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Anyone resubbing for 3.0?


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not me. this game just isn't worth a subscription. its way too limiting in every aspect of the game, its voice acting for the most part is annoying as heck as well as its dialog, yea some of the class stories start out really good but so far most of them drop off rather quickly. and i don't see any of that changing in 3.0.


GSF was a huge let down... it was a crappy crappy knockoff of Star Conflict


strongholds was a huge let down as well...way too limiting and very annoying layouts of hooks, not to mention you have to be a multimillionaire in order to unlock all the rooms in your FREE house not to mention if you wanted to get one of the others.


GSF got me to resub and right before i was about to cancel they announced strongholds and got me to continue my subscription.. i have been burned too many times by this game...not any more!



Maybe not the right MMO for you?


I mean, the fact they were selling it on story and complete V.O. should have been a hint.


To put it another way, it would be like you walking into a McDonald's and complaining that all they have are chicken nuggets and Big Macs...

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Maybe not the right MMO for you?


I mean, the fact they were selling it on story and complete V.O. should have been a hint.


To put it another way, it would be like you walking into a McDonald's and complaining that all they have are chicken nuggets and Big Macs...


no its more like going into a restaurant and getting unseasoned and undercooked food! like i said the stories get boring after around 30 and the voice acting is quite horrible a lot of the time, and the dialog.....

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no its more like going into a restaurant and getting unseasoned and undercooked food! like i said the stories get boring after around 30 and the voice acting is quite horrible a lot of the time, and the dialog.....


Don't most the V.O quests end at level 50? Also you can get legacy boosted exp for WZ, FP and Class Story with boosted consumables subscribing and guild bonus you can basically sit on your favourite planet and Queue till 47 then finish SL and do dailys to cap... It does work well this way, But I think after level 50 they should keep the V.O. For planets only, flash points are useful for social points level 50 and lower.... :) if the really need voice over for FP do it like false emperor, while you run through it the story is going with you like when Malgas is yapping..

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Depends on what 3.0 contains. I've been subbed for years now, but have been very disappointed by the content I was excited about. (I'm looking at YOU GSF :mad: ) Not to mention I've hardly played any over the last 2-3month's anyway. So as I've said recently.... "THEY (BW) have until Nov to impress me with 3.0"


Why didn`t you simply unsubscribe for the time being if you weren`t happy?


Seriously sometimes I really question some peoples mentality. They are obviously so frustrated with the game, yet they stay subbed.

Unsub, have a break from swtor and maybe you will come back a few months later.

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Not sure what you expect the result to be of this since you are asking on a forum that requires a subscription to access.


some people are in game cards which eventually run out, and others might have just recently subbed because of 3.0. So I guess I'm just asking them if they're going to reup or if they already have, why sign back in. Might not be the best worded topic, but at least it's relevant to what's going on with the game now.

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some people are in game cards which eventually run out, and others might have just recently subbed because of 3.0. So I guess I'm just asking them if they're going to reup or if they already have, why sign back in. Might not be the best worded topic, but at least it's relevant to what's going on with the game now.


This topic would've been spot-on in about 2 weeks, where we should have more concrete info on SOR, which atm we don't even know what it stands for. :p

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no its more like going into a restaurant and getting unseasoned and undercooked food! like i said the stories get boring after around 30 and the voice acting is quite horrible a lot of the time, and the dialog.....


Not really, because to a lot of people, its seasoned just fine and your taste buds are out of whack. Maybe find a different restaurant? Says something if you keep coming back to the same restaurant, even if it is to complain about it.

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I may going the other direction honestly.


Not really anything to do with the game, just been here since early access but the last few months I have been logging in a lot less. Also been busy in my RL lately.


So after completing all the storylines and having all my characters in mostly 180 Stuff, I feel pretty content and I enjoyed the ride but another level cap seems about the right time to move on.


Since it's F2P and I would be prefered account, I can alway come check stuff out but I doubt I want to really commit to gear and all that anymore.


Of course a continuation of individual class stories might keep my

paying for a few months more, but that will not be the case.

Edited by kirorx
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I may going the other direction honestly.


