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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Social Gear Only Light Armor *** !


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Yes! As a Juggernaut, it really bothers me that I am so limited on how I want my character to look. I would prefer to have my character in a simple black sith robe, but I can't do that because items such as that are all light armor, and I can't take that big off a mitigation penalty.


Please, Bioware, make all moddable gear scale to the character's armor proficiency! You can keep the minimum requirements (light armor wearers can't wear heavy armor cosmetics), but please allow things to scale UP! I want to raid tank in a dancer's uniform! Just once!


Newsflash: A Sith Juggernaut isn't supposed to run around and tank bosses in a black cocktail dress.


Also social gear is all light armor in order for EVERYONE to be able to use it.

Another thing that OP fails to comprehend is the fact that it is called SOCIAL gear for a reason, it's vanity stuff basically.


The fact that you like the looks of it doesn't mean that it should be equal to the best armors in game.

Edited by Vlacke
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Newsflash: A Sith Juggernaut isn't supposed to run around and tank bosses in a black cocktail dress.


Also social gear is all light armor in order for EVERYONE to be able to use it.

Another thing that OP fails to comprehend is the fact that it is called SOCIAL gear for a reason, it's vanity stuff basically.


The fact that you like the looks of it doesn't mean that it should be equal to the best armors in game.



Only modification items are intended to be used as items just as good as normal gear. These Items are social this is true, but they are modable and are intended to also be used in combat. It would not be so hard to have each vendor sell the exact same model of gear just with three armor options to suit everyone.


Also you claim that "Juggernauts are not supposed to tank in a black cocktail dress". What exactly is the difference between a Juggernaut tanking in light looking armor and a Assassin tanking in light armor? Because one has a class skill of "heavy armor"? The stats from all armor are arbitrary in a fantastical high technology setting. Does it really make sense that this one hunk of metal armor gives me a +30 to strength and this other one gives me +40? No, stats are only implemented as way of class definition and balancing. They mean nothing from a lore/role play point. A juggernaut that is tanking in light looking armor could be tanking through sheer skill and not by being heavily armor such as a assassin.


We are playing in a high fantasy, high technology, past-futuristic, space video game that is not based on realism. Use your imagination.

Edited by RevengeLobster
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TBH the better solution to this is make social gear social. So ATM you have Light, Med, Heavy armor types. Make Social armor as "Social" armor type, so even with armoring mods they are way lower than even Light armor.

Why make it useless outside of RP?


Some people want to play with realistic-looking armor, some don't.


Choice is good.

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Why make it useless outside of RP?


Some people want to play with realistic-looking armor, some don't.


Choice is good.


really? You should know by now that some people want to control everything you do while most people just want to control what they do.

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So ....


Some of the social gear looks amazing but, the major problem with it is that they seem to be all light armor value. Granted that is great for those who were light armor but, for most of the other classes that dont its really becomes useless especially for Tanks who were Heavy Armor for example BH.


Really need to have the Armor Scale to medium & heavy.


The only classes that can benifit from this is a Jedi Counclier or Sith Inquister




Bioware need to take a good look at this




Agreed, would be a nice topic to start in teh new suggestions forums in a few days.


I also hope that social gear gets an overhaul and we get more options I wish the pilot gear looked better


to me it reminded me more of like a scuba diver outfit.

Edited by Shammus
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You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.


your argument is moot since the aforementioned social gear is slotted. I would understand a social gear with the tag "light armor" and no slots, for apparent Role Playing.



So the light users can have a wide variety of styles and the medium/heavy nothing alike. Its apparently a broken feature.

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your argument is moot since the aforementioned social gear is slotted. I would understand a social gear with the tag "light armor" and no slots, for apparent Role Playing.



So the light users can have a wide variety of styles and the medium/heavy nothing alike. Its apparently a broken feature.




which I believe some of this already exists, there are armor on armor vendors that will duplicate npc armor that have no slots


I think we need more social armor types and better ones..

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cause its just social gear ...and it is light AND UP! so everyone can wear it...its mostly more for the looking..and dont make much sense to gear it up with good parts...


social...thats what it says... :) means for me...cosmetic stuff :p


why it doesnt matter to put mods on? its like any other orange light gear.

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I think it's funny I've only caught ONE person who caught that there isn't an appearance tab for characters which is what they should have INSTEAD of moddable 'social' armor.


The problem is that from the beginning, BW stated there would be NO appearance tab, even though the major MMO's all have them now (and when I say Major I refer to SONY's current MMO's, LOTRO and lastly, WoW)).


