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SWTOR is canon


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Not really.


Eric says they're in constant contact with the people from LucasArts, also to be sure they don't overstep their bounds.


In other words, we can't expect to have ponies, unicorns or Minnie Mouse in this game EVER. Dunno about you but I find that disappointing. Minnie and the Emperor would be a perfect fit.


Not sure if serious...


That is exactly what I said: "based on the lore and tradition of the movies". That is exactly WHY they stay in contact with them. They try to keep it, "in bounds" so to speak.


So anyway, sorry if you were being sarcastic and I didn't pick up on it. You just said what i was getting at.


Trivia time:


Bioware originally chose to do the TOR series (starting with KOTOR) because it gave them MORE freedom of development. They didn't want to be constrained by the movies and Lucas's constant interjection. They were originally given two choices: A movie based game or a game based 1000s of years before the movies. They chose the latter.



Now that this is "legends" canon, it isn't bound by some superficial timeline that reconnects it to the movies. It just exists as its own lore, so to speak. If someone quits the game because this isn't movie canon, they might need to step back and examine their own reality.

Edited by Arkerus
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Legends > Canon quality and vibe wise.


So what's this canon fuss anyway?''Canon'' is the worst part of Star Wars full of platitudes,fairy tales and garbage.(Clone Wars+ movies )


If swtor(+kotor1/2) becomes canon, it would mean swtor's story authenticity and quality would go out the window.


I don't want my Emperor's Wrath ,Nox,Cipher Nine, the BH protagonist(GCotGH),Hero of Tython the BarsenThor ,Voidwolf and the Havoc Squad guy+ Revan and Meetra Surik to be in the same universe as garbage such as the Skywalkers , Yoda and etc...

Edited by Kaedusz
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I will just say that since lucasarts signs off on everything they do and if SWTOR was not canon, I don't think LucasArts (disney) would let them do that if SWTOR wasn't canon.

Which doesn't mean LucasArts actually looks through it all - just gets to check if nothing major is done that would be to their dissatisfaction. Since they may refuse to extend the license when it comes to that if they're dissatisfied.


Mickey Mouse doesn't give a crap about Revan and the Emperor and all that. Mickey Mouse already announced what he wants to do with it: "The movies are canon, our new movies are canon, we get to approve anything that touches new movies and make it canon, everything else will be called Legends and we don't give a crap about it."


Really, in the end, all they want to do is make sure that nothing harms their ability to extract money out of new movies and that they can charge for canonicity.

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. "The way I'm going to answer that is to say that a lot of people were asking that after the stuff happened with lucasarts and disney and they started announcing canon stuff. We work with lucasarts on a daily basis to continue to bring an authentic Star Wars experience to SWTOR. I was just talking to them last week. So if you are asking if this is Star Wars this is most definitely Star Wars. They sign off on everything we do."


I will just say that since lucasarts signs off on everything they do and if SWTOR was not canon, I don't think LucasArts (disney) would let them do that if SWTOR wasn't canon. But, you guys will just see yet again. ;).


If the Star Cabal is canon, then the future of Star Wars is indeed bleak.


I know the prequels weren't that good, but Disney is supposed to be trying to restore the Star Wars brand, not make it worse.


While some of the writing in this game is good for a video game, none of it should be cannon. The writing simply isn't there.

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and here is a critical question...


Can you please define the word CANON ... ? Photography and camera equipment? We are not all english.


I love my T5i.


Anyway, back to the original topic of Disney, SWTOR and canon.


Well, Disney is a 150 billion USD corporation that is a fixture on the S&P 500 index. They will sign off on SWTOR being "canon" as long as it suits their interests and corporate balance sheet. However the moment Disney decides to concoct a new plan to profit from the franchise and SWTOR happens to conflict with that plan in some way, they will not hesitate to yank that rug out from under BW/EA. Don't get too attached is all I'm saying.

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They will sign off on SWTOR being "canon" as long as it suits their interests and corporate balance sheet. However the moment Disney decides to concoct a new plan to profit from the franchise and SWTOR happens to conflict with that plan in some way, they will not hesitate to yank that rug out from under BW/EA.

They already have.


SWTOR is declared "Legends", i.e. not part of the new canon.


Disney has made it crystal clear what is canon and what is not. SWTOR was NOT in that list. Perhaps one day it will be, but for now it falls into the "legends" category.

As far as I'm concerned, personally, in my interpretation of Star Wars, KOTOR and SWTOR are and will always be canon, and Disney movies are not canon, and won't be unless they're actually any good.


But the term for that is of course "fanon" - fans are free to reject the official definition of canon and follow their own, if they overwhelmingly agree on it.

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As far as I'm concerned, personally, in my interpretation of Star Wars, KOTOR and SWTOR are and will always be canon, and Disney movies are not canon, and won't be unless they're actually any good.


But the term for that is of course "fanon" - fans are free to reject the official definition of canon and follow their own, if they overwhelmingly agree on it.


I'm sorry but that makes no sense.


Fan fiction and "fanon" as you call it, are fine but burying your hand in the virtual sand and pretending what you don't like doesn't exist is futile. Everything going forward will be based on where they take the story with the movies. Hate them or love them, that's the story. You can choose to stop watching, remain with the memory of the old trilogy and that's fine but that's pretty much all you can do.


