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The awesome people you meet in Group Finder.

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I'm way behind in my Forged Alliances story arc so for the last two weeks I've been doing all three missions on all my 55s (I have 3 more to go).


They've all been done with Group Finder so that makes approximately 27 different players (9x3, and I say 'approximately' cuz there may have been a few "let's do the next one" re-PUGs in there). Out of all those we only had to kick 1 person for being an abusive loser early on.


Each flashpoint there'd be a wipe, a fubar, a flub, or whatever but nobody got mad or whined or complained. New people were treated with respect and helped out to learn the missions and/or mechanics and nobody spammed for the spacebar. Nobody 'needed' on anything they didn't actually need other than materials and special drops.


Reading through these forums it's very easy to think that the PUG-life is 99% trolls and jerks but that isn't my experience at all and I find that just cuz something bad happens once or twice people are ready to just be Chicken Little and run around screaming that the sky is falling.


Maybe it's just me and I'm awesome, but I doubt that, and maybe it's just Jedi Covenant, but I find the good in this game far outweighs the bad and I wish more people would be able to see and experience it this way but the focus always seems to be on the negative, I'm guilty of this myself occasionally, instead of the positive.


TL;DR - There's way more "good" in PUGs than "bad".

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I am on jc aa well and totally agree. There were thos people on the weird people thread with all their storues and I had my one and....that was it lol. When I did the forged alliances quest it was so chill, nobody asked for spacebar I didnt even know the tacts(or ask we were super overgeared for it lol) and it went beautifully. Jc just seems a good server in general
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Well, I knew this thread wouldn't go very far cuz there's no flaming/trolling, but to actually go nowhere?... I'm impressed.


It's not the flaming/trolling that keeps the "Weird People" thread going. It's the fact that stories about BAD GROUPS are more interesting to read about than stories about GOOD GROUPS. It's called conflict, and it's necessary for a story to be interesting.


Nobody wants to read about good PuG experiences because they make boring stories.

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It's not the flaming/trolling that keeps the "Weird People" thread going. It's the fact that stories about BAD GROUPS are more interesting to read about than stories about GOOD GROUPS. It's called conflict, and it's necessary for a story to be interesting.


Nobody wants to read about good PuG experiences because they make boring stories.


Well sometimes the good ones are interesting. It doesn't happen often, but when it does...

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Well sometimes the good ones are interesting. It doesn't happen often, but when it does...


The good ones are ALWAYS interesting to actually be in. In fact, they are fun!


But they make crappy stories. Generally, the rule is, if the experience was a pain to sit through or went badly, it will make a good story. If the experience went smoothly and everything happened as it should, it will make a boring story.


Look at this thread go, though! Three posts in two hours!

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No... It's just that the 'Weird Personn You Meet in Group Finder' also has its fair share of awesome... No need to use two threads when one does it wellenough


It also has it's fair share of whine, about time someone made a more positive thread on here.


Nobody wants to read about good PuG experiences because they make boring stories.


Nobody wants to hear about good pugs because good pug group stories wont help drive guild recruitment...

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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Just got from Taral. Good tank (play safe, never charging into battle with 1/2 hp if he has chance to heal himself out of combat, also gave time for me - healer - to recover energy). DPS are in line. No ninja looter, no trash talk. Everything was good :). Wish I have this kind of group more often
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^^ and this demonstrates why there aren't many stories here, as they will all be copy and paste of this 1.


The only good things I have to say about people is when there are bad people in the group (which ends up in weird people thread).


To use an example a long time ago on my merc healer in Cad SM. The tank and 1 dps didn't know about the fire and both died. The other dps was an assassin and they switched to dark charge to lighten my load on the healing. That is a good player, when stuff goes wrong they change what they do to try to get through the issues (however stuff only goes wrong if theres weird people in the group).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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That's true, because when something happened because people don't play right, we'll have to vent our frustration immediately (and ends up in weird people thread :)) . I just think I should write this one because it was the complete opposite of my previous experience which I wrote on the weird people thread


weird people FP:

I'm the only cunning char, the rest are Jedi. 3 cunning gears dropped, all 3 got Ninja looted by the DPS (sen ofc)


awesome people FP:

3 Cunning, me and 2 gunslinger DPS. 2 cunning gears dropped and I got all of them. At some point I think they even chose pass for the dropped gear.

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I understand "good" stories are boring so it's no big deal, I just wanted to shout-out to all the good and helpful players around.


The thing about bad stories, though, is that new players or even short-bus players will read the bad and then get scared to play cuz they fear everyone is a douche. Same thing with bad reviews of stuff, people tend to believe those more than the good ones.


I love you guys!... Ah, SCREW YOU GUYS! hehe

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September 21, 2014 @ 8:30pm PST

Jedi Covenant



There were three research data drops and one player got two of them and at the end asked the ones who didn't get one to /roll for it, which I won, yay me.


But thanks to Ada'lyn for being awesome and doing that.


I also learned that the small puddles don't hurt so don't run out of them and to not move the boss around cuz if the small puddles are all over the place it makes the big puddle way worse.

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