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Why are some 5-shippers sucking?


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I mean, 5-shipper with less than 20% accuracy in a match, complaining about being one-shotted, having the less damage, objectives and 0 kill in a match that would have been easy if it wasn't for the 7 noobs I had with me (Yeah the 5-shipper is one of them). How is it possible to be a 5-shipper a suck so much, know so little about the game??


/end rant

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I mean, 5-shipper with less than 20% accuracy in a match, complaining about being one-shotted, having the less damage, objectives and 0 kill in a match that would have been easy if it wasn't for the 7 noobs I had with me (Yeah the 5-shipper is one of them). How is it possible to be a 5-shipper a suck so much, know so little about the game??


/end rant


Having 5 ships doesn't mean you're good.

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It takes very little time to get enough req for five ships if you're a subscriber and do the GSF quests. On other server alts I typically have all 3 strikes by the time I hit level 7 or 8 on a new character, and that's with questing while waiting for the queue to pop.


That assumes using cartel creds for conversion, and also getting at least 1 k ship req per match played.


Still, even for a truly incompetent F2P it's probably a week or a week and a half at most to get 5 ships, even if they spend most of their time flying into asteroids.

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I have a five-ship hangar. Sometimes I do really well, sometimes I don't. Sometimes it takes me a match or two to get warmed up. Sometimes I am flying ships I don't know how to pilot properly (Bloodmark, Legion, Jurgoran); I am getting better with these, but still tend to only do well on my Sting and Blackbolt.




If I've upset anyone by not helping them carry the "bad" pilots... I'm not sorry. ;)

Edited by Ymris
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Sadly, I believe many people merely queue for GSF for the easy conquest pts, win or lose it's an easy 500pts, so log in, shoot a mine or defence turret so you're "contributing". Some matches, half the team is absent and at the end if the match the bottom 3rd of participants is 0-1-7 or 0-0-9. How the hell can anyone be blown up 9 or 10 times in 9 or 10mins!? It's because they're just "space bar cruising" right up to you to get shot and end the match quicker to collect pts :(
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Sadly, I believe many people merely queue for GSF for the easy conquest pts, win or lose it's an easy 500pts, so log in, shoot a mine or defence turret so you're "contributing".


Mae'thon did that the other day and suicided 22 times. His purpose was the same. One negative draw back from Conquest

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Mae'thon did that the other day and suicided 22 times. His purpose was the same. One negative draw back from Conquest


Seriously? Mae'thon? Have things imploded over there on TEH?


I saw the first instance of this on Shadowlands recently, but I think it wasn't farming, just butthurt over getting crushed the match before.

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Seriously? Mae'thon? Have things imploded over there on TEH?


I saw the first instance of this on Shadowlands recently, but I think it wasn't farming, just butthurt over getting crushed the match before.


Nothing's imploded - he was stacked against a good team and wanted to end it early, but that's definitely cheating his teammates out of the experience of dying to us :rolleyes:

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Nothing's imploded - he was stacked against a good team and wanted to end it early, but that's definitely cheating his teammates out of the experience of dying to us :rolleyes:


Meh, no one improves if they don't ever fly. I always rather go out guns blazing in uneven matches. At worst you give your (bad) teammates some breather to do something. At best, you set a record and carry your team to a win :p.

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Sadly, I believe many people merely queue for GSF for the easy conquest pts, win or lose it's an easy 500pts, so log in, shoot a mine or defence turret so you're "contributing". Some matches, half the team is absent and at the end if the match the bottom 3rd of participants is 0-1-7 or 0-0-9. How the hell can anyone be blown up 9 or 10 times in 9 or 10mins!? It's because they're just "space bar cruising" right up to you to get shot and end the match quicker to collect pts :(



But doing it, at this time, is not completely despicable.

TDMs that end 50 to 10, or capture scenarios where a squad fully get the entire map in less then 1 min no matter what the other squad would try... the whole thing has become unbalanced, having people scoring 15+ kills and others (in both squads) that barely manage to push their FWD buttons. This sadly happens more and more frequently lately with ppl running for the conquest points.


Last match I played was our squad in a capture run, on our side there were 6 players owning 5 ships, the opposing team got 1. Easy to predict 2 players left the game even before the match started: the result was clearly decided already, no need even to struggle or try something. Those who stayed camped at respawns, just running to death trying to blast a turret or hit something to activate contribution again. One of the most boring thing I've ever take part in.


As it is, in my opinion, the whole Group-Finder of the GSF thing should be rewritten: it doesn't match/rank anything for trying to figure out a fair fight and both winning and loosing with 50-to-10 results is boring as hell.

So... no nerf on railguns/drones/mines or even care for bugs?? Ok, rewrite the group-finder for GSF then!


What we need is just a better grouping-up engine.

