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Class Forum Changes


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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know about some changes coming to the Class forums. First, what is happening.

  • We are collapsing all of the individual Class forums (such as Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, etc) into the the Class forum. There will no longer be subforums for each individual Class.
  • We are also going to collapse each of the mirrored Advanced Classes together. Example, the Sentinel and Marauder will now share the same subforum.

What this means is that when you are on the forums, if you click into the Class forum, it will be a general discussion of all things pertaining to Classes. Inside of the Class forum, there will now be 8 subforums, one for each set of Advanced Class mirrors.


We are doing this for a few reasons:

  1. The Class forums do not contain a large amount of traffic by themselves, by collapsing them we allow one more populated place for players to discuss Classes!
  2. A lot of the conversation in the Class forums also revolves around the Class stories. These topics are better suited to the Story and Lore forum and so those discussions can now occur there. (Reminder: Please use spoiler tags :rak_03:)
  3. The collapse of the Advanced Class subforums is for the purpose of allowing us to both gather feedback, and to respond to each AC mirror more easily. Often we will see folks copy and pasting their thoughts or questions in both forums, and we often will do the same when posting comments in them. This way it allows us to create one place for those ACs to look.

In order for all of this to happen, we are going to be temporarily closing the Class forums. You will notice shortly after this post that the forum will be unreachable as we work to move things around. Due to the volume of threads we will be moving it will take a bit to get everything moved over. It is my expectation that we will bring the new Class forum and subforums up by Friday of next week. Note that if you have any of those forums bookmarked you will need to update them once we go live.


Thanks everyone!



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While I think this is a good idea, I will note that a week is a lot of downtime. The class forums are basically the only seriously useful element to the official forums (almost everything else is superfluous discussion). Aside from catching up my DPS leaderboard thread, I basically have zero reason to even load swtor.com until next Friday.


This is made even worse by the fact that several classes have changed recently (most notably Sentinels/Marauders) and there is a lot of very active discussion right now attempting to discover new optima. That discussion is significantly disrupted, perhaps even ended entirely by the timing of this change.


So a really good idea, and I think a long time coming, but the timing and the length of the downtime is onerous.




Oh, I hope you're planning on keeping the role-based subforums (e.g. Tanking/Healing/DPS). The Healing and DPS subforums aren't very active, but the Tanking subforum is. There's quite a bit of information there (most notably, my tank gearing guide) which doesn't belong in any of the specific advanced classes or in the top-level forum. I also have a class-agnostic generalized healing guide that I'm planning on writing in the near future. Such a guide would have no place in any specific class subforum.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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  • Dev Post
While I think this is a good idea, I will note that a week is a lot of downtime. The class forums are basically the only seriously useful element to the official forums (almost everything else is superfluous discussion). Aside from catching up my DPS leaderboard thread, I basically have zero reason to even load swtor.com until next Friday.


This is made even worse by the fact that several classes have changed recently (most notably Sentinels/Marauders) and there is a lot of very active discussion right now attempting to discover new optima. That discussion is significantly disrupted, perhaps even ended entirely by the timing of this change.


So a really good idea, and I think a long time coming, but the timing and the length of the downtime is onerous.




Oh, I hope you're planning on keeping the role-based subforums (e.g. Tanking/Healing/DPS). The Healing and DPS subforums aren't very active, but the Tanking subforum is. There's quite a bit of information there (most notably, my tank gearing guide) which doesn't belong in any of the specific advanced classes or in the top-level forum.


All really good points KBN. I am going to work to get them up as soon as I can. I am just putting Friday as a "by the latest" marker on the calendar.



Edited by EricMusco
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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know about some changes coming to the Class forums. First, what is happening.

  • We are collapsing all of the individual Class forums (such as Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, etc) into the the Class forum. There will no longer be subforums for each individual Class.
  • We are also going to collapse each of the mirrored Advanced Classes together. Example, the Sentinel and Marauder will now share the same subforum.

What this means is that when you are on the forums, if you click into the Class forum, it will be a general discussion of all things pertaining to Classes. Inside of the Class forum, there will now be 8 subforums, one for each set of Advanced Class mirrors.


We are doing this for a few reasons:

  1. The Class forums do not contain a large amount of traffic by themselves, by collapsing them we allow one more populated place for players to discuss Classes!
  2. A lot of the conversation in the Class forums also revolves around the Class stories. These topics are better suited to the Story and Lore forum and so those discussions can now occur there. (Reminder: Please use spoiler tags :rak_03:)
  3. The collapse of the Advanced Class subforums is for the purpose of allowing us to both gather feedback, and to respond to each AC mirror more easily. Often we will see folks copy and pasting their thoughts or questions in both forums, and we often will do the same when posting comments in them. This way it allows us to create one place for those ACs to look.

In order for all of this to happen, we are going to be temporarily closing the Class forums. You will notice shortly after this post that the forum will be unreachable as we work to move things around. Due to the volume of threads we will be moving it will take a bit to get everything moved over. It is my expectation that we will bring the new Class forum and subforums up by Friday of next week. Note that if you have any of those forums bookmarked you will need to update them once we go live.


Thanks everyone!




I always wondered why it wasn't like this to begin with. The current forum setup is kind of silly when you really think about it since all classes are basically mirrors of each other. Only problem is ability names can confusing if you've never played the mirror version (like me with shadow as I played assassin lol)

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Sounds great. Can we get a sticky in each forum that will have all the mirror abilities side by side with names and pics? WIll make things that much easier! :D


It would, but that would take more work than they are willing to pay the mods to do (do they even pay the mods?)

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Sounds great. Can we get a sticky in each forum that will have all the mirror abilities side by side with names and pics? WIll make things that much easier! :D


This needs to happen to make the forum easier to use with the combined classes.

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While I think this is a good idea, I will note that a week is a lot of downtime. The class forums are basically the only seriously useful element to the official forums (almost everything else is superfluous discussion). Aside from catching up my DPS leaderboard thread, I basically have zero reason to even load swtor.com until next Friday.

You can still access the Class Forums with it's direct link. The only think missing is the image with the Hyperlink on the main page.

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I have been playing high end MMO's since May 1999 with EQ1's launch. At times, I was in top 10 guilds for the particular game I played. One time, our guild was world wide #1 for 5 months in a AAA MMO where I was guild leader.


This forum change is the 1st time I've seen this in a AAA title. This is a horrible idea. This will become a trolling, "nerf the other guy!" mess. This was an incompetent decision that will further weaken the most expensive MMO that ever was (or will be,) created.


I would reprimand the person who oversaw those who made and implemented this decision, and I would return the pvp and pve class forums to their pre-altered state.


Richard Thigpen

Experienced MMO Player and Leader

Avid SWTOR Defender.



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I don't think he understands how mirrored classes work. You can't nerf Marauders without nerfing Sentinels, yeah? If anything this just reduces the number of question you can ask to the PvP balance devs.


I just cant tell if he's trolling or if he legitimately does not understand what is going on....I've always felt that splitting the forums the way there were was kind of silly considering the classes are mirrored....So I'm just extremely confused on what he actually has a problem with especially since he mentions pvp and pve class forums....that never existed..... so I want to assume he's just trolling.

Edited by Raansu
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