Not really anything to do with the game, just been here since early access but the last few months I have been logging in a lot less. Also been busy in my RL lately.


So after completing all the storylines and having all my characters in mostly 180 Stuff, I feel pretty content and I enjoyed the ride but another level cap seems about the right time to move on.


Since it's F2P and I would be prefered account, I can alway come check stuff out but I doubt I want to really commit to gear and all that anymore.


Of course a continuation of individual class stories might keep my

paying for a few months more, but that will not be the case.


While I think class stories are too costly to keep up (at least not without individual sale on the cartel market), I think it IS possible to have a faction story where each class has a time and a moment to shine and has things that specifically pertain to their own story interwoven into the fabric of the overall goal that can keep that spirit alive.


I actually had a good chat with Eric Musco on this some time back, and brought up some specific points on the imperial side of how Makeb was handled, and how it could have been handled better from a story standpoint while keeping the faction questline framework yet still being cost-effective for the dev team, that he found insightful and promised to bring back to his writing team.


I am definitely curious to see if it paid off with 3.0 and they took that advice to heart.



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maybe stop being such a cynic?


and I don't rip on people who are a hundred percent happy with the game unless they decide to come in and start ripping on people who have a critique on it. The people who just simply express, and they do, their satisfaction and happiness with the game, I leave perfectly alone.


it is only those who seem to get joy from putting down anyone who has a slightly negative critique of Bioware that I have beef with and will call out. So in other words, you are grossly over generalizing and projecting. Feel free to stop talking out of your rear end at any time...


You pretend to take the high road and then end with...


you are grossly over generalizing and projecting. Feel free to stop talking out of your rear end at any time...


Feel free to take your own advice at any time.

No, really.

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I'm planning on re-unsubbing for 3.0, just to re-resub for 3.1 because that's what I do.

After that, I'll make a thread about re-re-unsubbing since my expectations will never be met, see ya there! :rolleyes:

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I don't know anything about 3.0 besides the fact that it will involve Revan in a prominent story role.


Were I canceling my subscription, this alone wouldn't persuade me to renew it. I'd need to be convinced with salient changes to the classes and powerful new abilities for a new level cap. I would want to know how if at all they intend to refine war zone PvP and advance the stronghold feature. I need to learn of their plans in mapping out the story and if multiple planets will be involved and how much the plot will account for various player character choices like missions completed, class, and faction.


The recent psuedo-teaser just doesn't hype me very much.

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I'm curious if 3.0 is going to be able to bring people back into the fold, so to speak.


I honestly doubt at this stage of game you can bring people back unless they announce some retractions on previously stated policies.


For example I cancelled my account for around 15 months


What brought me back was a complete 180 reversal on the previous stated policy that SW:TOR would NEVER have houseing in game and your starship was your house.


With out that reversal, I do not resub


So unless 3.0 has reversals in it (Like Swoop Racing and Pazaak, like Kashyyk planent, like a 3rd faction and introduction of DAoC Style RVR, and more) I just do not see people resubbing for SW:TOR


Revan ops (rumored) alone will not be enough

New flashpoints (while hugely welcomed) will not be enough

level increase to 60 will not be enough


To attract old players back, the devs need to retract old policies that were bad choices from the get go


Otherwise people just returning to a updated game that follows the same design that failed to keep them the first (or 2nd or 3rd) time around before.


There is ALOT of changes that can be made to game that were short sighted and outright idiotic by the original dev team to draw people back. But until its announced its impossible to predict how many come back.


Prediction: If they go ahead with the rumors Ive heard and even couple unlikely guesses that hopefully become reality, I think this game could pull back well over 500k returning SUBSCRIBERS that left before


But some of those changes (along with new ops and flashpoints) would be


- (rumored) Kashyyk planet as a fully designed playable planet size of Alderaan or Hoth and developed like KotOR developed it with shadowlands below and fully functional tree cities above. (also new Kashyyk Stronghold wouldnt hurt)

- (rumored) Wookie as playable race (the language excuse has always been a really sad excuse to not have)

- (unlikely but sounds awesome) 3rd faction entering game which would set up a DAoC RVR type battle for those not interested in Warzone matchs

