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10 Good
  1. I'll have to disagree with you completely on Marauders not being shut out. In fact we are the only class that can be completely shut out. One knockback after you charge and you are already playing catch upagainst your target. We get zoned incredibly easy due to being almost exclusively melee damage. The only thing I am reading on here is "IF you know how to play Marauders you are one of the best PVP classes" and "Only people that can't play marauders are bad at pvp" without any actual facts or reasons to back it up. It sounds moderately like class fanaticism to me and that's ok to a degree. By no means am I the best marauder but anytime I queue for pvp I am usually in the top 5 (mostly top 3) in the room. We aren't seriously UP or a terrible PVP class but to say we have no problems and we are the best at pvp is a pretty blind perspective. -edit- Note that the second paragraph isn't a direct message to you Apocalypse. Just in case there would be confusion on who said what.
  2. Not staying dead? Undying Rage anyone?
  3. You forgot obfuscate. I cannot really say the 80% increase is a good example though since rage rarely happens in pvp. However in PVE we can do said movement speed increase that also gives 10% DR to the entire party and +15% damage and healing to the entire party.
  4. The biggest problem with marauders is not their dps or their survivability, but it is that Marauders have no Anti-CC, no CC, no Push/Pulls, rage abilities are useless as the resource takes too long to use, and only one approach attack to get into melee is on a 15 second cooldown. Now some of these do not sound bad, but they all lead to one big flaw for marauders in pvp: Marauders get shutdown too easily in PVP. This shutdown is not from death but from the incredible amounts of CC in the game. Over 75% of the time when I initiate my force charge, as soon as I land and start my complicated attack patterns I am immediately knocked back (most of the time off a ledge on hutt ball) a pretty absurd distance and slowed. So while I could be doing damage to my target, instead I am slowly walking back up to them while getting shot with everything the enemy has. To top it off when I get close enough to attack again (Force charge may be 15 seconds but in a fight that is a LONG time) I am immediately knocked back again or stunned. Now most people would say to use our 4 second stealth to get back to them. Honestly that does not help much as we can just be CC'd again (resolve is pretty useless) and blowing a 45second CD that is one of our best escape mechanics is a pretty bad idea IMO. Another problem is that one of our best and universal mechanics takes way too long in pvp to actually work. This mechanic being Rage. When you die you lose all stacks and it basically means you will rarely get any of them off. The resource system was really only made for pve and takes away the one thing that we bring to the table other than dps. My proposal to fix this? Give sith warriors another approaching attack on a higher CD to contend with all the push-backs and pulls going around. Or, better yet, give us a much needed utility and give us the ability to force pull an enemy to use much like grapple. As it stands now Marauders are the only class that do not have a push/pull mechanic and it would make the class a lot more dynamic in pvp to finally have an ability every other class gets. We definitely need the utility. Another good thing to do is to increase the range on some of Marauders abilities such as Obliterate and Deadly throw. This would let us get a small amount of dps in while slogging towards the enemy. I would also say that doubling rage stacks in pvp would be a great way to get the rage mechanic going. This would give us the ability to use our class utility at a decent pace in PVP. My last proposition would be to give Marauders a second ability to end a root, stun, or slow on themselves other than the basic ability everyone gets. Since we are melee combatants it is very important that we have the tools to get into melee combat and this would be a great addition. The best way to implement this in my eyes would be to attach it to the new and usable PVP rage mechanic. Say while a rage such as predation is active you are immune to snares and slows. I think these tools would keep us from being seen as laughing stocks to other classes in PVP ( not that we are, when they cant knock us back or keep us rooted we can tear through them )and improve our classes livability substantially. I am curious to hear what you all think on this. Thoughts comments and constructive criticism is appreciated.