The "workaround" it seemed, was to make gear that was moddable and then have special sets that you could acquire by being good little grouping MMO players and acquiring SOCIAL points. This, then, was the SOCIAL armors....


It was armor you could get FOR BEING SOCIAL with other players...


I still think it was sloppy and clearly not well thought out, but if BioWare actually *does* finally make an appearance tab with armor slots for appearance, my guess is that the SOCIAL armor will cease to be moddable at all.

Edited by Azerack
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I agree that a tank decked out in slave Leia clothing would look stupid. However, I think that the healer and DPS also dressed up like slaves looks ridiculous too, and yet we have that. No reason to exclude people with medium and heavy armor from looking ridiculous if they so choose.


I tank in the slave costume. It's awesome.

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Posted this in the other similar thread, but there's an easy fix:


Remove the armor type on orange armors (or at least, soical armors), period. (possible exception of droid armor or other oranges that aren't cosmetic)


Add armor type to the armoring mods.


End/Wis armoring mods make the armor light

End/Cunning armoring mods make the armor medium

End/Aim armoring mods make the armor heavy

End/Str that give more str than end make the armor medium (Might?)

End/Str that give more end than str make the armor heavy (Guardian?)



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The fact is that light armor users can use Social Gear perfectly well for combat and NO OTHER CLASS CAN.



If it's meant to be used in combat, ALL classes should have the opportunity.


If it's not meant to be used in combat, then NONE of the classes should have that opportunity.

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It's got to be intended for combat considering their mod capabilities. I adore the custom (orange) system in this game and it's a shame my social level is going to waste! I would be very pleased if the social gear gets updated to be of use for medium and heavy wearers. Until then, I'll shake my fist in anger because that gear looks great...
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You're not understanding that it's SOCIAL GEAR, which is to say that it's not the same as combat gear. So, armor rating doesn't matter. Complain is invalid.


Except it is. I can pick up a full set of social gear on my Consular with no armor/stat downsides.

Suddenly i have a free modable set of armor. Anyone with Medium and heavy cant. So "Complain" is valid.

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I'll tell you what, i think i found a good compromise. Either make all the social gear unmoddable. Which, to do they'd also need to go though all the gear thats already modded, and send those mods back to the people who put them in their gear\, things will get lost in the shuffle, ect.


Instead of that, why don't we have 3 vendors, light, medium, and heavy. They all have the same MODELS, just one has light gear, one has med, one has heavy. That way no one gets scial gear you need to be a certain class to use.


This is pretty much the two best opions..

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My guess is 90% of the complaints are coming from people who want to fight nearly naked in the slave out fit, and Bioware has done a great job of keeping the half naked armors out of this game. There are plenty of fantasy mid-evil Asian MMOs for that. Now I have no issue with making some of the other social gear med or heavy based on it's apparent reflection of that level of armor. IE: the slave outfit should only ever be light, but something from hoth might be able to pass as medium.
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  • 4 weeks later...
My complaint is that you can buy 5 pieces of modable gear at level 10 by being social level 1, but only if you are a light armor class. It is a simple huge advantage that is available, but only if you are a light armor class. The armor is modable, can easily be used in combat and will be better then anything you will get while questing. As you level simply put the new mods in and you will always be wearing the best gear for your level. But only if you are a light armor class and I think that is the main compaint in this thread
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  • 2 months later...

I posted this in the upcoming week's Q&A Thread:


Social gear has its own niche in TOR, but currently all social gear is light armor. While that does mean that every character can wear it, it also means that only Consulars and Inquisitors are able to wear it as their normal gear. As someone who enjoys RPing, it would be very nice to see social gear that can become either medium or heavy armor; a feature I believe was talked about for update 1.2 but never came through in that update. Is there any ETA of when social gear will be more useful for medium and heavy armor characters? Also, is there any chance that social gear could become more a visual effect rather than actual armor, akin to the "customize" color feature available to players now? It would save players thousands of credits since they wouldn't have to move all of their item modifications around, and it would let people who have endgame pvp and pve gear to not loose their gear set bonuses for the cost of gear that is more visually appealing to the player.


If anyone would like to change the way social armor then they need to make sure Bioware knows what people want. I strongly encourage everyone that wants to see a change keep posting in the Q&A thread until something is changed. I didn't know the way that Lord of the Rings Online worked with armor appearance, I strongly agree that it's the way to go.

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