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Enough BW my bounty hunter does not like men


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I love how I have posted so many positive suggestions over the forums this past year and the minute I post a negative thread I hit my first 100 comments ever as well as (I never thought possible) over 1000 views...


Because you are creating a problem where none exists. If they want to write in a flirt option for male characters with other male characters, get over it. Welcome to the 21st century. Enjoy your stay.

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I used to make claims to the extent that I was fine with homosexuals, provided they made no advances toward me. Then I grew up and realized that I probably made advances towards a lot of women that didn't want me hitting on them. In many of those cases, I probably pushed the issue with some of those women more than I should have, but none of them ever got upset or angry at me in the way I imagined I might if a homosexual male had ever flirted with me. Eventually I realized I was just being silly.
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The gay options only appear if the player themself has homosexual tendencies, suppressed or otherwise, in real life. The game knows. It can tell.


This is why they had you make an Origin account. It uses your webcam and tracks your internet history and cookies. I never get the male on male flirt options...just be true to yourselves.


It gets better.

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