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So Rakata Prime... The wrong direction in difficulty


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How many wipes? No way to tell, is there? "Can be soloed" wiping 20 times just to prove it can be soloed doesn't really say much.

Probably a ton of wipes. If you get unlucky on which panel you click on the pipes, you'll keep chasing Sav Rak around the room and eventually die.


Note that I heavily disagree with Lacedemon trying to make it seem like LI was so easy as to be worthless. DLiH had the first NM Dread Guard kill pre-nerf, so it's apparent there are a number of great players in that guild. But it's just more than a little disingenuous to pretend that LI holds no challenge at all.

Edited by Khevar
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Probably a ton of wipes. If you get unlucky on which panel you click on the pipes, you'll keep chasing Sav Rak around the room and eventually die.


Note that I heavily disagree with Lacedemon trying to make it seem like LI was so easy as to be worthless. DLiH had the first NM Dread Guard kill pre-nerf, so it's apparent there are a number of great players in that guild. But it's just more than a little disingenuous to pretend that LI holds no challenge at all.

As I said, it's easy to claim whatever you want on the internet.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's funny how some people have built in switch that makes'em cry when someone points out x content can be soloed. When they have obviously tried and failed. It's clear case of "I can't do it. Neither should you and I am here to argue to the end of days!!". Just add a massive doze of denial as a cherry on top and we have a winner. Pst. when LI came out, I pugged it with totally random people and we did it in about two hours. Sure, challenge for a pug with no guide whatsoever and no voip, but not impossible, quite the contrary. We even had a tank who was tanking for the very first time. In the end, much like soloing the new tacticals, it was the same with LI (pugging it with normal players), you just need not be really really bad and you can do it. :o
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It is the same with Maanan, you can solo that as well.


That said, why do people hold Lost Island up on a pedalstall. That FP was also a piece of piss to run, harder than the rest but still faceroll...


LOL your so full. of it


Lost island when max level was 50 and it was still a legitimate teir 2 flashpoint was VERY HARD and Challenging to run on hard mode


And anyone claiming any different is full of doggy doo!


There was very few guilds that could claim to have original lost island hard mode on farm (Farm doesnt mean it was easy, just we had the flashpoint down pat after endless run working out all the kinks and issues) and I truly doubt you were in those groups that did based completely on you ignorance of the facts.


I would love to see new flashpoints the same difficulty as old school Lost Island hard mode but doubt we ever will. I mean look at how many people whined and moaned and complained about Makeb and got it nerfed and dumbed down when Makeb was pretty much already on easy mode difficulty setting BEFORE the dumbing down.


New generation of players do not want to be challenged


They want easy content, fast leveling, uber gear given to them


The days of players wanting to be challenged are over for most part


So OP, dont expect hard challening content going forward

Its not what the majority of genre want


Todays MMORPG players just want everything handed to them with out issue or problem.

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Ran this FP with guildies and one person dropped. We didn't notice, really. I liked the content, but I would have liked to see the boss mechanics made a bit more meaningful. They were so meaningless that I didn't even really notice any except when the Rancor smacked me across the map. I'm pretty sure there was some kind of swapping mechanic on the last boss because there were VOs that sounded like telegraphing, but I never figured out what was going on. We just tank/spanked...
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LOL your so full. of it


Lost island when max level was 50 and it was still a legitimate teir 2 flashpoint was VERY HARD and Challenging to run on hard mode


And anyone claiming any different is full of doggy doo!


There was very few guilds that could claim to have original lost island hard mode on farm (Farm doesnt mean it was easy, just we had the flashpoint down pat after endless run working out all the kinks and issues) and I truly doubt you were in those groups that did based completely on you ignorance of the facts.


I would love to see new flashpoints the same difficulty as old school Lost Island hard mode but doubt we ever will. I mean look at how many people whined and moaned and complained about Makeb and got it nerfed and dumbed down when Makeb was pretty much already on easy mode difficulty setting BEFORE the dumbing down.


New generation of players do not want to be challenged


They want easy content, fast leveling, uber gear given to them


The days of players wanting to be challenged are over for most part


So OP, dont expect hard challening content going forward

Its not what the majority of genre want


Todays MMORPG players just want everything handed to them with out issue or problem.


In my days, if you failed in MMOs, people could punch you through your computer! And we LIKED it that way!


now, get offa mah lawn you durn whippersnappers!

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I just looove the e-peen waving in this thread. so players of the high end progression guild, capable of killing NIM pre-nerf, geared in dread master/ dread touched gear with their companions wearing much of the same - can solo tactical that is meant for 4 average people in lvl 53 blues.




incidentally, I can solo Tython and Korriban.... with care and only on my raiding healers. I cannot solo last boss of Manaan, because I cannot beat the timer, but on other characters, I cannot get through trash because they hit like trucks and trash groups are fairly large.


haven't tried Rakata prime yet, but if there are no timers, I could probably do it. again, with care. however. I kinda remember that 1. my gear and my presence (and the fact that I can spam heal to keep myself and comp alive) can compensate for a lot. 2. I might not be anywhere near top progression guilds, but I'm also slightly above your average flashpoint running in skill.


just like NIM operations are not meant for some people... maybe, just maybe , these flashpoints are meant for your average player, and NOT progression Ace? maybe?

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LI was never difficult.


really Reno. really?


LI mechanics were pretty unforgiving, still can be. everywhere else, including false emperor, you could screw up and still win. screw up in Lost Island usually meant death. many a group disbanded on Droid boss because they just couldn't get positioning/mechanics right. and the ones that did, would still have some trouble on later bosses.

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