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Streamline GTN dialogs


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Posting on the GTN is rather difficult at times and I have a few easily implemented (I think) suggestions that could help.


1 - When I select a sort column (ex: i want to sort on Unit Price lowest to highest) it should remember that on subsequent searches so I don't have to keep re-sorting. It's time-consuming to have to do this each time.


2 - Like most players I check to see what other people are posting an item for before I post it myself. This means I have to do a search for the item. To do this I have to type the entire name into the search box. How about giving us a place to drop the item and have it populate the name so we don't have to type it? The item could populate the Sell page as well since we're most likely going to be selling this item as our next step.


3 - Many items have to be posted in small batches or they will not sell. This means I have to spend time splitting the items into piles before I can post them. How about a "Quantity to Post" box that can default to "all" and could remember how much of a particular item I like to post. That way I can tell it I want to post 5 of a certain gem, then hit the "Create Sale" button several times to post multiple batches.


4 - On the Sell page, when I drag/drop an item to sell, how about putting the cursor in the "Your Buyout Price" box so I don't have to click it each time? Also, how about automatically clicking the "Create Sale" button for us if we press Enter in the Price box so we don't have to click it?


I think these changes would be easy to implement and would make using the GTN MUCH easier.


Thanks very much in advance.





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Posting on the GTN is rather difficult at times and I have a few easily implemented (I think) suggestions that could help.


1 - When I select a sort column (ex: i want to sort on Unit Price lowest to highest) it should remember that on subsequent searches so I don't have to keep re-sorting. It's time-consuming to have to do this each time.


2 - Like most players I check to see what other people are posting an item for before I post it myself. This means I have to do a search for the item. To do this I have to type the entire name into the search box. How about giving us a place to drop the item and have it populate the name so we don't have to type it? The item could populate the Sell page as well since we're most likely going to be selling this item as our next step.


3 - Many items have to be posted in small batches or they will not sell. This means I have to spend time splitting the items into piles before I can post them. How about a "Quantity to Post" box that can default to "all" and could remember how much of a particular item I like to post. That way I can tell it I want to post 5 of a certain gem, then hit the "Create Sale" button several times to post multiple batches.


4 - On the Sell page, when I drag/drop an item to sell, how about putting the cursor in the "Your Buyout Price" box so I don't have to click it each time? Also, how about automatically clicking the "Create Sale" button for us if we press Enter in the Price box so we don't have to click it?


I think these changes would be easy to implement and would make using the GTN MUCH easier.


Thanks very much in advance.






you can shift + left click on an item and it will add the text into the search box, been that way for some time now.


splitting items up into smaller units is just common practice. Buying 99 stacks of an item for a 500,000 credits is excessive when you only need a dozen or less. Per unit price might be cheaper, but total price is excessive and large amount of an item i don't really need much of.


Rest just seem like a personal issue that i can understand but don't think its a huge deal worth changing,and more than likely cause more problems.

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When I compare SWTOR to other MMOs (ex: WoW) it feels a lot less polished in many areas; areas that would be programmatically easy to fix (I speak as a 15-year Java UI developer here).


Basic UI-design rules dictate that when you present the user with a dialog box, the cursor should be in a text field; presumably the first one or the most used one. The user should never have to reach for the mouse to select a field.


In SWTOR this basic rule is ignored in most dialog boxes (game login, stack-split, posting item to GTN, composing a mail message, etc...).


Also, hitting the tab key should always take you to the next field. Tabbing through the mail composing screen, there's no way to get to the amount box to send credits and no way to tab to the send button.


Additionally, every time I launch SWTOR on my Windows 8 PC it asks me for administrative permission. None of my other apps or games ever do this and SWTOR should not do it either. It should not need elevated privileges to work correctly. This circumvents OS safety features and probably makes a lot of users like me nervous.


All of this makes the game feel unfinished and sometimes awkward to use and it's the reason why I decided not to play it two years ago when it first came out. Only recently when I got bored of WoW did I decide to give it a second, longer chance.


I wonder how many new users who were almost sold on the game decided to walk away and wait for it to be more finished...


After more than two years in active use, the game should not still feel like a beta but yours does.


Don't get me wrong... I think it's a great game and I'm having a great time playing it. I just would like to see it polished a bit more and I don't think any of my requests are unreasonable.





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The UAC features in Windows 7 and Windows 8 are what requires you to run the application as an Administrator.


If you don't know why Windows is asking you to run the application as an administrator, I'm usually against disabling the features that require it. However, now that you have been cautioned, I present you with this.




Be sure to read all of the comments as well because if the GUI option doesn't work for you, the comments can help you to understand why and what can be done to manually disable it in the registry.

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