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Sents: Underpowered and squishy? We playing the same game?


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I dont know if this helps anyone but in one of the threads in the general forum linked to a video showing that zealous strike wouldn't go off most of the time if used right after a overload strike. The skill would go on cooldown but no damage would be done. I know nothing about sentinels im just lurking because i think my alt will be one so i dont know if this is a big deal or not.


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One of the other posters was right, the problem is not the class its the WoW players.



I have made 6 level 50 sents from when is tarted beta. I have tried pretty much every class and there is a reason i come back to sentinel. Not only does it do more damage then ANY OTHER DPS spec of any class (when played right) it actually takes skill to play.



Shadows might do close tot he same damage but it is so damn boring using only a fraction of the class abilities. People want simple faceroll easy mode classes. They do not want to have be good players to make something work. I am currently leveling a gunslinger right now, even it is so dirt simple to play next to a sentinel.



Sents are not in any way under powered, they just cannot be played by your typical wow player, simply because wow made people lazy and anything over 4 buttons is too hard.



You will see only 2 types of Sentinels/Marauders - First type - the huntard of wow - the guy tho plays it because its supposed to do lots of damage but cannot do decent damage ever and clams the class is grossly under powered - Second type - the skilled sentinel - the guy that can pull threat off a good tank though guard because he does so much damage and in PvP you get killed before you even know what kinda class just jumped on top of you.

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One of the other posters was right, the problem is not the class its the WoW players.



I have made 6 level 50 sents from when is tarted beta. I have tried pretty much every class and there is a reason i come back to sentinel. Not only does it do more damage then ANY OTHER DPS spec of any class (when played right) it actually takes skill to play.



Shadows might do close tot he same damage but it is so damn boring using only a fraction of the class abilities. People want simple faceroll easy mode classes. They do not want to have be good players to make something work. I am currently leveling a gunslinger right now, even it is so dirt simple to play next to a sentinel.



Sents are not in any way under powered, they just cannot be played by your typical wow player, simply because wow made people lazy and anything over 4 buttons is too hard.



You will see only 2 types of Sentinels/Marauders - First type - the huntard of wow - the guy tho plays it because its supposed to do lots of damage but cannot do decent damage ever and clams the class is grossly under powered - Second type - the skilled sentinel - the guy that can pull threat off a good tank though guard because he does so much damage and in PvP you get killed before you even know what kinda class just jumped on top of you.


Yeah guys, it gets more enjoyable after you roll youre 6th senitel....


Stop assuming evryone that posts here is somewhat related to World of Warcraft, cause it's not true. And when some of you make out senitels to be overly complicated with a large skill cap and a realy difficult resource system...

It's not!


The solo capability is in fact alot worse the ALL other classes, some of us enjoy that like myself, but seriously... try to respect others opinion, cause alot of it is true.


You all sound like 5 year olds in a pissing contest!

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Yeah guys, it gets more enjoyable after you roll youre 6th senitel....


Stop assuming evryone that posts here is somewhat related to World of Warcraft, cause it's not true. And when some of you make out senitels to be overly complicated with a large skill cap and a realy difficult resource system...

It's not!


The solo capability is in fact alot worse the ALL other classes, some of us enjoy that like myself, but seriously... try to respect others opinion, cause alot of it is true.


You all sound like 5 year olds in a pissing contest!


if it is so easy to play them why does every suck at it - answer is they are not.



The class is not in any way weaker, you are just "doing it wrong"


If people are making it work and you are not the problem lies with the player.


no-one said it was super hard, just too hard for the typical wow player.

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I'm still really confused why people keep saying Sents are underpowered and squishy? Are we playing the same game? This is my first MMO in years and I find the Sent to be more than capable, especially with Kira by my side. I've only had one problem with a Boss so far and all I had to do was level up and change my tactics. I am not into PvP currently so maybe that's the area where we do not excel?


Just kind of confused as to why I keep hearing about how much the Sents suck when I just haven't seen it with my build. Been lovin' my Sent since I got both my sabers!!!Maybe someone can enlighten me :)


go fight the last boss in your story, you will find a new deffinition for squishy lol

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go fight the last boss in your story, you will find a new deffinition for squishy lol


if you fight him correctly its very very simple... the thing is you have to fight him correctly, most won't pay attention to the fact that the cut scene shows you have to win.

