that she doesn't have more incentive to level more than on toon to 55 for that event*

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Aw boooo. *goes and pouts that she doesn't have more incentive to level more than on toon to 55 for that event*


I'm probably misremembering it truth be told.


I was thinking earlier of the Gree Event instead of the Chevin Event. The latter is the one that, timeline wise, takes place before TFB.


As such, it is quite possible the Herald addresses the player character as "Red Rhombus".




Assuming of course you finished TFB in the meantime.

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I know. My point is that there's NOTHING ELSE, at least Republic side.


"Red Rhombus" as a title is not acknowledged as far as I'm aware, for logical reasons. :D


It's acknowledged if you click the floating news mission giver on fleet during the event where the Gree that appears after your Faction's respective broadcast will address your title (my Sentinel was Black Bisector until he completed TFB and then it changed:().

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It's acknowledged if you click the floating news mission giver on fleet during the event where the Gree that appears after your Faction's respective broadcast will address your title (my Sentinel was Black Bisector until he completed TFB and then it changed:().


Yeah. Just rectified in the post above yours. ;)


I usually just skip the Herald altogether nowadays, whenever the Gree Event goes live; As such, I misremembered.

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Oh cool didn´t play the Bounty Hunter so had no idea there were instances where the planetary storyline would be mentioned in the class story. That`s neat!

Also true, on the pub side you can mention the Tattoine Planetary story when talking about the Rakata with Theron.


Those are the things Bioware did absolutely great.


Not the only thing I would love to see are companions talking in cutscenes of the new expansion and I would be a happy.


Even if it`s just a "Ok, lets go" from Vette or some juggernaut talk of Qyzen, just something.

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There's a TON of this stuff in-game.


Here's just a small fraction:


1. Voss Bounty Hunter spoilers:


On Voss the Bounty Hunter contact will say something along the lines of "what took you so long?" If you picked up the planetary mission before speaking to him. Your character will get the option to say "none of your business" or "I met an interesting Sith named Darth Serevin" and the Imperial will go "Agh, no we don't need more delays especially a Sith Lord." (I really wish I'd copied that conversation down so I could quote it...).


Voss Smuggler spoilers:


My friend found something similar on Voss in the Smuggler storyline. Gah, I wish I could remember exactly what it was, but during the trial, the Smuggler's handler will say "go do this thing", but it's possible the Smuggler may have already done it, so says as much.


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