If a Group enlists in a fight then the engine should search for a Group enlisting in the opposite team; having well coordinated enlisting groups facing solo-enlisting players is just ridicoulous.

The engine should match the equipment: it's not really funny when your team has 5 or more players with 5 ships and the opposing one just people owning 2 ships: in most cases having more ships means also having the hard-rock equipment on them.

The engine should balance ships: ships could be choosen only before the match starts, even when you queue-up will be ok, letting the engine cap the ship-classes (i.e.: 2 GS, 2 bombers, 4, strikers, 4 scouts in a TDM 12-players run).

The engine should choose players after their Kill/Death ratio.

Rank the matches just like the WZs.

Just a few ideas, no more than that. I'm sure there are plenty of better ones and even more easily doable.


Like I said in another post: as it is now the whole starfighter thing is no fun at all for me. I can still use both the conquer and the starfighter points so I'll keep playing it but man... if my team keeps winning 50 to 10 using just the mouse+keyboard controls and nothing more please have something done fast or the thing will just fall to the worse nonsense silliness ever seen online.

Edited by Kcin_Trebla
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Boost populations and matchmaking will work. Implement cross-server or have more incentives like conquests to get more people in the pool, and matchmaking should work much better (if not, that's when you have to redesign). Right now it will prioritize setting up a match, any match, over balance.


Ship balance is actually pretty good right now imho (though strikes need a slight buff), though I'd like to see the bottom end capabilities brought up (like bake in key effects of some upgrades into the component, like distortion missile break, heavy laser armor pierce etc.), and unlocking the basic versions of all upgrades by default, so there are no horrible "trap" default selections.

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Better matching would be a huge improvement, but the problem would then be queue times. The only solution to that would be cross server matching. I have no idea how the internal architecture of the servers works, but I suspect cross server GSF matches would be easier to implement than most other cross server functions, since the GSF instances are so separate from most character functions. For instance, a cross server ground warzone would have to carry all the player's gear to the instance, while a cross server GSF would only have to have the ship specs, which is a smaller list and has far less appearance stuff to render.
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Players who suicide/farm better watch what they're doing because if it persists and people complain that conquest is ruining their GSF experience then BW will just say "ok you only get the conquest pts for winning matches" so that would only be half the points or if the night is lop-sided toward a faction then some players won't be earning any pts for their guild at all. That could spiral out of control quickly with people not playing GSF at all knowing they can't earn conquest pts. I implore players to just play as intended and so Bioware doesn't nerf the system.
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What we need is just a better grouping-up engine.

If a Group enlists in a fight then the engine should search for a Group enlisting in the opposite team; having well coordinated enlisting groups facing solo-enlisting players is just ridicoulous.


Given that GSF is probably a relatively low population on most servers I think removing queue preference for groups (giving everyone equal priority whether solo or group) would be even better. It would give matchmaker more freedom to create the most balanced match by choosing to queue up 4 solos if that is more balanced rather than being hamstrung by having to give priority to a group even if putting solos would result in a more balanced match. It should certainly do as you suggest but I think so long as queue preference exists it will be hard to implement.


Also looking at the coding that produces wargames where you have a full team of vets against mostly two-shippers would be good. The fact that this happens indicates, to me anyway, that there is something fundamentally flawed with the programing. If I had to guess I'd say whatever coding issue results in this happening is responsible for more unbalanced matches than anything else.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Ok. I'll add something. Today. I've fought against someone I've feared months ago when i first started. Now I just raped him along his team. WHy? I know I have bettered myself a lot, but to be able to rape someone who was better than me when I started??


Congrats! \o/

Seems you have got the right equipment for your play-style.

Every PvP-rating-in-battle in every mmo is mainly 85% equipment, 10% understanding how the game works and 5% (let's call it) "ability".

If you are running straight from a foe that has 15% more performing engine then you're dead, little to do about it.

Having practice of buffs/debuffs, weapons and the scenario will help you in your efforts to survive/ambush.

Mixing those and adding a bit more attention on your resources and minding a bit of right moves will do the thing with much fun. "Ability" is actually just quick pressing the right button at the ment time.

Edited by Kcin_Trebla
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Congrats! \o/

Seems you have got the right equipment for your play-style.

Every PvP-rating-in-battle in every mmo is mainly 85% equipment, 10% understanding how the game works and 5% (let's call it) "ability".

If you are running straight from a foe that has 15% more performing engine then you're dead, little to do about it.

Having practice of buffs/debuffs, weapons and the scenario will help you in your efforts to survive/ambush.

Mixing those and adding a bit more attention on your resources and minding a bit of right moves will do the thing with much fun. "Ability" is actually just quick pressing the right button at the ment time.


Considering I was on my second worst ship (bomber), while Sheep being my worst??

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