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I have made 6 level 50 sents from when is tarted beta. I have tried pretty much every class and there is a reason i come back to sentinel. Not only does it do more damage then ANY OTHER DPS spec of any class (when played right) it actually takes skill to play.


I'm sorry but if that is true that means it's going to be nerfed, because all classes are supposed to be equal dps wise.

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If or when they fix the ability delay in this game sents are going to be dominating...


Only problem is you have to wait till then. Until they fix it sents will be mediocre at best.


Sents are "dominating" at all levels its just that most players lack the ability to play the class well enough to do it

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I wish I could stream to show ppl that the class is not hard to play and is not weak...


I just got done on hoth and killed 3 (read THREE) imps back to back. Only died when two of em were up at once and even then, my dots killed the marauder I was fighting. Were they bad? Yes honestly, but there were three of them one after another, no rest, no heals other than Zen.


Beyond that, people keep complaining about taking too much damage from class bosses and elites. Are you using freaking force kick? There is no reason for you to get hit by anything but regular melee attacks 1v1 against anything, mobs or players.


Pacify is -90% hit for six seconds. After that, Stasis is three second stun/channeled dmg (that works on anything but fp bosses). Then you've got 30 secs of 20% dmg reduction through rebuke (when you're getting attacked) and after that falls off you've got saber ward. As a final oh sh** you've got six seconds of 99% dmg reduction on a 120 second cooldown and a four second vanish on a minute cooldown (iirc).


What, I repeat what is the problem? You guys want us overpowered so we get chain nerfed for years? L2P

Edited by StyxzieWaterz
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What the above guy said, ive never experienced Sentinels beeing underpowered. They take skill to use, thats the problem with many. I see tons of classes not playing theyre class right, and with Sentinel the margins for error are slim to none. You need to be building focus and you need to be smart with youre usage of them. Handled correctly you are what the class description says, a DPS machine.
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What's your level ?


No way as a Sentinel watchman, you could be fine with that build, post level 28. Even if it's doable, we're worst for EVERYTHING compared to any other class, and the actual effort required is much higher (perfect rotation + gear updated almost every level which is a joke).



********. I'm a 42 Watchman, running with Doc, and I have NO downtime and I'm tearing through mobs on Belsavis right now. Use your interrupts (Sweep, Leap, Kick, Statis) intelligently and you'll have no problems with high damage abilities, since those are always on cast.


I tend to fight like this:


Leap -> Overload -> Zealous Strike -> Merciless Strike -> Cauterize -> Statis -> Master Strike -> Slash -> If no Focus and no Zealous/Leap: Strike until Slash -> Zealous/Leap -> Repeat.


1. Keep your burns rolling.

2. Keep Leap and Zealous Strike on cooldown as your main focus generating abilities.

3. Faceroll left to right.


It's not even remotely hard. Since Doc, I'm not even using my Rebuke or Pacify half as often as before.

Edited by Dekadez
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I'm loving this class so far, its so much more interesting than faceroll sorc/sage.. I do think the class needs something additional in pvp though (maybe something like evasion from WoW's rogue since the class plays like a warr/rogue hybrid). But my sent is only lvl 20ish atm so I can't make a fair judgement yet.


Sents are incredibly strong in pvp with a heal bot though.


I've been leveling with a group of friends so I don't know how "weak" sents feel while questing but I can understand why that would make some people upset though.

Edited by justduet
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I am open to the idea that maybe I just suck balls at this game (this IS my first time playing an MMO). I was warned that Sentinel would be a rather hard class unless you were REALLY good at using it, and even then, it might be kinda underpowered, but I wanted 2 sabers. I coulda been a tank and made things easier but I like my 2 sabers :D And I understand that this is a class that, if you really master, it would be rather hard to take you down. My problem is, I must REALLY suck. I'm lvl 27 sent and I had a LOT of trouble taking down Valis (Kira's "bro") and on Tatooine, I can't even do the first mission cuz I keep dying and it's a 24-28 planet. If any of you who are GOOD with sentinels can help, I would much appreciate it. It's a little embarrassing to be lvl 27 and be too weak (after getting a bunch of datacrons) to do quests that you outlevel.
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The biggest problem i see with the class is that we lack any form of heal. The only way to get a heal is to go watchman and get heals from burns which is a really small heal at that; or go focus to get the heal from resolute(which is stupid)


Most people will put me in the category of WoW player and think I dont know what a hard game is and thats fine maybe i do suck; the point still stands where we dont have anyway to sustain ourselves.


