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Why Revan's new look will probably never be


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Hello, Forumers!


I am a lurker. I rarely post, but I am actively watching the forums(General, Suggestion, and Cartel Market). I have noticed a lot of people have been asking for the Revan's Ravaged/Reborn armor, and here are a few points as to WHY it'll probably never make it into the game as a player item.


Yes, it is very cool looking and Sith-y. I want it for my Juggernaut myself, but unfortunately, there are complications as to why it PROBABLY(Note this word, PROBABLY.) won't make the cut into game content that'll be obtainable.


One, if you haven't played many MMO's before, most antagonist armor DOESN'T come released to the players, even after years of the expansion/antagonist content being released. My key example is the Lich King from World of Warcraft. Of course, it is obtainable through admin privileges on private servers, but obviously we don't have that luxury, alongside many other luxuries we should have(Add-Ons, Macros, ect.).


Two, the update isn't even here yet! We have little to no information on what we will get in Game Update 3.0, and for all we know, the Dev's could decide to have Revan thrown into Mount Doom, alongside his armor(Though that would be hilariously ridiculous, no? :) )


Three, it's a lore item. Now, before you jump down my throat, saying that we have a LOT of lore breaking armor, I will agree to that. The Cartel Market breaks every lore abiding rule in the book, really, but people have noted this, and complained. Hopefully the Dev's would notice this and act on it positively.


What I expect to happen: Revan's Ravaged armor will NOT come as obtainable content ingame, but as a Cartel Market item in the late future. That, or one piece will be obtainable, through tedious exercise of end game content, like how the Dread Palace mount is(The Architect wing things, I forget the name.)



Thanks' for reading, and enjoy your Strongholds! :)


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Three, it's a lore item. Now, before you jump down my throat, saying that we have a LOT of lore breaking armor, I will agree to that. The Cartel Market breaks every lore abiding rule in the book, really, but people have noted this, and complained. Hopefully the Dev's would notice this and act on it positively.


Original Revan, Malgus, Naga Sadow, Satele, and Exar Kun armor says hello.

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One, if you haven't played many MMO's before, most antagonist armor DOESN'T come released to the players, even after years of the expansion/antagonist content being released.


I dunno, i've seen some people with the Crest of the Dread Masters using Dread Forged robes look a hell of a lot like a dread master. I think MKnightRider for a bit made himself an exact clone of Calphayus, down to the name and title.


This doesn't even need the cartel market to do either!


So thats 1 antagonist down. Whats next?


Oh yeah. Patch 1.7, the antagonist was Kephess. Oh thats right, My Qyzen Fess looks exactly like Kephess :p


See where i'm going with this? Basically, SWTOR and EA dont give a damn about this. In both cases, major antagonists can be mimicked perfectly within hours of release (though you needed DP NiM Timed Run to mimic a dread master perfectly down to the title)

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There's no way that those new robes aren't made available to players in some form.


Not only was the last Revan set insanely popular, but they've been releasing lore sets more and more frequently. There's also going to be an insane amount of player demand for the robes as well.


I think some version of Revan's KOTOR robes would be much more popular. They look better than his original and new model in this game.

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Hello, Forumers!


I am a lurker. I rarely post, but I am actively watching the forums(General, Suggestion, and Cartel Market). I have noticed a lot of people have been asking for the Revan's Ravaged/Reborn armor, and here are a few points as to WHY it'll probably never make it into the game as a player item.


Yes, it is very cool looking and Sith-y. I want it for my Juggernaut myself, but unfortunately, there are complications as to why it PROBABLY(Note this word, PROBABLY.) won't make the cut into game content that'll be obtainable.


One, if you haven't played many MMO's before, most antagonist armor DOESN'T come released to the players, even after years of the expansion/antagonist content being released. My key example is the Lich King from World of Warcraft. Of course, it is obtainable through admin privileges on private servers, but obviously we don't have that luxury, alongside many other luxuries we should have(Add-Ons, Macros, ect.).


Two, the update isn't even here yet! We have little to no information on what we will get in Game Update 3.0, and for all we know, the Dev's could decide to have Revan thrown into Mount Doom, alongside his armor(Though that would be hilariously ridiculous, no? :) )


Three, it's a lore item. Now, before you jump down my throat, saying that we have a LOT of lore breaking armor, I will agree to that. The Cartel Market breaks every lore abiding rule in the book, really, but people have noted this, and complained. Hopefully the Dev's would notice this and act on it positively.


