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Anyone resubbing for 3.0?


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That's four lines. Unless you are referring to the "quote: originally posted by" which is something added by the website not something that I put into my sig.


But hey keep defending someone who is deliberately using a excessive and obnoxious signature. At least I don't post dummy threads just to flaunt referral links.


sure, everyone who sees you for being obnoxious has to be a dummy account, right? Seriously dude I'm still waiting for that link about my sig.

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Irony. When person being sarcastic would actually be telling the truth if he weren't being sarcastic.


I suggest the peanut gallery go back and scan my threads, and check out their behavior, compared to mine.


All I had is a sig that stands out.


Yet you guys have taken it upon yourselves to act in a childish manner, full of insults and trolling, and when an outsider points this out to you, "oh, it must be a dummy account".


Which makes no sense, as why then would I not use those accounts to keep a thread conversation going instead of replying with this one, which I have been doing?


Which leads me to the ultimate irony: you guys have been more disruptive talking about my sig than I have been in simply having it. You can talk perceived motive all you want, but my threads have been on point, within the guidelines of the forums, and have been vehicles for trying to promote healthy discussion of the game.


You guys then come in and derail those things into a discussion of my sig. Which is text book troll behavior.


A word to the wise - if you care about such things as manners and class, take care in your outrage to not become the things you hate.


Of course, if you don't care about such things, please continue. Don't let logic get in the way of a good internet flogging.:rolleyes:


What are you talking about?

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yeah, no way that happens. Story is one of the main selling points of the game.


Story was lost with the end of class story's If you consider anything since (referring to story only) as more than a 15 page childrens book than you don't like good books/story's it seems.

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Story was lost with the end of class story's If you consider anything since (referring to story only) as more than a 15 page childrens book than you don't like good books/story's it seems.


I love story. And yes, they have pooped the bed with it since class story ended.



It's why those of us story holdouts are curious to see what 3.0 holds - to see if they can at least recapture the essence without pooping the bed.

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