Until we get the healer companion questing is way to hard. I understand the reason for making stuff a little harder and i absolutely agree with it but its beyond that point. If i pulled 4 mobs instead of 3 i die even using all CDs


As a sent we cannot tank. T7 is really weak as a tank and Kira is nothing of the sort she is a pure DPS(even though she is counselor) The class desperately needs a real heal something like at the cost of 4 focus heals for X amount for Y amount of time. This will help since we can live a few seconds longer. or even after killing a mob we gain X amount of health


I have seen what we are capable of as far as DPS goes. We are deadly is left alone but if someone starts to attack we die


I do not wish to make the mobs easier. I would rather the class have something to help us achieve more.

To die to every elite mob without every CD plus medpacks is dumb.


I completely agree. I just came to the forums to see WTH I am doing wrong...I am using the right rotation (AND KICK whenever I see the mob utilizing a timed ability) and also add in Stasis when kick is off cooldown. I am have the same issues, its ridiculous.

I am trying to hold out to Doc, but I cannot see it becoming much better.

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I think if they just brought back force pull and push which should have never been removed (what jedi knight do you see not using those .... in movies and everything),

sentinels would be quite good and useful in more ways with adding some more sense of ease, fun, and still keeping some difficulty.

I also think/agree that they need some way to get some focus/rage outside of combat though not all 30 unless it had some sort of high requirement -> I personaly always thought the healing meditation would add some or at the least have a feature of it doing so in all of the skill trees as to why would it not...


But fact is they are trying to balance it and have said they were, but due to some people saying they find it good enough etc... they are probably not going to for a long time.

Which is somewhat fine as there are ways around making the sentinel good so long as you do them and focus really hard which does make sense as a Jedi knight (basically are a Samurai more so since we don't get the force push/pull like we should) and fact they have many more important fixes.


As to more reasons why they should be more difficult and require focus to some extent despite being said many times that your character is very strong in the force and everything -->

Guns/Tech always come out on ease of use and many uses after "boot camp" while using sabers especily 2 require focus and hard training and that's unincluding how much focus and everything using the force properly requires.

Just think of comparing a current Soldier to a Samurai that acts like a monk or something (idk what to give as a using force example atm.. though if added the force push/pull like they should would be a poor example:o maybe add with a grappling hook or something :)).


All in all I am saying sentinels are weak no matter how fancy you word it, but have great potential and could be easily fixed to be as ""strong"" as everyone else while still requiring high focus and determination.

**Even to point where all they really mainly need to do is bring back force push and pull as that would give them everything they need for control, aiding the cool downs, helping the use of buffs before they expire, being useful in pvp arenas as everyone knows the push/pull can be a game winner, having some very useful aoe, having the pure enjoyment of fighting like a true jedi knights like in the movies and just the fun of doing it, be able to fight range fighters/users in the way they need to, etc etc etc....

-->This would all be even more so true if they made it so push had chance of stun like if they hit a wall or fell far, and if pull did a fair amount of damage by having an auto hit/stab if they were pulled directly into enough range which I do think does not always have to happen depending on the size or distance of the pulled enemies.



Any ways sorry to have written so much have posted in a couple other areas about the sentinel as I am a fan of it and is my main character, but do think they need their proper moves back and that alone would be enough for everyone in the ways of balancing if done correctly.

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I dunno my big beef with the class is PvP , with all the KB , push pull ******** . That everyone else gets , the fact that we have to stay in melee for a good portion of damage dealing completely rules out the combat line . So having watchmen be the only viable PvP spec , I just don't understand how in todays MMO arena . How you can have a *********** PURE DPS CLASS , be out dps'd by a healing class , that has 10x the amount of survivability . Pull your head out of your asses and quit telling everyone that this class is fine and that they must just suck as players because you can solo 2 elites .


