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Give up 3.0 info


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no that is toooo late... this year, near december, christmas period.


maybe quarter 2 for the f2p.


I remember Makeb expansion was the same period, they start offers and pre-orders during christmas and they released it in Jenuary for early access, I think..

Edited by Oyranos
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no that is toooo late... this year, near december, christmas period.


maybe quarter 2 for the f2p.


I remember Makeb expansion was the same period, they start offers and pre-orders during christmas and they released it in Jenuary for early access, I think..


No they released RoTHC in April. I honestly think the Xpac is coming in December gives them a 3 month gap to finish it.

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It is supposed to be this year.


I hope they give us 500 crafting, and better number of comms from dailies.


Also I wonder if they will do a March to Makeb, if you were not playing, or forgot, RotHC came out in April last year, so to get people ready during the month of March they ran 2x xp weekends all month long.


Not that it matters if they do not, there was a 2x xp for Thanks giving and if I remember one for Halloween last year, sure there will be one this year too.


Oh as it will be out Xmas the pre order will be a short skimp life day outfit, HAHA.

Edited by AussieAlan
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  • 2 weeks later...
You nailed it. We have been holding back 3.0 details because <SPOILERS!!>. But now that Forged Alliances is out there with this morning's launch of 2.10 we're letting folks have a little time with Rakata Prime and then spilling the beans on 3.0. Look for a teaser within a week, and then a full announce before the end of month!



Come on devs 2.5 working days left :D ...

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Come on devs 2.5 working days left :D ...


Info will be released no sooner or later than when it hits the forums. If its today, Monday, next friday is your life really going to be that much different?


it will be out when its out. relax and be patient.

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TBH, I really do not care about what the story will be or new planets, etc.. They can take their time. What I do want to know is what will happen to the current comms, what will be the conversion rates and what rating will the new gear be. PvP gear with expertise, is it gonna get adjusted to PvE after expansion and expertise removed.
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You nailed it. We have been holding back 3.0 details because <SPOILERS!!>. But now that Forged Alliances is out there with this morning's launch of 2.10 we're letting folks have a little time with Rakata Prime and then spilling the beans on 3.0. Look for a teaser within a week, and then a full announce before the end of month!


2 days remaining... Im looking forward.

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You nailed it. We have been holding back 3.0 details because <SPOILERS!!>. But now that Forged Alliances is out there with this morning's launch of 2.10 we're letting folks have a little time with Rakata Prime and then spilling the beans on 3.0. Look for a teaser within a week, and then a full announce before the end of month!


But this is a lie?

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It was an estimate twenty days ago or so; A deadline. It proved to be inaccurate.


Well, players shouldn't know about deadlines unless they are going to be met. There really isn't a excuse for that. Its better they don't give us a deadline.


Also, a bonus for subscribers is great, but hard to appreciate. They can just reskin something that was originally in the release to be a subscriber bonus but everything really is the same as it was going to be. Who knows..


Anyway, disappointed for now, hope they will really surprise us later with highly playable content :)

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Well, players shouldn't know about deadlines unless they are going to be met. There really isn't a excuse for that. Its better they don't give us a deadline really.


Also, a bonus for subscribers is great, but hard to appreciate. They can just reskin something that was originally in the release to be a subscriber bonus but everything really is the same as it was going to be. Who knows..


Anyway, disappointed for now, hope they will really surprise us later with highly playable content :)


Too late:


Stay back, I’m holding a thermal detonator! To answer your question about the expansion announcement:


Soon™! We are holding the announcement back a bit to add something really nice for subscribers, and we’ll be revealing all shortly - a couple of weeks at the latest. The delay of announcement has no effect on the expansion schedule, and we are still sticking to our commitment of launching it this year.


They have...

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Your logic annoys me. Leave. :p




I have no idea what we're talking about anymore.


Obviously we are talking about the time displacement of the announcement that was intended for the end of this month until Skynet changed history by sending a terminator back in time to delay the announcement so our rage distracts us from the upcoming Machine uprising.



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