- (not rumored but would be a huge draw all the same) Pazzaak and swoop bike racing mini games

- (not rumored but again would be huge draw. NEXT TO NO CHANCE OF HAPPENING) expanded CLASS STORYLINES

- (NOT RUMORED) multi class builds (not multi advance classes but preset builds between your single advance class (dps build and tank build, dps and healer build) so a simple push of button changes you from one tree to another already set up and hotbars formation saved and ready)


Take any 3 of those above listed items and add in new ops, couple/few new flashpoints. Obviously new heroics on new planets. And then few minor tweeks from a greater list like

-costume tabs so you could carry around 2-3-4 sets of armor/gear with out filling up your inventory and could instantly switch from one to other in a single mouse click

- ability to sit in chairs in house holds (not emotes but sit on actual furniture)

- expanded tabs for vaults/legacy vaults/guild vaults

- more graphc/engine updates/streamlines

-and much much more


THAT would bring some old subs back to game IMO!


Improving the old problem areas rather then adding new content designed through the previous issue areas.

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I honestly doubt at this stage of game you can bring people back unless they announce some retractions on previously stated policies.


For example I cancelled my account for around 15 months


What brought me back was a complete 180 reversal on the previous stated policy that SW:TOR would NEVER have houseing in game and your starship was your house.


With out that reversal, I do not resub


So unless 3.0 has reversals in it (Like Swoop Racing and Pazaak, like Kashyyk planent, like a 3rd faction and introduction of DAoC Style RVR, and more) I just do not see people resubbing for SW:TOR


Revan ops (rumored) alone will not be enough

New flashpoints (while hugely welcomed) will not be enough

level increase to 60 will not be enough


To attract old players back, the devs need to retract old policies that were bad choices from the get go


Otherwise people just returning to a updated game that follows the same design that failed to keep them the first (or 2nd or 3rd) time around before.


There is ALOT of changes that can be made to game that were short sighted and outright idiotic by the original dev team to draw people back. But until its announced its impossible to predict how many come back.


Prediction: If they go ahead with the rumors Ive heard and even couple unlikely guesses that hopefully become reality, I think this game could pull back well over 500k returning SUBSCRIBERS that left before


But some of those changes (along with new ops and flashpoints) would be


- (rumored) Kashyyk planet as a fully designed playable planet size of Alderaan or Hoth and developed like KotOR developed it with shadowlands below and fully functional tree cities above. (also new Kashyyk Stronghold wouldnt hurt)

- (rumored) Wookie as playable race (the language excuse has always been a really sad excuse to not have)

- (unlikely but sounds awesome) 3rd faction entering game which would set up a DAoC RVR type battle for those not interested in Warzone matchs

- (not rumored but would be a huge draw all the same) Pazzaak and swoop bike racing mini games

- (not rumored but again would be huge draw. NEXT TO NO CHANCE OF HAPPENING) expanded CLASS STORYLINES

- (NOT RUMORED) multi class builds (not multi advance classes but preset builds between your single advance class (dps build and tank build, dps and healer build) so a simple push of button changes you from one tree to another already set up and hotbars formation saved and ready)


Take any 3 of those above listed items and add in new ops, couple/few new flashpoints. Obviously new heroics on new planets. And then few minor tweeks from a greater list like

-costume tabs so you could carry around 2-3-4 sets of armor/gear with out filling up your inventory and could instantly switch from one to other in a single mouse click

- ability to sit in chairs in house holds (not emotes but sit on actual furniture)

- expanded tabs for vaults/legacy vaults/guild vaults

- more graphc/engine updates/streamlines

-and much much more


THAT would bring some old subs back to game IMO!


Improving the old problem areas rather then adding new content designed through the previous issue areas.


Missed the mark.


Making SWTOR more like SWG isn't going to bring people back on the whole. At best, SWG had 280k at its peak playing. Right now SWTOR has over a million.


Sorry, I know what you said, but I also know what you are getting at, and I'm not buying it.

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Cool story brah.


Thanks, have you heard the one about the unsubscriber's thread started by a guy with an oversized referral link for a signature?


The beginning and middle is boring but it's got a great ending.

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