  5. Lord Rhuin Starsovereign. Darth Rhuin will sounds pretty amazing.
  6. I think one thing that people are getting wrong is the whole "Its how you intend to use a force power that makes it light or dark." That is close, but still wrong. It is not the power's intent that is light or dark but more of the intent that enables the power of light/dark. When using dark side force powers they are fueled by anger and hate and that is what gives them the ability to use force lightning and such. You cannot commonly use these powers if you are at peace or serenity. The only exception there has ever been to this is Plo Koon's Electric Judgement, which was a green force lightning that did not use anger or hate to power it. On the part of Revan, he was a very powerful Jedi/Sith lord, just not the most powerful. There have been and will be those who are a lot more powerful than he but it was not just his personal power that made him such a force to be reckoned with. His death or escape is intentionally left open ended and he was defeated by four of the strongest members of the empire. It was a boss fight just like any other KOTOR game just flipped around. In this case The PC's = Revan's team in KOTOR and Revan = Malak. I would also like to toss my two cents on the idea of the mastery of both sides of the force. While you cannot be both light and dark at the same time you can use both sides powers. Since the darkside is actually just a corruption of the force it is never even once stated that you are unable to use light side powers once you become dark (to my knowledge). Revan was clearly a master of the Light side force abilities and also mastered the art of Dark side force powers and can use them both powerfully. Does this mean that Revan is some kind of in between light and dark side character? I would say absolutely not. His "balance" is more of his ability to keep his motives and morals relatively at peace and good after channeling the dark side of the force. He clearly is doing things that most jedi would not do but is also not a blood hungry sith. In my eyes Revan would be darkside aligned but has just enough willpower and strength to not fall off the edge into being full blown sith. It is like a balance between balance and corruption if that makes any sense at all. I would also like to add that while Yoda was incredibly wise, his quote does not mean it is a definite truth but more of what he has experienced and believed. There are many mysteries to the force and even Yoda does not know everything about it. That's what makes the force so mysterious and great.
  7. Only modification items are intended to be used as items just as good as normal gear. These Items are social this is true, but they are modable and are intended to also be used in combat. It would not be so hard to have each vendor sell the exact same model of gear just with three armor options to suit everyone. Also you claim that "Juggernauts are not supposed to tank in a black cocktail dress". What exactly is the difference between a Juggernaut tanking in light looking armor and a Assassin tanking in light armor? Because one has a class skill of "heavy armor"? The stats from all armor are arbitrary in a fantastical high technology setting. Does it really make sense that this one hunk of metal armor gives me a +30 to strength and this other one gives me +40? No, stats are only implemented as way of class definition and balancing. They mean nothing from a lore/role play point. A juggernaut that is tanking in light looking armor could be tanking through sheer skill and not by being heavily armor such as a assassin. We are playing in a high fantasy, high technology, past-futuristic, space video game that is not based on realism. Use your imagination.
  8. Ithorians are easily the coolest race ever, even if they would be republic only! Bring on the Ithorians!
  9. What about a confederation of aliens? We would get the much desired alien races along with it making a degree of sense. A lot of the alien races are treated second class, especially with the empire and sith. It would only make sense that a large portion of them would want to band together to get their just rights.
  10. The only problem with that is that when you allow third party add-ons into a game they begin to dictate the game. You have to care how other people play the game because in the end, that directly effects the way you play the game. Customizations to UI and things like having cooldowns closer to your character so you can actually see the game are fine, but performance enhancers which are unintended for the game defeat the purpose of difficulty implemented and the challenge of the game. It is when things like this are allowed that you get instances (not the dungeons) where new content is actually balanced off of what mods the community is using and not the inherent skills of the players. Thus it becomes the new dictation and requirement for the way you play.
  11. Using Mods in MMOs and then calling others baddies for not using them is like using an aimbot in a FPS and calling someone bad for not getting a headshot with every bullet fired. It has nothing to do with a player min/maxing or player wanting to perform better, but has everything to do with a player using fabricated skill to overcome challenge and then labeling it a level of elitism. You do not need to be a good player to succeed with mods. You do have to be a good player to succeed without mods. It is really not hard to judge how well you are doing your role (whether it be damage, tanking, or healing)and then adjusting your performance with the tools already implemented in the game. The only baddies around are those reliant on third party add-ons to be efficient at succeeding in the game.
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