What I expect to happen: Revan's Ravaged armor will NOT come as obtainable content ingame, but as a Cartel Market item in the late future. That, or one piece will be obtainable, through tedious exercise of end game content, like how the Dread Palace mount is(The Architect wing things, I forget the name.)



Thanks' for reading, and enjoy your Strongholds! :)



We already have the older revan set in-game.

We just recently got Satele Shan's set, a Lore character that's actually in the game as a deuteragonist or tritagonist. And Revan, in the outfit that's available to players in-game, was a main protagonist in the game too.


As you say tho, I doubt it will be available as an in-game drop, but as cartel market loot.

But that's the way of most things.

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We already have the older revan set in-game.

We just recently got Satele Shan's set, a Lore character that's actually in the game as a deuteragonist or tritagonist. And Revan, in the outfit that's available to players in-game, was a main protagonist in the game too.


As you say tho, I doubt it will be available as an in-game drop, but as cartel market loot.

But that's the way of most things.


Satele will probably have a different armor set in 3.0. I doubt BW would have made her initial set available, otherwise...

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What I expect to happen: Revan's Ravaged armor will NOT come as obtainable content ingame, but as a Cartel Market item in the late future. That, or one piece will be obtainable, through tedious exercise of end game content, like how the Dread Palace mount is(The Architect wing things, I forget the name.)


To be fair to the OP, he did say that he thought it would come out as a CM item in the late future (though knowing BW, "late" is going to be the next cartel pack after 3.0 hits).

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Satele will probably have a different armor set in 3.0. I doubt BW would have made her initial set available, otherwise...


Well that's some nice speculation of you, but pretty pointless in the debate.


We've had access to Revans outfit since 2012 and they've only just now changed it. That's hardly any precedence to claim that they'll change Sateles in 3.0 just because they released her set now.

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I have noticed a lot of people have been asking for the Revan's Ravaged/Reborn armor, and here are a few points as to WHY it'll probably never make it into the game as a player item.



I don't believe it for a second, but if it is true then: Good.


Can't understand why so many people want to pretend to be Revan in a game where Revan exists, and he's not you. It seems kind of sad and pathetic to me, the armies of Rêvans and Revăns that I see. So boring and unimaginative. It isn't impressive, it just makes your character an in-universe Cosplay fanboy (which is somehow even more embarassing than being one in real life). I mean, who in Oblivion would want their character to be The Adoring Fan? Because that's my reaction when I see them, not "Wow, that guy's Revan. How cool."

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People want it so they will sell it. The CM is for them to make money so why would they not use it?


^^ This.


If the demand is there, they would be shooting themselves on the foot for not taking advantage of it. I'm not the biggest fan of seeing Satele's armor set on the CM for example, but then again, it is there because people want it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't believe it for a second, but if it is true then: Good.


Can't understand why so many people want to pretend to be Revan in a game where Revan exists, and he's not you. It seems kind of sad and pathetic to me, the armies of Rêvans and Revăns that I see. So boring and unimaginative. It isn't impressive, it just makes your character an in-universe Cosplay fanboy (which is somehow even more embarassing than being one in real life). I mean, who in Oblivion would want their character to be The Adoring Fan? Because that's my reaction when I see them, not "Wow, that guy's Revan. How cool."


Actually, I've seen very few people who "want to pretend to be revan" in the game these last 2 years since his outfit was released.


I have, however, seen plenty of people use parts of his outfit to make their own unique looks.


And that is something I'd never want to take away from the game.

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I don't believe it for a second, but if it is true then: Good.


Can't understand why so many people want to pretend to be Revan in a game where Revan exists, and he's not you. It seems kind of sad and pathetic to me, the armies of Rêvans and Revăns that I see. So boring and unimaginative. It isn't impressive, it just makes your character an in-universe Cosplay fanboy (which is somehow even more embarassing than being one in real life). I mean, who in Oblivion would want their character to be The Adoring Fan? Because that's my reaction when I see them, not "Wow, that guy's Revan. How cool."


Can't understand why so many people get their knickers in a bunch over this one character. Eventually, he'll be replaced by another NPC fan favorite. No need to get an ulcer over it or show everyone your ugly elitist attitude towards other human beings.

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