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Whats the piont?


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honestly, whats the piont of even pvping regs at all, if other teamates on team give up after one cap or round due to other teams op premade? i have seen less and less people in regs wz latley due to high number of premades killing them. on alot of servers atm ques are getting longer, and very time constrianed due to people who totaly los einterest in game due to not having fun even matches. so i guess 5 to 10 percent of the pvpers win , and only get to pvp now due to this problem? cause clearly very slow ques, and premades is only way to pvp? or play one sid eonly that pops on the server? why is there not a que for regs only, and que for regs wwith premades chioce not possible? it will atleast keep players playing the game we love playing...and b4 i get flamed, i do premade as well, while i love facestomping some, it just cant continue to go on and game be healthy at same time. last wz, 3 players quit, and other team capped on us due to 3 of the 4 at node sat there and did nothing while i got ced and they capped. afte ri called out 5 times. btw they were 20 feet from me my team mates. clearly they wanted the game to be thrown. how can the game continue to grow in population with matches like that?
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honestly, whats the piont of even pvping regs at all, if other teamates on team give up after one cap or round due to other teams op premade? i have seen less and less people in regs wz latley due to high number of premades killing them. on alot of servers atm ques are getting longer, and very time constrianed due to people who totaly los einterest in game due to not having fun even matches. so i guess 5 to 10 percent of the pvpers win , and only get to pvp now due to this problem? cause clearly very slow ques, and premades is only way to pvp? or play one sid eonly that pops on the server? why is there not a que for regs only, and que for regs wwith premades chioce not possible? it will atleast keep players playing the game we love playing...and b4 i get flamed, i do premade as well, while i love facestomping some, it just cant continue to go on and game be healthy at same time. last wz, 3 players quit, and other team capped on us due to 3 of the 4 at node sat there and did nothing while i got ced and they capped. afte ri called out 5 times. btw they were 20 feet from me my team mates. clearly they wanted the game to be thrown. how can the game continue to grow in population with matches like that?


Oh look, a whiney premade thread! :rolleyes:

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Did anyone ever consider the fact that maybe you just got unlucky and got stuck on a bad team and the other team just had good players? I mean the only thing I do is pvp and I rarely come across premades when I queue solo in regs. I might come across one or two during the night, but most of my games are pug vs pug. I had one game where the team was getting stomped and someone said "damn premades." I started paying attention to the names. Not one was sharing the same guild tag and most of the names were players I knew who solo queue more than premade.


Basically there was no premade, just bad players on my team. End of the match showed me with 800k dmg and the next person on my team with 300k+.....Gee I wonder what the real problem was?

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You don't need to be in the same guild to be a premade.


My premade usually consists of 4 players from 3 separate guilds.


I understand that, but my point is rarely is it actually a premade. It just comes down to players being bad. Even if it was a premade, where's the excuse for me doubling everyone elses performance? Premades are not the problem. The problem is pugs suck.

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Oh look, a whiney premade thread! :rolleyes:

Oh look, someone who probably only play in a premade.


On topic. I have always said people who play warzones ina group should only be allowed to play against other groups. This would be a win win for everyone. Well, everyone except those people who play for no challenge, no one cares about them.

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Oh look, someone who probably only play in a premade.


On topic. I have always said people who play warzones ina group should only be allowed to play against other groups. This would be a win win for everyone. Well, everyone except those people who play for no challenge, no one cares about them.


The game already does that. Try it sometime. Form a group, queue up. Watch how many teams you face that also have a group. The game always fills the queue with groups first. If it there's not enough, it fills the rest with pugs. It keeps the queues popping at a consistent rate.


I queue solo all the time and I rarely come across a premade. When I queue up as a group, I come across premades almost every match.

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Oh look, someone who probably only play in a premade.


On topic. I have always said people who play warzones ina group should only be allowed to play against other groups. This would be a win win for everyone. Well, everyone except those people who play for no challenge, no one cares about them.


There is this one gametype where groups only play other groups. It's called 4v4 ranked:eek:


As for an 8v8 reg, I'm bringing the maximum amount of friends I have online everytime. If I could q with 8 people I would do so. It's the big team battle of swtor- I'm not looking for a highly competitive game. That's what 4s is for.


The only gametype where all players should be solo is solo ranked.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Oh look, someone who probably only play in a premade.


On topic. I have always said people who play warzones ina group should only be allowed to play against other groups. This would be a win win for everyone. Well, everyone except those people who play for no challenge, no one cares about them.


Oh look, another whiner who doesn't get it.



Edited by Pistols
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honestly, whats the piont of even pvping regs at all, if other teamates on team give up after one cap or round due to other teams op premade? i have seen less and less people in regs wz latley due to high number of premades killing them. on alot of servers atm ques are getting longer, and very time constrianed due to people who totaly los einterest in game due to not having fun even matches. so i guess 5 to 10 percent of the pvpers win , and only get to pvp now due to this problem? cause clearly very slow ques, and premades is only way to pvp? or play one sid eonly that pops on the server? why is there not a que for regs only, and que for regs wwith premades chioce not possible? it will atleast keep players playing the game we love playing...and b4 i get flamed, i do premade as well, while i love facestomping some, it just cant continue to go on and game be healthy at same time. last wz, 3 players quit, and other team capped on us due to 3 of the 4 at node sat there and did nothing while i got ced and they capped. afte ri called out 5 times. btw they were 20 feet from me my team mates. clearly they wanted the game to be thrown. how can the game continue to grow in population with matches like that?


Didn't read Gave up cause of one cap in WZ with OP who belittled, demeaned and screamed at us while they sat away from the team wearing no armor.

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because i enjoy most pvp, just not arena so i don't do ranked. also not everyone gives up immediately after a bad start, have won a lot of matches where we start bad and pull ourselves together without a bunch of people leaving.


edit:also when playing solo (which i normally do) i rarely see a enemy premade if my team doesn't have one too. one just often happens to be way better than the other. when grouped with guildies i'm almost always fighting another guild.

Edited by Evil_Me
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