And that's true of any story really: the original creator (or, nowadays, the one who has the rights) tells the story and you choose if you want to follow it or not, but you don't get to make the decision of what's acceptable and what's not.


You can't say the Trojans won in The Iliad because Homer says they didn't, you can't say Romeo & Juliet lived happily ever after because Shakespeare says they didn't, you can't say the animals never became indistinguishable from humans in the Animal Farm because Orwell says they did and you can't say JarJar never happened because Lucas' says he did.

Edited by TheNahash
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I started doing that the moment he said Lucas was jewish - which again he's not - and that he protects jewish "interests", whatever that means. Seriously... :rolleyes:


You know what jew is? jewish is not a race... I could tell you the whole story but its not the forum i could tell you that... You know what zionism is? No you dont.


Zionism is not jewish, zionism is chinese... The great wall they have, the original name is ZION wall. But western civilization dont know that, your latin teachers hided that very well in the ancient years. All people think that jews are an evil race and zion is jewish... wrong wrong wrong. It relates with the " lore of starwars" because even LUCAS crafted the story from chinese actually, he inspired from the part of their story. If you search in latin, not in english, arround 1400ac in latin china is SINA and in english sina is zion, we call it SINA even today and zionism is sionismos in my language.


The story on earth begun arround 21-19000 bc, after the destruction of the dragonian fleet otuside our solar system. The ones who entered our solar system, are the ones who fled the war (a small part of the rebels) when the dragonian fleet invaded the solar system (according to our stories and books), during that time, the earth government fight back and didnt allowed them to invade, they pushed them back in the edges of our solar system, at 13.500 years ago... earth didnt have allot of military forces, mostly scientific and the rebels did a second attempt to invade earth. In order to keep peace the earth government, they allowed a hybrid race to reside in Atlantis from the within the dragonian fleet... anyway the story is big... And it goes up to date... so yes starwars in a different percective is a real story..

Edited by Oyranos
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Exactly the oposoite.


Star Wars games always had a better story than the movies + clone wars.

Best to Worst:


Dark Horse Comics

BioWare and Obsidian Games

Original Trilogy

Timothy Zahn Novels

Other Video Games

Del Ray Novels (on average)

Clone Wars Cartoon

Prequel Trilogy

Bantam-Spectra Novels (on average)

Marvel Comics

Ewoks/Droids Cartoons

Edited by DarthDymond
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SWTOR is noncanon as long as they state otherwise.


That's very simple:

They have been in contact with Lucasfilm simply because it's still a product of SW franchise. It has nothing to do with SWTOR being a part of Disney canon. You just want to believe it's canon and you fall for PR talk from a PR person. It's not hard to simply say three words: SWTOR is canon, is it? Exactly. So instead of saying those three words they hide it behind PR talk.


If SWTOR was canon, they would simply say that instead of workarounding the issue. What I assume is that someone at Bioware decided not to declare SWTOR canon status as some folks are going crazy about this matter, e.g Sarfux. and that could potentially influence their decision to stop playing the game or complain. Yeah, some folks are too serious about this matter.


EA doesn't want to deal with *****storm as long as they can. Hence Bioware is currently not going to confirm or deny SWTOR being canon.


At the moment SWTOR is noncanon as it was clearly stated on Community Cantina Los Angeles June 2014:


"SWTOR is not canon. It is part of the extended universe. It will not be

affected in anyway. The only thing that can affect SWTOR is Lucas Arts.

As in Sith will not be running around on unicorn mounts."




Disney has made it crystal clear what is canon and what is not.


Are The Old Republic expansions canon?


No — BioWare “has created their own universe that is so fantastic,” we’re not going to change it, says Hidalgo.


Star Wars Canon Panel LiveBlog Celebration 2015 Anaheim


BUT WHAT SHOULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT: It doesn't matter whether its canon or not. GEEZ. Just enjoy the game and the story. Be happy that at least something from the Expanded Universe is continued. A few months ago I was disappointed about the decision of throwing away the EU, but the truth is I only wish the story and characters I know would be continued. It doesn't need to be canon. TOR is an ongoing project. Be glad it is! I would love to say the same about books, but so far Lucasfilm doesn't want to continue books under Legends banner :(

Edited by PavSalco
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Fan fiction and "fanon" as you call it, are fine but burying your hand in the virtual sand and pretending what you don't like doesn't exist is...

...standard practice among the fans of just about everything when ownership of the franchise changes hands, unless they like what the new owner is doing with it.


This is not like saying "Romeo and Juliet never dies". This is like saying "Harry Potter from the novels didn't necessarily look exactly like Daniel Radcliffe, even though the movies are official and officially endorsed and all."

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Best to Worst:


Dark Horse Comics

BioWare and Obsidian Games

Original Trilogy

Timothy Zahn Novels

Other Video Games

Del Ray Novels (on average)

Clone Wars Cartoon

Prequel Trilogy

Bantam-Spectra Novels (on average)

Marvel Comics

Ewoks/Droids Cartoons


Okay, when you have Comics AND Games above the original movies that started it all - you have lost all credibility. Your posting rights should be revoked, along with your ability to talk about Star Wars, lest you confuse anyone with your blasphemy.

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