There is an issue , it needs to be addressed . If you want the combat line to be viable in PvP you need make it so we are able to stay at melee range . Not just run in , spam all our dots and force hold the guy in place while it ticks away . This is supremely gay and ruins the whole idea of the class which is close range melee dps . Had I know prior to making this toon and leveling it to 47 , how *********** disappointing it is with the current ****** UI , to PvP . I would have rolled a trooper or sage like everyone else in the game . That being said , I love this class , everything about it is sweet . Just please DO SOMETHING ABOUT MAKING STAYING AT MELEE DISTANCE VIABLE IN PVP . Currently this is not the case , I don't want to be forced to spec watchman , and run around placing DoT's on people , when we should be doing MELEE DPS like was originally intended .

Edited by Hernathil
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I'm watchman spec and am able to perform fine with Kira as my companion. Don't get me wrong, I have seen the ranged classes blow stuff up at a crazy rate. But overall, I am not comparing me to them. Most of my deaths come from the surprises after a conversation. There is a bit of lag between conversation end and boss gets the jump on you, putting you off your entire plan. Most of the time I can get back into it, but some with the KBs are annoying if leap is not up and your other cooldowns are not ready.


Use your centering and use kick. One channeled ability from an elite can take 50% of your health. Or a well timed kick or other interupt makes it do next to nothing. It is a difficult class to play simply because you need to be aware of so much.


- What cooldowns are ready?

- Is the mob channeling?

- How is my focus?

- Where is my centering and can I use anything, do I need to use anything?

- How i my companion's health? Should I take the damage for a bit?


I get into a rhythm usually, but some of the boss mobs can throw me off and then I die, quickly. The class has a lot of stuff to keep track of and a vast number of abilities.

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It is a difficult class to play simply because you need to be aware of so much.


- What cooldowns are ready?

- Is the mob channeling?

- How is my focus?

- Where is my centering and can I use anything, do I need to use anything?

- How i my companion's health? Should I take the damage for a bit?


I get into a rhythm usually, but some of the boss mobs can throw me off and then I die, quickly. The class has a lot of stuff to keep track of and a vast number of abilities.


I think this is what makes this class very difficult is there is sooooo much to pay attention to. I never really get to enjoy the animations cause i literally do not have time to look at them.


That being said, that is precisely what I love about this class. You actually have to pay attention to everything going on and adapt to the situation. It's like no other class I have ever played in any MMO.


I am currently level 27 and watchman and having no trouble on elites my level and larger groups with Kira as my companion (I use Kira cause I slacked on keeping T7 geared and don't want to dump money into updating him as he is so far behind).


The only fight i died multiple times on was fighting Kira's brother. That was a very tough fight but a strength stim and timing my kick was enough to finish it.

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I found the planet Alderaan was tuff, but after finishing that planet and moving on to Balmora( or how ever its spelled) the game got easier. Then i picked up Doc and it got even easier. I picked up Kira's companion quest by keeping my affection high and will be going there next. Doc came with lvl 34 gear so i been accumulating Kira's gear for when i leave Balmora. I think where people are having trouble with the Sentinel is how threat plays into combat. I try to draw most the threat at begining of fight and draw attacks away from my companion. When i see im down to less than half my health i cast Force cammoflage. That removes threat from me and they attack my companion only. I wait as long as i can ( depends on companion health) then i jump back in the fray. In a boss fight u can use it only once, so time it well. BTW i use the combat tree, mainly because it looked best for PVP. Even if u dont like Pvp its worth doing for the gear at lvls 20 and lvl 40 and does not require very many matches to purchase even if you suck. Save all Orange gear!!! Orange gear only needs on lvl mods to be as good as any other gear and at later lvls u may want mix them for a differant look. You will eventually need outfit your companions in orange also, so keep that in mind before you sell gear thats stated for a differant class.


I will say that the Sentinel is lacking in PvP for me anyways and im waiting untill lvl50 though before i post my complaints and seek advice.

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