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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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Quite to the contrary, i think that Eric's post will result in more of these threads, because the number of scammers will increase. Worse yet, they'll use this thread as a twisted justification for their predatory practices. In the end, Bioware will be forced to consider a more reasonable solution versus this head-in-the-sand approach.


Please, explain how BioWare can fix peoples stupidity?


It's a free market. People are free to post whatever items they want for whatever price they want.


Other people are expected to be able to use their own common sense when buying those items.


BioWare can't give out common sense. Even if they change everything about the GTN someone will find a way to make money so stupid people losing money now will still be the stupid people losing money then.

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Effectively it's the same thing, though. They're dancing around the scam issue because they know (on some level) it's wrong but do not want to take the effort to really fight it, and yet do not want to insult the people who know it's wrong. It's very political, something they're quite good at.


I wasn't really expecting otherwise, though I do hope they'll at least look into the GTN UI.


The price per item change came about despite protestations from some of the community hadoken. It is possible the same thing will happen this time.


If they have QoL merit, I expect we may see some changes made to the GTN.

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For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for.




Well, thank you for acknowledging that this "scam" practice takes place. I would love to see the decimals/commas in the prices made much clearer for people.

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I told you people nothing would be done and it's not a scam.


He literally put "scam" because the bioware staff acknowledge it's a sort of "scam". And you clearly didn't read the post because he said he will pass it on to the dev team lmao


I was right all along. :rolleyes:

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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The temperature was SO hot back then you couldnt drink it right away. It was ridiculous IMO, so ridiculous that this was a common statement in the office....


Did you get that coffee from McDs?




Ok, someone get the ice cubes....


If you have to put an ice cube in a cup of coffee to drink it, something is wrong.


As the owner of a coffee shop, it's worth noting for the 99% of people that are ignorant, coffee is ideally brewed at approximately 205 degrees. That's just 7 degrees below boiling, and far, far too hot to drink immediately.


Also, coffee goes stale in just 15 minutes. When stored properly, it should retain most of the heat it had at brewing, meaning that when served it should indeed be FAR TOO HOT to immediately drink.


McD's lost the law suit, because it ridiculed a customer that was burned by their product. The staff at that location made the customer feel small. Although the burners for McD's were pretty hot, that's not why McD's lost that suit...it was 100% because of the way the staff made the customer feel.

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As the owner of a coffee shop, it's worth noting for the 99% of people that are ignorant, coffee is ideally brewed at approximately 205 degrees. That's just 7 degrees below boiling, and far, far too hot to drink immediately.


Also, coffee goes stale in just 15 minutes. When stored properly, it should retain most of the heat it had at brewing, meaning that when served it should indeed be FAR TOO HOT to immediately drink.


McD's lost the law suit, because it ridiculed a customer that was burned by their product. The staff at that location made the customer feel small. Although the burners for McD's were pretty hot, that's not why McD's lost that suit...it was 100% because of the way the staff made the customer feel.


I was under the impression that the FDA determined that standard serving temperature was in the range of 150 to 160 degrees, the scalding threshold. I was also under the impression that the FDA changed their rules to make this mandatory.


If I am mistaken, I stand corrected. This was my understanding.

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The price per item change came about despite protestations from some of the community hadoken. It is possible the same thing will happen this time.


If they have QoL merit, I expect we may see some changes made to the GTN.


Right, they'd have to balance which one gives them less headaches. And I have to assume since they bothered to officially comment on it, they're already getting support headaches over this. I don't think their current stance will lessen that, at all. I think LadyVix is right in that it's just going to make it more of an issue for them as these people realize the company supports their behavior.

Edited by hadoken
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Well this answer tells me that instead of looking for help from CS to get back the 4 mil I lost to this practice, I should just post my common mats on the gtn in small stacks at prices designed to look like they are 2k each when in fact they are 2 mil each. I mean it's not a scam intentionally implemented to trick someone to pay 1000 times more than they think they are paying, it's just good business right? Heck, I might just make credits instead of losing them.
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Right, they'd have to balance which one gives them less headaches. And I have to assume since they bothered to officially comment on it, they're already getting support headaches over this. I don't think their current stance will lessen that, at all. I think LadyVix is right in that it's just going to make it more of an issue for them as these people realize the company supports their behavior.


Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say support...I didn't get that from the comment presented. Only so far as to state it was not against the rules, and difficult to determine intent.


He did, however, say the same thing that was said last time when the issue of price per item was being hotly debated...that he would pass it on to the devs.


They seem to be very open to making QoL changes to the game despite the protests of those that want things to remain as they are.

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Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say support...I didn't get that from the comment presented. Only so far as to state it was not against the rules, and difficult to determine intent.


If there are no negative repercussions to an action and indeed the action is not even acknowledged as being something they're capable of investigating....they are supporting the action. They are allowing it to proceed unchallenged.

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He literally put "scam" because the bioware staff acknowledge it's a sort of "scam". And you clearly didn't read the post because he said he will pass it on to the dev team lmao


I was right all along. :rolleyes:


Re-read what was posted. They have no way to tell if something is a scam or not.


They didn't admit to it being a scam, so it's not a scam.


I was right all along, thanks for clearing that up. :)

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He literally put "scam" because the bioware staff acknowledge it's a sort of "scam". And you clearly didn't read the post because he said he will pass it on to the dev team lmao


I was right all along. :rolleyes:

No, he put "scam" in quotes specifically because they don't acknowledge it as such.

His statement then goes on to say the same thing.


It's like when someone uses air-quotes to emphasize something they know is false.

As in: Oh, so it was your "friend" who installed the hacks on your computer.

Edited by Rankyn
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He literally put "scam" because the bioware staff acknowledge it's a sort of "scam". And you clearly didn't read the post because he said he will pass it on to the dev team lmao


I was right all along. :rolleyes:


Though you used the quotations in your quote you may want to look into what quotations mean in that quote.

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He literally put "scam" because the bioware staff acknowledge it's a sort of "scam". And you clearly didn't read the post because he said he will pass it on to the dev team lmao


I was right all along. :rolleyes:


I think you need to go back and re-read it yourself.


He said they have no way of knowing what is a scam and what isn't. By "handing it off to the devs" he probably means they will forget about it and laugh at silly people losing money because they can't use their common sense.

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I think you need to go back and re-read it yourself.


He said they have no way of knowing what is a scam and what isn't. By "handing it off to the devs" he probably means they will forget about it and laugh at silly people losing money because they can't use their common sense.


Or, to be fair Gomla they will do exactly as they did with the "price per unit" debate....and implement it. You do remember the firestorm over that one tidbit, dont you?


Rather similar to this one, with many of the same players.

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Or, to be fair Gomla they will do exactly as they did with the "price per unit" debate....and implement it. You do remember the firestorm over that one tidbit, dont you?


Rather similar to this one, with many of the same players.


I do.


Which begs the question, what part of the GTN will be the cause of the next forum storm?

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Hey folks,


There has been a lot of chatter this weekend in General Discussion around how players are posting on the GTN, specifically around use of decimals/commas, and whether we feel it is an exploit or not. For starters, we definitely don't want to see any players scammed out of their hard earned credits and we will work to stop those situations wherever possible. Unfortunately, this is not one of those scenarios.


What someone is doing in this scenario is posting something at a higher value than the market would typically have that item listed for. For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for.


When purchasing items on the GTN, aside from the initial sorting and purchase we also have a secondary window pop-up as confirmation of sale. If you feel you are at risk of buying something off of the GTN at an intended value, take your time! Make sure to read over exactly what they are selling it for and then double check that number when you receive the pop-up. Also, we highly recommend using the sorting functions for both total and unit prices to make sure you are paying what you want.


With that in mind, I am going to pass these issues back to the dev team and see if there is anything we can work towards in the future for the GTN to help alleviate these issues. Thanks everyone!




Translation: Stop whining, use your eyes, and don't expect people to hold your hand through a videogame.


Good to see that there is still a voice of reason to be found somewhere around here :p

Edited by idnewton
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How the heck did you manage to lose 50 million?


  1. You click on the item you want without paying attention to it's price.
  2. You ignore and click away the warning that pops up.


If you are buying from the GTN, there really is no other way to lose that money.

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